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  • Posted messages: 878
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By Retired breeder, 9th June 2014 07:43:19
they'd betterdefault smiley :@
its way to girly!
not good enough.
not rerallistic, like howrse wants
By Retired breeder, 9th June 2014 09:34:22
Retired breeder wrote:

they'd betterdefault smiley :@
its way to girly!
not good enough.
not rerallistic, like howrse wants
on the international server it said that this was a basic outlay of the design but that wont be the final design it also said a whole new design could be made
  • Posted messages: 304
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 9th June 2014 20:51:37
default smiley (lol) Ghost Waters default smiley xd

But I' with you, no matter what it looks like I must have it!
By Retired breeder, 10th June 2014 08:06:22
Retired breeder wrote:

It kinda looks like a pony doesn't it?
Hope they make it more......what's the word...masculine? War horse like? I can't think of it atm default smiley (o)
But saying that If this is the base line for Gullfaxi then there is a lot of potential to make this one really stand out amongst the older Divines.

Thinking comparatively versus the other divines it looks like 'My little pony'. I know they are going to change it, but it doesn't look anything like it belongs on howrse. I hope it is changed .. A lot ...
By Retired breeder, 10th June 2014 11:33:10

Click to display
Hello every one and thanks for you patiencedefault smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 11th June 2014 10:14:12
I sent a ticket regarding having a scroll box in the account page to select if you want to view certain breeds as the old version coats. The reply doesn't say much but ill spoiler it anyway:

Click to display
Hello Sandwich,

Thank you for your request.

We will share your suggestion to create a dropdown for all horse breeds to include old and new coat viewing options with the rest of our team.

Happy Howrse! Please create a new request if you would like help with any other issues.

Kind regards,
The Howrse Team
By Retired breeder, 11th June 2014 10:14:43
So yeah. It looks hopeful. Maybe default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 11th June 2014 13:43:22
I hope they will change it, because I don't like the new Knabstrupper and Friesian much...
But actually I don't think Howrse will introduce this, although I do hope they will. default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 11th June 2014 17:15:01
I would love to be able to see the old Friesians and Connemaras again. I still can't get over the lack of mane and feathers on the new Friesians, and I miss the friendly expression on the Connies. The new Connies look like fat, grumpy school ponies, especially when the tack is visible on them.
By Retired breeder, 11th June 2014 19:06:02
hear is the final design oh him!! isn't he stunning
Click to display

<edit - please use the spoiler banner when posting new information. Thanks. default smiley ;)>
By Retired breeder, 11th June 2014 20:06:21
default smiley (l)he's so beautiful I want him!default smiley (l)default smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 12th June 2014 10:42:00
I want! Oh my gosh, that's so much better!
By Retired breeder, 12th June 2014 19:49:12
I now apparently
Click to display
he has extrodanary speed and will win a roset in any roset comps he enters even if he dose not win or something like that I will coppy the exact post laighter

<edit - please use the spoiler banner when posting new information>
By Retired breeder, 12th June 2014 20:03:19
*banner for jorjaannes use only*

info on him oh and he is NOT sell able

Click to display

<edit - please use the spoiler banner when posting new information>
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2014 01:18:54
That hardly seems fair. I get Divines are supposed to be OP, but this seems really, really stacked. His design is cool, and his mythology is as well, but his ability is a touch too much. -shrugs- Oh well. Not much any of us can do about it.
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2014 07:10:46
he is very nice looking, but yeah it is unfair
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2014 07:24:13
I don't think it's unfair...by the sounds of it every other horse in the race still has the chance of winning a rosette, he just gets one regardless.....might make those rosette objectives easier default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2014 09:22:33
So, he can enter the comp once with a garunteed rosette, but the second time he has to win it like regular horses? Ok cooldefault smiley (y)
Thats pretty fair for people who pay tons for these divines
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2014 10:33:18
Must have him. I will now get to slaving off everything I own:
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2014 16:21:37
I'm of the mentality 'if you didn't come in first, then you shouldn't get the rosette.' But that's just my own opinion.
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2014 17:27:17
Retired breeder wrote:

I'm of the mentality 'if you didn't come in first, then you shouldn't get the rosette.' But that's just my own opinion.

I agree, but when you manage to get him you'll think differently. default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2014 17:28:38
I highly doubt I'll win him. Never seem to have any luck in the Divine-winning category of my life.
Objectives that go with the next promo.

