[FT] Spoiler Zone!


This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features you find or feel like sharing.

Players that are in the test may decide to share what they are experiencing or not.

Of course please remember to use the spoiler banner when sharing new information with everyone.

You can post screen shots as long as you also use the spoiler banner to cover them.

On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.

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I like winter.
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  • Posted messages: 354
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Sorry. Mistake there with the spoiler!
  • Posted messages: 354
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By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2014 07:05:26
Do you mean this, kasey?

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By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2014 08:41:43
Ok, i've heard people talking about the pre pod server. What is it?

By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2014 10:55:21
It is where the new features are tested.
Found on another server.

Hello, As of Tuesday Divine Winds of available Sales Reserved.

Their price depends on the gifts they can relate to. This should be the last time these divine are sold.
Here in what order and at what price they are sold:

Thursday / Friday
Thracius: 20 pass
Libonotos: 15 pass
Notus: 10 pass
Zephyr: 15 pass

Saturday / Sunday
Calcias: 20 pass
Euronotos: 15 pass
Apéliote: 15 pass
Sciron: 10 pass

Monday / Tuesday
Lips: 20 pass
Iapix: 15 pass
Boreas: pass 10
Euros: 10 pass

These divine travel at the speed a tornado. However, they have a very bad sense of direction, so they can put a little time to get your farm. Good game,

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 2,405
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2014 22:04:06

Thank you! How many people are on the prepod server now? Just curious. default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2014 21:56:49
Does anyone know if there is an Autumn, if so does anyone know what he/she will look like? default smiley :ddefault smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2014 22:01:39
This is what Autumn looks like!
Click to display
I found him/her! default smiley (a) Fall/Autumn: http://www.howrse.co.uk/media/equideo/image/chevaux/divin/300x300/adulte/hiver.png?1828806360
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2014 22:02:14
Opps! Acidently did Winter, Ill try that again default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2014 22:03:27
[Spolier] http://www.howrse.co.uk/media/equideo/image/chevaux/divin/300x300/adulte/automne.png?1828806360 [/Spoiler]
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2014 23:48:52
Click to display
did you mean?
By Retired breeder, 25th May 2014 00:06:49
Yes, thanks Sandwich default smiley ^)default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2014 06:35:47
Click to display
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2014 06:38:07
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2014 06:39:50
Summer above

Click to display

this is winter
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2014 07:54:14
Sounding a little like a mini mod, but we have already seen summer and know what he looks like (therefore you do not need a spoiler)
yes you still do @Sandwich its the rules
  • Posted messages: 693
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2014 09:55:25
Not for things that have already been released.
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2014 21:47:16
Well, I don't know how to do it other wise. Perhaps we have seen Summer, but there are a few who haven't, like the players which don't hop on a lot, or the new players who have a few days of seniority. I would do Spring to, but where is he?!
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2014 07:16:21
your a little stubborn, eh, sandwhich?

wonder when we lose the jobs?
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2014 18:33:39
Retired breeder wrote:

Well, I don't know how to do it other wise. Perhaps we have seen Summer, but there are a few who haven't, like the players which don't hop on a lot, or the new players who have a few days of seniority. I would do Spring to, but where is he?!

I can understand not seeing Summer if you haven't been on since the launch of the latest Great Challenge, but even the newest of the new players can still see Summer after completing (or skipping) the Quests. His image is plastered on the front page of Howrse. And a simple search for Spring in the directories should yield plenty of results. It really isn't that hard to see all of the Divines on this version.
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 00:09:01
how do you use the spoiler banner?
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 00:42:46
[*spoiler]whatever info you'd like to put in[/spoiler]

Without the *s =

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By Retired breeder, 1st June 2014 07:43:05
Well we may end up with Australian stock horses too, I gave howrse a few ideas, and there response was:

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Hello brittany 5566,

Thank you for your feedback.

We will share your suggestions about introducing an Australian Stock horse to the game, as well as your idea to migrate the game format to a virtual environment, with the rest of the team.

We hope you continue to enjoy playing Howrse. Please create a new request if you would like help with any other issues.

Kind regards,
The Howrse Team
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