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Its rumored on int that there will be
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an advance calendar type
promotion sometime soon.
  • Posted messages: 806
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Please tell me that they will offer those pestie Greyfells to finish off our collections default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 12th November 2014 22:12:39
I would love a female greyfell CHRISTINE123....always seems to be males
Someone on the international spoilers forum post this:

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By Retired breeder, 13th November 2014 01:57:10
Looks very similar to last years Christmas promotion
Yep, looks a lot like the Magic Ride.
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This is interesting.

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Info on the above

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The first one is

Pack History
20 passes
1 x 5 Element
1 x Magic Pumpkin
1 x Apocal. Seal
500 000 Equus

The second one is

000equus and 60 passes. Horse on pic: Tarpan

These are in packs like we had last year with the divines
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Those new equines are certainly interesting
  • Posted messages: 806
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By Retired breeder, 13th November 2014 05:42:01
Noooo, not the darned Christmas calendar! That was one of the most frustrating promos to ever exist.
default smiley (lol) Lutheien, but I do have to agree, it is very hard but I did end up with some pretty good gifts last time, the only Promo I dislike more is the ones where you have to mix ingredients and such. Man that one is hard for me.
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By Retired breeder, 13th November 2014 09:46:29
I must say that I prefered the advent calendar to the 'magic ride' style promotions. I'm always busy around Christmas, and the Magic Ride was a little more complex than I would have liked.

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As to Freehold's latest horses, I think they look quite cool! default smiley (y) Does anyone know what category they'll be in (eg. Gemstone, Chinsese, Season, etc.)?

Also, this is pure speculation, but if those are the divine packs this year, does this mean that Rain may not be offered in a pack, but only a promotion?default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 13th November 2014 14:25:51
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I have some more information on the second Pack from the french and german spoiler thread.

Pack Vintage
60 passes
10 x Retired Golden Apple
3 x 5th Element
3 x Magic Pumpkin
3 x Apocal. Seal
1.000.000 Equus

By Retired breeder, 13th November 2014 14:40:30
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The category these horses will be in is called "prehistorical horses" or at least that's what they're called in the french version. And there are 4 of them.

Hipparion, Hyracotherium, Hippidion and Tarpan.

Hippidion is a mare and she can breed once with Tarpan to give birth to a foal "Horse of the Woods/Forests" - in french it's "Cheval des forêts".
Awesome! Thanks for the info CeNedra default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 13th November 2014 15:06:03
Wait, I thought Howrse was done with producing Wilds? Or are these a brand new class of horses? Kinda confused. default smiley :s
By Retired breeder, 13th November 2014 15:21:56
@Luthien Tinuviel

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They're supposed to be an brand new class. Something like "prehistorical horses" or "ancestral horses"/"ancestor of the horses". It's difficult to give them an accurate name, 'cause maybe howrse will translate them different.
By Retired breeder, 13th November 2014 16:26:14
I have translated something for you (it was translated from french to german and now to english - so please be gentle with me) and btw my english is not perfect default smiley ;). But I hope you're able to understand the meaning of the descriptions.

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Hipparion is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Every time he has collected 200 skill points, he offers you a foal of a race and color, which you don't owe yet. If you already owe every color of every race you don't receive a foal.

This horse cannot be sold.


Hyracotherium is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Thanks to Hyracotherium, every donkey mare you cover, will give birth to foals with additional 50% skills. This advantage cannot be accumulated with several Hyracotherium in your possesion, however it is compatible with Aphrodite's Tears.

This horse cannot be sold.


Hippidion is part of the prehistorical horses.

Hippidion is a mare and can mate once with Tarpan and give birth to a foal "Horse of the Woods/Forests".

She receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Every time she has collected 200 skill points, she offers you 1x Aphrodite's Tears.

This mare cannot be sold.


Tarpan is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Thanks to Tarpan, all the purebred foals to whom you give birth to, will have a bigger chance to receive the same coat like one of their parents, compared with the usual chance of getting a coat which is registered for that particular race.

This advantage cannot be accumulated with several Tarpan.

He can mate with Hippidion, if she has never been covered.

This horse cannot be sold.
Hmm looks like 4 new breeds.default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 13th November 2014 18:02:02
I just found out how much the two packs will cost (sry, but I got it from the french spoiler, so it's in Euros)

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"Pack History" - 30 Euros (approx. 42 AUD)
20 passes
1 5th Element
1 Magic Pumpkin
1 Apocal. Seal
500 000 Equus

"Pack Vintage" - 85 Euros (approx. 121 AUD)
60 passes
10 x Retired Golden Apple
3 x 5th Element
3 x Magic Pumpkin
3 x Apocal. Seal
1.000.000 Equus
Retired breeder wrote:

I just found out how much the two packs will cost (sry, but I got it from the french spoiler, so it's in Euros)

I believe that is the 30 pass and 100 pass blocks.
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By Retired breeder, 13th November 2014 21:35:32
Freehold wrote:

I believe that is the 30 pass and 100 pass blocks.

I don't think so. 30 passes would be 35 euros and 100 passes 100 euros. So there's a difference.
Info about Cloud (translated from the Danish server)

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Sky's foals of rain and Geyser.

He has some very specific skills that change every day, so he is potentially good in all areas.

This horse can not be sold.
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Retired breeder wrote:

I don't think so. 30 passes would be 35 euros and 100 passes 100 euros. So there's a difference.

What they have done is taken the Olympus and Asgard type pack idea from last year, only with a different horse.
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And added some interesting BMIs default smiley ^)
The retired golden apples have caused quite a stir on the international sever. I wonder how they will work exactly.
I'm guessing those BMIs won't have the same impact on this server as they might on Int though since we don't really have any ultra rare GAs here.
  • Posted messages: 774
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By Retired breeder, 15th November 2014 05:14:44
For the retired golden apples, what if a player uses a limited coat that already has 99 or 100 copiesand so there are either 100 copies of the coat, then all the other players will have one less for a trophy?
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