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That is going to be horrible for some of us, people who don't have very good equestrian centres that charge the maximum amount of equus, and a stay for 5 days unless you have Spring and you are a VIP? That is 1,000 equus just to board in a EC, I can get tack items for less than that.
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By Retired breeder, 19th November 2014 03:01:35
Oh ew, just realized something. Mountains = stamina, dressage, and jumping; forest = gallop, trot, and speed. This does not match up with my Hunters' skill set...blegh. Wish both types of rides offered all 6 skills, instead of having to finagle between different types of EC's just to get rides done.
Retired breeder wrote:

no put in the meadow option? is this game supposed to be based on real interactions with horses or not?

People have raised that issue on preprod and the devs are apparently looking into it.

Retired breeder wrote:

also why is the retired golden apple going to be avaialble to buy? i bought a tonne of coats with only 100 copies, still waitng for the last 20 to be bought to get my trophies. apparently i should've bought ones i liked instead of trying to be strategious.

It has been mentioned elsewhere that retired golden apples may only be used where coats have been taken out of circulation - so for instance, where something like a 100 use retired coat has less than 100 copies in the game because of people deleting their accounts or killing the horse wearing the coat. The number of copies in the game won't exceed the original limit set on the coat if the information is correct.

Luthien Tinuviel - You can do all three ride types in any EC. The ones that don't match the ECs location just take longer that's all (when the types match there is a x2 bonus I believe - kind of like the Chronos' Timer but for that ride type only).

I think I might try to coordinate my EC location with my friends so that we have both Forest and Mountains available for blupping - it should take the same time as only doing one ride type default smiley :-)) Can't wait for this change, not having to do speed rides is going to be awesome!
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Here's the Change Log info about the EC location and rides default smiley :)default smiley (y)

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Equestrian Center Location
Are you rather Beach, Mountain or Forest?

You can place your Equestrian Center at the beach, in the mountains or in the forest.
Firstly, this location allows your boarders to double the skill gain for the type of ride associated with the location of your center. For example, if your Equestrian Center is located in the forest, boarded horses will be able to earn twice as much skills for forest rides and therefore complete them twice as fast. This advantage can be combined with the Chronos Timer's effect.
Secondly, the location allows you to harvest specific resources for your Equestrian Center. These resources will allow you to build facilities for your center.
Did you make a mistake in choosing the location of your center? Don't panic! With the next update, you'll be able to change locations as many times as you like for a period of 30 days, in order to test all of the possibilities available to you!
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Yep, the rides are horrible as well, also, with arabian horses, all you needed to do was trot rides, after the update its going to have to be more then 1 ride.
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By Retired breeder, 19th November 2014 03:59:43
*wipes sweat off brow* Whew, that's a relief to know! Hopefully I won't have to mess with my training program too much with the new rides.
Azarath wrote:

Yep, the rides are horrible as well, also, with arabian horses, all you needed to do was trot rides, after the update its going to have to be more then 1 ride.

Do you mean gallop rides? To be fair, you have to do both long and short gallop rides with Arabians. That's the same issue I have with Criollos XD
I've always envied Western Pleasure, Reining and XC breeds, they just need to do long rides. Looks like only XC breeds will have an advantage after the rides are changed.
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Actually, with trot, since a purebred Arabian Horse's top 3 skills is Stamina, Speed, and Dressage, you could do long and short rides with the horse to complete those 3 skills provided you did the training and won all the skill points for those skills in comps.
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On the int server in the spoiler topic there's a massive argument that we won't be able to buy droppings from the shop anymore. But i guess it doesn't matter here because we never have droppings in the store anyway.

I am happy that we can get more greenhouses, sometimes it is a little hard to live off the reserve we make in the summer and spring.

And after the changes when we can manufacture our own items, will it be more profitable to use the ec as a boost to the breeders side of the game, as in make items only for breeding use and not have any boarders. Or would it be better to have a public ec, or private ec? I'm really interested to see how people will use the ec changes to their advantages.
I'm gonna guess that the prices of horses will go up.
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Ah yep, my mistake. I was thinking gallop because they're used for the Barrels Grand Prix, but for blupping I guess gallop doesn't matter.

Criollos have the same three top skills (but in a different order). What I normally do is complete long gallop rides for the stamina and short trot rides for the speed. That way the horse has more skills once it's blupped which is useful for the general ranking default smiley ^)
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cle0004 wrote:

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On the int server in the spoiler topic there's a massive argument that we won't be able to buy droppings from the shop anymore. But i guess it doesn't matter here because we never have droppings in the store anyway.

I am happy that we can get more greenhouses, sometimes it is a little hard to live off the reserve we make in the summer and spring.

