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By Retired breeder, 14th June 2014 00:04:09
Only one divine can enter per race.
I'm also thinking that the actual winner of the race would get their rosette too, or it would be too confusing and personally, unfair.
Frozen In Time
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By Retired breeder, 14th June 2014 01:48:36
Yes I believe so Frozen?
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2014 09:49:59
Frozen in Time is correct. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 16th June 2014 07:01:08
Click to display

sadly, I can't be sold!
By Retired breeder, 16th June 2014 19:47:53
Retired breeder wrote:

Click to display

credit to jorjaanne

sadly, I can't be sold!

I posted that above the origanel banner
By Retired breeder, 20th June 2014 09:47:12
Gullfaxi is absolutely stunning :0 I must have him default smiley (l) I love the mythology too, after obsessing over the movies Thor and The Avengers I'm definitely sold on him XD
I join Howrse under the impression that I wont play competitively but then this lovely arrangement of divine pixels on my screen just has to change my mind lol
*business key*
Also, how many times is he able to win a rosette (provided not winning first place), every other competition?
By Retired breeder, 20th June 2014 16:21:08
By Retired breeder, 20th June 2014 16:23:56
By Retired breeder, 20th June 2014 16:24:10
it wont work, sorry
By Retired breeder, 20th June 2014 20:32:26
Retired breeder wrote:

it wont work, sorry

Pres the preevyou buton and you can sea wat your dooing.
By Retired breeder, 21st June 2014 07:47:19
Well, I must agree that I must have him! In the big challenge, will he be?
These are the pinata objectives.

Click to display
Number 1

Objective 1:
Click on the piñata
1 point for your piñata

Objective 2:
Grooming a horse
1 click bonus

2 aging point & 2* Saddle Cloth (don’t know which one)

Number 2

Objective 1:
Stroke a horse
To be helped by 4 friends a day

Objective 2:
Put a pony to bed
1 bonus click

10% energy & Helios’ Ray

Number 3

Objective 1
Congratulations a player
5 point for your piñata

Objective 2
Click on Ow’s page
Click once every twelve hours

1* Polo Wraps & Pandora’s Box

Number 4

Objective 1
Sell 3 turnips
Next 5 friend click give you 2 points

Objective 2
Make donation to Ow
5 bonus click

30 turnips & 2* Ear Bonnet

Number 5

Objective 1
Take part to competition
Next 5 click give you 2 points

Objective 2
Click your friend piñata
You can ask for help from a friend 6

5 Caloric Mash & Ploutos’ Parchment

Number 6

Objective 1
Specialize a horse
Number of points needed divided by 2

Objective 2
Find a treat by putting a horse out to pasture
To be able to click on the Piñata 1 times every 6 hours

1* Classical Saddle & 2* Polo Wraps

Number 7

Objective 1
Earn 120 Equus with a horse with a Ploutos’ Parchment
Clicks earn 2 points each (except clicks from friends)

Objective 2
Train a horse for at least 3 consecutive hours
10 points

1* Classical Bridle & Golden Apple

Number 8

Objective 1
Make a donation to Ow
The next 4 clicks earn 3 points (except clicks from friends)

Objective 2
Make the last click on a friend’s piñata
To be able to click on the Piñata 2 times every 6 hours

Bell Boots, 10 aging point & Water of Youth

Number 9

Objective 1
Finish last in competitions
Eight click

Objective 2
Give a divine or wild horse an apple
Be helped by friends 8 times a day

100 droppings, 500 points in the rankings & Medusa’s Blood

Number 10

Objective 1
Earn 1 equus in a competition
15 points

Objective 2
Age a 15 year old horse (note it must be 15 exactly)
5 click

2* Polo Wraps, Ear Bonnet and Saddle Cloth

Click to display
Number 11

Objective 1
Finish 3rd in 3 competitions
Friend clicks earn two points each

Objective 2
Find a turnip UFO
Open the piñata directly on the next click

20 Caloric Mash, Hypnos' Blanket & Achilles' Heel

Number 12

Objective 1
Participate in a competitions requiring 12% energy
The next click earns 20 Points

Objective 2
Make a donation to Ow
Click twice every three hours

4 000 equus, Piece of Cloud & Zeus' Lightning Bolt

Number 13

Objective 1
Stroke a horse with a Flaxen Liver Chestnut coat
be helped by friends 10 times a day

Objective 2
Open a Horn of Plenty
Number of points earned doubles

100 % morale, Whip & Poseidon's Pack

Number 14

Objective 1
Earn at least 1000 Equus in competitions with one horse
Clicks earn 3 points each (except clicks from friends)