Click to display
Number 1

Objective 1:
Click on the piñata
1 point for your piñata

Objective 2:
Grooming a horse
1 click bonus

2 aging point & 2* Saddle Cloth (don’t know which one)

Number 2

Objective 1:
Stroke a horse
To be helped by 4 friends a day

Objective 2:
Put a pony to bed
1 bonus click

10% energy & Helios’ Ray

Number 3

Objective 1
Congratulations a player
5 point for your piñata

Objective 2
Click on Ow’s page
Click once every twelve hours

1* Polo Wraps & Pandora’s Box

Number 4

Objective 1
Sell 3 turnips
Next 5 friend click give you 2 points

Objective 2
Make donation to Ow
5 bonus click

30 turnips & 2* Ear Bonnet

Number 5

Objective 1
Take part to competition
Next 5 click give you 2 points

Objective 2
Click your friend piñata
You can ask for help from a friend 6

5 Caloric Mash & Ploutos’ Parchment

Number 6

Objective 1
Specialize a horse
Number of points needed divided by 2

Objective 2
Find a treat by putting a horse out to pasture
To be able to click on the Piñata 1 times every 6 hours

1* Classical Saddle & 2* Polo Wraps

Number 7

Objective 1
Earn 120 Equus with a horse with a Ploutos’ Parchment
Clicks earn 2 points each (except clicks from friends)

Objective 2
Train a horse for at least 3 consecutive hours
10 points

1* Classical Bridle & Golden Apple

Number 8

Objective 1
Make a donation to Ow
The next 4 clicks earn 3 points (except clicks from friends)

Objective 2
Make the last click on a friend’s piñata
To be able to click on the Piñata 2 times every 6 hours

Bell Boots, 10 aging point & Water of Youth

Number 9

Objective 1
Finish last in competitions
Eight click

Objective 2
Give a divine or wild horse an apple
Be helped by friends 8 times a day

100 droppings, 500 points in the rankings & Medusa’s Blood

Number 10

Objective 1
Earn 1 equus in a competition
15 points

Objective 2
Age a 15 year old horse (note it must be 15 exactly)
5 click

2* Polo Wraps, Ear Bonnet and Saddle Cloth


Click to display
Number 11

Objective 1
Finish 3rd in 3 competitions
Friend clicks earn two points each

Objective 2
Find a turnip UFO
Open the piñata directly on the next click

20 Caloric Mash, Hypnos' Blanket & Achilles' Heel

Number 12

Objective 1
Participate in a competitions requiring 12% energy
The next click earns 20 Points

Objective 2
Make a donation to Ow
Click twice every three hours

4 000 equus, Piece of Cloud & Zeus' Lightning Bolt

Number 13

Objective 1
Stroke a horse with a Flaxen Liver Chestnut coat
be helped by friends 10 times a day

Objective 2
Open a Horn of Plenty
Number of points earned doubles

100 % morale, Whip & Poseidon's Pack

Number 14

Objective 1
Earn at least 1000 Equus in competitions with one horse
Clicks earn 3 points each (except clicks from friends)

Objective 2
Participate in 60 competitions requiring 20% energy
Number of points earned doubles

50 turnips, Philotes' Stroke & Chronos' Timer

Number 15

Objective 1
Congratulate a player who has a birthday
The next 10 clicks earn 10 points (except friend clicks)

Objective 2
Feed horse 2/3 kg on meadow
Friend clicks earn 3 points each

Objective 3:
Participate in 46 eq riding lesson
100 points

10 aging points, Apollo's Lyre & Philosopher's Stone

Number 16

Objective 1
Buy horse for 2000 equus
The amount of points needed is 120

Objective 2
Give a donation to Ow
The next 10 clicks earn 5 points (except clicks from friends).

Objective 3:
Accept the Exchange
To be able to click on the Piñata 3 times every 3 hours

6 000 equus, 1 000 points in the rankings & Hera's Pack

Number 17

Objective 1
Give carrots to horse whose parents are Ouranos and Gaia
5 clicks

Objective 2
Give turnips to a horse over 40 years old
be helped by friends 12 times a day

Objective 3:
Achieve BLUP of 100
200 points

20 Energy Mash, Spurs & Hermes' Winged Staff

Number 18

Objective 1:
Give mash to horse with 179-250 skill points in dressage
10 clicks

Objective 2
Find a tub of grease with a horse between ages 7-8 years
Clicks earn 5 points each (except clicks from friends)

Objective 3:
Groom Donkey
Open the piñata directly on the next click

15 aging points, Artemis' Arrow & Greyfell

Number 19

Objective 1
Win 25 competitions
Click three times every 2 hours

Objective 2
Give a donation to Ow
The next 10 clicks earn 5 points (except clicks from friends).

Objective 3;
Buy a horse for at least 1 pass
Number of points earned triples

10 000 equus, Horn of Plenty & Themis' Scale

Number 20

Objective 1
Remove unicorns horn
The next click earns 15 points (excluding clicks from friends)

Objective 2
Give birth to twins
Number of points needed divided by 2

Objective 3:
Get credit end to 111 111
15 clicks

  • Posted messages: 2,405
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2014 23:23:14
Hmm, what if 2 Gulflaxi horses enter a race they both haven't entered before?
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