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The silly thing about the droppings argument is that we will still be able to buy manure from the shop - so essentially the first few steps of buying the droppings and converting it into manure ourselves has been cut out. The manure is priced at 76e each although the price is likely to change once the supply/demand mechanism is implemented into the game... Since people on Int seem keen to sell droppings they're probably going to sell manure too, which would mean the price is going to be relatively cheap, so I don't understand what people are getting excited about.
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By Retired breeder, 19th November 2014 06:04:21
I have to do both long and short for my PSH and I manage to BLUP by 10 easy can't imagine the changes to rides is going to make that harder

As a person on Int the loss nof being able to buy droppings is in essence wiping out a source of equus for the ECs.

I buy them on the Ind ( the allotted 1000 per day) and every second day or so would sell a percentage of the dropping converted to manure.

I get roughly 19,000 e every 3rd day and it makes a huge difference in increasing your ECs reserves.

On the regional servers I have been getting any dropping I can and even here it has helped in getting my EC reserve up there.
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19,000e from selling the manure?

1000 dropping = 200 manure

cost of buying the droppings= 6,000e
gain from selling the manure = 7,600e
profit per day = 1,600e

Unless I'm missing something which is entirely possible default smiley xd I'm kinda derpy and tired today.

There are better ways of making equus for ECs. With crops (at least for the time being) we should be able to make up to 600k per month. I've also been experimenting with making my EC public for the first time since I started it and now that has netted me ~90k every three days from boarders.
I started off by increasing the number of 1* boxes by around 40 and then with all the profits I ended going from 67 boxes to 156!
So far it seems like the only thing that might be difficult to provide at a sustainable rate (excluding tack) is mashes - although I have noticed that the yield for apples has increased by a lot so I think Howrse addressed that before it became a problem.

I have a table of various crop growing scenarios I can post if you want to check that out. The prices are going to change once the supply/demand mechanism is implemented. Oh and it's probably not any good for this server since we get less money for selling flax bedding for some reason =/
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I should have clarified that the EC I'm experimenting with is my Int one...
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By Retired breeder, 19th November 2014 08:54:22
[spoiler]i want to know more about the draft horses[spoiler]

are they on prepod does anyone know anything?
By Retired breeder, 19th November 2014 09:09:01
@Freehold or anyone on the test server:
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could you get some pics of the two new breeds when they come available? i'm so excited to see them! especially the lippizanners! hopefully they're not just the same design as the PREs/Lusitanos...
By Retired breeder, 19th November 2014 09:11:14
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and i wonder about the skillsets! hopefully it would be trot dressage and gallop to make them excel in those comps... also howrse should totally add haute ecole performances to make money for those that own lippies!
By Retired breeder, 19th November 2014 09:26:31
stalking the international spoiler forums:

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Lippizan skill set

Genetic potential
Total: 350.00
Stamina 65.00
Gallop 75.00
Speed 55.00
Trot 20.00
Dressage 90.00
Jumping 45.00

The haflinger's share a coat with the chinconteague pony on the international server: http://www.howrse.com/dossiers/race?id=41 (ooogly)

and the Lippizanners do share a coat with the PREs and Lusitanos. they definitely come in white, chestnut, bay, liver chestnut

haflinger photos http://i57.tinypic.com/25flsba.jpg

apparently the lippizanners are coming as gifts in the Christmas promotion. i'm assuming the haflingers are too.

i love stalking!!!
By Retired breeder, 19th November 2014 14:40:22
Yep, the Halflingers will be coming in the Christmas promo as well. They come in flaxen chestnut, flaxen liver chestnut, and palomino (of course!). So stoked for this event!
Retired breeder wrote:

are they on prepod does anyone know anything?

No not yet, they'll be in a later update I think.

The main things being tested are:

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- Reserves and inventories merging
- New rides
- EC locations
- The Christmas event and the new prehistoric divines

Retired breeder wrote:

Yep, the Halflingers will be coming in the Christmas promo as well. They come in flaxen chestnut, flaxen liver chestnut, and palomino (of course!). So stoked for this event!

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Testers seem to have found the Haflingers by accident. The lippizaners can be found in one of the gift types that we collect with the Magic Ride, but the Hafingers don't seem to be in any of the gifts.

The testers found them using the Prehistoric Divine that offers a colt of a coat colour the owner is missing - since the testers had all the trophies for the breeds currently in the game they got coat colours for the two new breeds instead. The breed info hasn't even been added to the server yet! default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 19th November 2014 22:57:23
...Well then. Never mind about the Halflingers then. default smiley :-x
Retired breeder wrote:

...Well then. Never mind about the Halflingers then. default smiley :-x

They might still be in there somewhere.

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Perhaps on the last board or something (?) It's a bit of a mystery default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 04:16:39
Ooh, just thought of something. Why don't the Prehistoric Horses have scientific names? Why is there no Eohippus, or Mesohippus? Without those guys, we wouldn't have modern horses, and thus no game. Plus it sounds cool.
Seems like the Retired Golden Apple BMI is not coming out after all.
Ow posted on the test server that they have revised their decision to add the item to the game after people complained.
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