[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: February 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 552
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At least they responded to you, I sent a contact us from my intl account and nothing, nada, zip default smiley xd
Maybe I should try from my Aus account default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points

Thank you for your messages, I hope I can answer your questions for you.

Frozen In Time wrote:

Can you please clarify how the Rosette trophies work? Do Divine wins count?
Tilley wrote:

Can you please let us ALL know if these Divines count for Rosettes for the trophy.. On the new system of trophies..Yes I too would like to know..
I have not heard anything that this trophy has been changed. Rosettes won by divine horses should still count for the trophy.
I'll look into this for you and will let you know as soon as I have more information.

Frozen In Time wrote:

1. Still can’t mass board horses and use the VIP perk we pay for 2. Can’t mass select boxes/meadows etc. (if you can, it’s not obvious enough). Too difficult to extend my horse’s boarding, let alone for multiple horses.
Frozen In Time wrote:

4. Would have preferred a feature like EC forums which helps build up the community spirit and actually makes staying on the game worth it.
I have added these to the list of suggestions for the team to consider. Please keep in mind that I cannot guarantee if anything is added or changed or how such additions/changes will be implemented if the team decides to add a suggestion.

Frozen In Time wrote:

3. Graphics either take ages to load or don’t load at all (likely a lag issue default smiley (8))
Could you check that your device and app is fully up to date? If you're on a computer, also check that your video card drivers are up to date. If you still have issues, please send a message to Contact us so they can look further.

Tilley wrote:

Why won't you answer our complaints.. It's clearly you won't listen to us. Why?
I'm sorry to hear that you feel we're not listening. Please rest assured that I read and share everyone's feedback and suggestions with the team. However, once feedback and suggestions have been shared, we cannot provide status updates for the feedback/suggestion or guarantee that additions or changes will be made.

Tilley wrote:

All your concerned about is to put these add this, add that, all because your wanting to go mobile version.. Why is it so important to go mobile version ? What is wrong with the way things are now.. Why? Please explain.
From the amount of suggestions and feedback we have received, the team is giving the Classic version a more modern look.

I hope that I have answered all of your questions.
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
Thankyou for answering some of our questions! I'm sure you try as hard as you can to make our thoughts heard and for that another thankyou default smiley (a)
However, I don't want to seem rude or disrespectful but it is the *classic* version. The app and phone browser version of howrse is modern. That system catered to both groups. I've really not seen players from this server jumping up and down about modernizing the desktop version aka the classic version. I don't think the suggestions and feedback have come from this server (if it has send me in the direction of it and I will happily concede my thoughts), which begs the question why aren't all the servers being taken into account (that's how is seems to me). Additionally, a mobile layout doesn't quite translate for desktop, in my opinion. Yes, howrse will have to try and cater towards the up and coming demographic of younger players but that shouldn't mean throwing the established players that have been here for years under the bus. I know full well its up to the people actually calling the shots with the game but we've been consistently making the lag known. It is not just one player lagging its a very large majority of us, no it is not our computers or internet or settings. It's not just a once off lag either, I had a solid week of Howrse lagging at one point and its always kicking in and out. I can be powering through my horses that I look after and then hit a snail pace because the lil monkey just keeps spinning and spinning.
If this doesn't make sense I apologize but my thoughts are so jumbled over this sad update.
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
Frozen In Time wrote:

3. Graphics either take ages to load or don’t load at all (likely a lag issue default smiley default smiley (8))

Could you check that your device and app is fully up to date? If you're on a computer, also check that your video card drivers are up to date. If you still have issues, please send a message to Contact us so they can look further.

Really? After all this time regarding our complaints about the game lagging, for everyone, and not restricted to this server alone either, your STILL telling US to try and fix the problem.default smiley (o).

How many tickets do we have to provide? Maybe l should send a carbon copy ticket everyday reporting my game lag, which is all day, everyday, fluctuation on how bad the lag is the only change.default smiley (o)

My computer, as with everyone's l expect, generally automatically perform required updates that keep everything up-to-date default smiley (8)

When every other Web page or site loads normally except for the Howrse game, that sorta tells me somethings wrong YOUR END default smiley :@ When are you going to take this serious issue, seriously default smiley :s
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
Josey jojo, exactly!
Actually the lag on the modern phone app/browser is even worse than the desktop lag. So no its not our devices it is very clearly howrse.
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points

I've really not seen players from this server jumping up and down about modernizing the desktop version aka the classic version.

I've never heard anyone on here requesting modernization of the game either, we put forth requests for sensible and practical changes that would make our game experience easier and more fun and a little fairer to us, the paying customers, most of which are sadly ignored.