Objective 2
Participate in 60 competitions requiring 20% energy
Number of points earned doubles

50 turnips, Philotes' Stroke & Chronos' Timer

Number 15

Objective 1
Congratulate a player who has a birthday
The next 10 clicks earn 10 points (except friend clicks)

Objective 2
Feed horse 2/3 kg on meadow
Friend clicks earn 3 points each

Objective 3:
Participate in 46 eq riding lesson
100 points

10 aging points, Apollo's Lyre & Philosopher's Stone

Number 16

Objective 1
Buy horse for 2000 equus
The amount of points needed is 120

Objective 2
Give a donation to Ow
The next 10 clicks earn 5 points (except clicks from friends).

Objective 3:
Accept the Exchange
To be able to click on the Piñata 3 times every 3 hours

6 000 equus, 1 000 points in the rankings & Hera's Pack

Number 17

Objective 1
Give carrots to horse whose parents are Ouranos and Gaia
5 clicks

Objective 2
Give turnips to a horse over 40 years old
be helped by friends 12 times a day

Objective 3:
Achieve BLUP of 100
200 points

20 Energy Mash, Spurs & Hermes' Winged Staff

Number 18

Objective 1:
Give mash to horse with 179-250 skill points in dressage
10 clicks

Objective 2
Find a tub of grease with a horse between ages 7-8 years
Clicks earn 5 points each (except clicks from friends)

Objective 3:
Groom Donkey
Open the piñata directly on the next click

15 aging points, Artemis' Arrow & Greyfell

Number 19

Objective 1
Win 25 competitions
Click three times every 2 hours

Objective 2
Give a donation to Ow
The next 10 clicks earn 5 points (except clicks from friends).

Objective 3;
Buy a horse for at least 1 pass
Number of points earned triples

10 000 equus, Horn of Plenty & Themis' Scale

Number 20

Objective 1
Remove unicorns horn
The next click earns 15 points (excluding clicks from friends)

Objective 2
Give birth to twins
Number of points needed divided by 2

Objective 3:
Get credit end to 111 111
15 clicks

  • Posted messages: 2,405
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By Retired breeder, 25th June 2014 08:18:08
thanks hey do <you> need to use passes to get the divinedefault smiley (o)
Retired breeder wrote:

thanks hey do <you> need to use passes to get the divinedefault smiley (o)

There is one objective that requires a pass ( buy a horse for at least 1 pass) so no this is not a pass free horse.

I used 2 passes and 15 HOPs to get the previous pinata divine a few years ago.
  • Posted messages: 2,405
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Retired breeder wrote:

thanks hey do <you> need to use passes to get the divinedefault smiley (o)

Depending on how often you can click later on (from memory I think it get's to around clicks every 2-3 hours} and how many objectives you can complete you will need anything from 15+ passes to get the divine.

While there is only 1 objective that directly requires a pass, many of them require pass items so I suggest saving anything you might win in the lottery in case you need it for the pinatas. But generally you will almost always need passes to get the divine.
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2014 02:38:02
wow thats a bummerdefault smiley :(
Retired breeder wrote:

wow thats a bummerdefault smiley :(

You can get passes within the system without actually buying them.

You will absolutely need HOPs though as points ( for later help) will be in them. I know people without pass buying ability complete this promo.

You just need to be a smart clicker...LOL
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2014 22:11:09
so wat would make me and others a better clickerdefault smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2014 23:23:47
I think Freehold meant it moreso as a figure of speech...
Retired breeder wrote:

I think Freehold meant it moreso as a figure of speech...

That and there are a few times when the order of doing something can make a big difference in the following steps. Clicking too early before looking at the objectives can ( later on) put you behind.

Can't say much more as you need to see it before I could explain. Those that did this promo before know what I mean.
  • Posted messages: 2,405
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I think I might actually try and get the devine this time round default smiley xd
Looking at that list of the possible objectives I have everything I'll need! Hopefully it stays pretty similar ^,^
  • Posted messages: 450
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By Retired breeder, 27th June 2014 07:03:59
i may. i am up to alliagator. anyone else?

and talking about the previous primyata promo, i joined half-way through it, so i had no hope.default smiley :(
I'm up to the alligator - Finishing it tomorrow - as well ^,^
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By Retired breeder, 27th June 2014 08:14:50
Me too BobbleHeads default smiley ;) I am on 13 points right now.
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