Why would you possibly think 'Modernization' of the game, how it looks, is more important than how it works, or in some cases, doesn't work default smiley (o)
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
Feedback and Suggestions from who? not us. We ask WHY the overhaul and get a sentence explanation to a question that deserves at least a persuasive essay from the people who actually thought this update was a good idea. It just leaves me with more questions. Who suggested these things? was it from the Aus server? when was the feedback typed? If Howrse can listen to a minority from another sever and do such a LARGE overhaul why can't the little things we've been suggesting for a while be updated. Why can't time go into actually designing graphics for breeds instead of recycling the same tired old graphics, that we are no doubt tired of seeing. Take the initiative Howrse, and instead of weird looking corgi horse hybrids, give us breeds like the Suffolk Punch and educate players on rare/declining breeds or breeds from around the globe.
I don't know why I bother typing some days I'm only gonna be talking to a brick wall or other players default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
EchOw wrote:

From the amount of suggestions and feedback we have received, the team is giving the Classic version a more modern look.

This fills me with dread... default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 1,689
  • Karma: 10 points
Knyphain wrote:

I've really not seen players from this server jumping up and down about modernizing the desktop version aka the classic version. I don't think the suggestions and feedback have come from this server (if it has send me in the direction of it and I will happily concede my thoughts), which begs the question why aren't all the servers being taken into account (that's how is seems to me).
Knyphain wrote:

Feedback and Suggestions from who? not us. We ask WHY the overhaul and get a sentence explanation to a question that deserves at least a persuasive essay from the people who actually thought this update was a good idea. It just leaves me with more questions. Who suggested these things? was it from the Aus server? when was the feedback typed?
Josey jojo wrote:

100% I've never heard anyone on here requesting modernization of the game either
Updates like modernizing the game takes into account all Howrse versions. Modernizing/updating the game visuals was requested quite a bit. While I'm not able to provide information like who, when, and where these were requested. I am unable to provide these for reasons for: 1. we cannot discuss or give any information regarding an account to someone who is not the account owner and 2. I did not handle each and every suggestion about this. However, updates like this unfortunately cannot be different for each individual version.

Josey jojo wrote:

Really? After all this time regarding our complaints about the game lagging, for everyone, and not restricted to this server alone either, your STILL telling US to try and fix the problem.default smiley (o)
I'm sorry for the misunderstanding on this. I'm definitely not dismissing the performance issues. With graphical issues, it can always be an outdated driver, browser, or app. If it still happens after, a message can still be sent to Contact Us as a performance issue.

Josey jojo wrote:

My computer, as with everyone's l expect, generally automatically perform required updates that keep everything up-to-date default smiley (8)
While I cannot speak for everyone's computer, but a computer with a dedicated graphics card does not receive automatic updates from the card manufacturer. Graphic card updates on these computers must be manually initiated from the dedicated application from the graphic card manufacturer or manually searched for, downloaded, and installed from the manufacturers website.

Josey jojo wrote:

When every other Web page or site loads normally except for the Howrse game, that sorta tells me somethings wrong YOUR END default smiley :@ When are you going to take this serious issue, seriously default smiley :s
The performance issues are definitely being taken seriously. However, I continue to ask everyone to submit requests to Contact Us each time you experience performance issues. This is for the sole reason that I can 100% ensure that your issue is reported correctly and accurately.

  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
Now I know I'm making quite the big assumption however by updating game visuals I don't think they meant trash our nice trophies and give us sad medals, they probably meant the graphics for new breeds or events or special coats. Why could the new trophy page not be implemented as something else, why overwrite our hard work that we could see and then give us percentages that we can't even see where we sit specifically unless you do the breakdown? newsflash some of us aren't great at maths.

"Updates like modernizing the game takes into account all Howrse versions." Then why is there so much negative feedback on MULTPLE servers, why were the prepods not listened too, because when I read their posts it really sounds like the feedback they gave wasn't listened to. Why not run a survey to ask us all what we think, why assume that just because a handful of people are asking that ALL of us want it? If i hadn't spent so much time on this game I would've quit on Jan 3rd.
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
Modernizing/updating the game visuals was requested quite a bit.

So by this logic if a large majority of players from a whole bunch of servers used the contact us to float the idea of putting the old trophy system back, we'd have a shot at getting the old system back? clearly a solid no right?
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
Knyphain wrote:

Modernizing/updating the game visuals was requested quite a bit.

So by this logic if a large majority of players from a whole bunch of servers used the contact us to float the idea of putting the old trophy system back, we'd have a shot at getting the old system back? clearly a solid no right?

Yeah, good point, but we already know the answer to that don't we default smiley (o)

I changed browsers to see if there was any improvement, from Google Chrome that was recommended by Howrse admin being the browser best used for howrse to Firefox which provided no difference at all.

That's funny you should mention the graphics card, l know a player who bought a brand new laptop with upgraded graphics capabilities who is also having game lag issues

Replying to this comment specifically:
The performance issues are definitely being taken seriously. However, I continue to ask everyone to submit requests to Contact Us each time you experience performance issues. This is for the sole reason that I can 100% ensure that your issue is reported correctly and accurately.

Yep, been constantly sending tickets with detailed info about my issues and l get nothing backdefault smiley :@ I doubt that if you can't handle the many tickets we've already sent, then if l sent one every single time l experience game lag, l'd spend all day long sending in tickets.

So we do everything you suggest and still we suffer game lag, so what's next?
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
While I cannot speak for everyone's computer, but a computer with a dedicated graphics card does not receive automatic updates from the card manufacturer. Graphic card updates on these computers must be manually initiated from the dedicated application from the graphic card manufacturer or manually searched for, downloaded, and installed from the manufacturers website.

Just done that and still, no surprise here, no improvementdefault smiley :@ so what next?
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
Knyphain wrote:

Why could the new trophy page not be implemented as something else, why overwrite our hard work that we could see and then give us percentages that we can't even see where we sit specifically unless you do the breakdown? newsflash some of us aren't great at maths.
Knyphain wrote:

So by this logic if a large majority of players from a whole bunch of servers used the contact us to float the idea of putting the old trophy system back, we'd have a shot at getting the old system back? clearly a solid no right?
Unfortunately since we don't receive updates on feedback and suggestions that are shared;I can confirm that these have been requested a lot (revert the change and to make progress reporting better).

Josey jojo wrote:

That's funny you should mention the graphics card, l know a player who bought a brand new laptop with upgraded graphics capabilities who is also having game lag issues
Josey jojo wrote:

So we do everything you suggest and still we suffer game lag, so what's next?
Josey jojo wrote:

Just done that and still, no surprise here, no improvementdefault smiley :@ so what next?
I'm sorry if it came across that updating the graphics driver would fix all performance issues, it wasn't meant in that way. Only that it could help resolve only visual/graphic issues.

Josey jojo wrote:

so what next?
The only thing I can do it to keep recommending to send messages to Contact Us with as many details possible regarding your performance issues when they occur.

The only other thing I could do is to do some research in my free time to try and find any steps that might help make the performance issues better.
However depending on where the performance issues are occuring at the data center or server provider (however the packet is being transferred to you from the Howrse servers), the team can only contact the Internet provider for our servers to report the issue. The Internet provider must then investigate their systems for an issue and if none are found on their side, they can only contact the data center or server provider and report the issue and so on.

  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
So the Howrse team is just going to completely ignore the fact that they sent an email to those with Tears/Wand privileges, to acknowledge that there are/were performance issues? default smiley (8)
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
  • Karma: 10 points
Frozen In Time wrote:

So the Howrse team is just going to completely ignore the fact that they sent an email to those with Tears/Wand privileges, to acknowledge that there are/were performance issues? default smiley (8)

Yes they finally have admitted it, as I got the same email.. BUT the problem is still here, Fix the Lagging since you know. default smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 115
  • Karma: 10 points

Check out this month's brand-new features in the latest Dev’s Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
On the purchase page of an item on the Black Market, it is now possible to see the quantity possessed in the inventory.
FINALLY, now I don't have to have open another tab just to see how many items I have default smiley (m)

Not loving being pushed to talk about it on discord but oh well
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
The ability to see how many items you have on the purchase page is a welcome feature but honestly well overdue. So is the feature to be able to have a BM item used from your inventory as the default if you want.

Good to see the filters for horses expanded but not sure what the pet horses one is? Doesn’t seem to be for companions as nothing shows up when I choose it.
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
  • Karma: 10 points
I think the ability to see how many items you have in inventory when purchasing an item in the Black Market is a long overdue great improvement. It will make the game much easier to use.

Not sure what discord is or why I have to go there to use it or see a discussion? I thought that is what game forum's are for?

Also confused about the pet horse filter? How do we use it?
The Topaz Dragon
  • Posted messages: 121
  • Karma: 10 points
Oh yesdefault smiley <:o), been asking for this to be re-implemented ever since they made the change that removed the ability to see how many of that bmi in your inventory, such important information that should have been removed in the first place.default smiley (o)

Yeah, still waiting for the default to be changed to be used from our inventory, been asking for this one for a few years now, but they seem very reluctant to change this one.

I can't even find the Pet, Chimera or Wild option, not in my breeding farms or the sales?
Can someone clarify that for me please?

I'm sick of DISCORD being shoved in our face all the time, it's not where the game should be heading, very dangerous territory and l totally refuse to take any part in it default smiley (n)
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
The new searches are in the species drop down - and I'm guessing the pets are something mentioned in the spoiler zone topic (third last post by Freehold)
  • Posted messages: 1,689
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default smiley <:o) Very happy to have number of inventory items on the sales page again!
  • Posted messages: 1,689
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The pet horses are the new thing howrse are pushing. This is from the spoiler thread, they're being introduced in the next event.
Welsh Corgi is the special horse you can win during the event. Discord the new collection of Pet horses!
The new horse series work similarly to Wild horses and Chimera horses. Once tamed, Welsh Corgi gives you 10 passes for each year until age 80.

Again, why the push to Discord on most posts. I think its funny that Howrse is like don't share your personal info or passwords and then are like hey go jump over to facebook or discord. We shouldn't be encouraged to leave the site in my opinion, especially when there are probably younger players who play howrse.
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
Probably should have put that in a banner! my apologies peeps default smiley 8-)
  • Posted messages: 208
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