[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: February 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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By Retired breeder, 24th August 2021 13:29:38
<img src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/all.static.owlient.eu/media/user/6be60161d9fcdf479922fd29ccf3dc48.png" style="padding: 0px 20px 40px 0px;" height=150 width=150 ALIGN="right"/><div style="border-radius: 8px; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; padding: 40px 40px 40px 40px; background: url('https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/all.static.owlient.eu/media/user/a648ab1cbbb2044285d27f13dc4222c7.png') top center no-repeat ; height 0; background-size: cover;"><div style="border-radius: 8px; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; padding: 30px 30px 30px 30px; background: #F8FCFD; color: #0086A8; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px;"><br/>Check out the latest game updates! <br/><br/>Head over to the new <a href="/jeu/log">Devs’ Corner</a> to check out this month’s brand-new features!<br/><br/>Best wishes,<br/>The Howrse Team</div></div>
Just here to thank and congratulate you on the improved foaling page. I know this update was a while ago but I reminded how good it is every time I breed a foal.

Seeing the GP on the foals page and being able to register the sex and GP on the foals page saves so much time.

So thank you for thinking of such a good improvement, default smiley :)default smiley (y)
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A new Devs’ Corner has arrived!

Check out this month's brand-new features on Howrse!

Best wishes,
The Howrse Team
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Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best wishes,
The Howrse Team
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"Added a button to replace a daily objective once a day in exchange for equus"

Woohoo! Thank you, thank you, thank you! default smiley <:o)
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gaff wrote:

"Added a button to replace a daily objective once a day in exchange for equus"

Woohoo! Thank you, thank you, thank you! default smiley <:o)

I'm with you on that onedefault smiley (7) been waiting soooo long for something like this
  • Posted messages: 159
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I love how one objective can now be exchanged for equus. Thank you.
Please think carefully before choosing this option however, as the replacement objective may be one you are unable to complete.

On another note, I also love how there are random tips on the objectives page default smiley (h)
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By Retired breeder, 6th October 2021 23:48:21
Yes!!! We can trade objectives!! I was able to trade "win a rosette" and got "enter 15 competitions" as the replacement. Horn of Plenty here I come! default smiley <:o)
Thank you for the trade objective option! It's great to get a useful update �
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New updates!

Check out the full list of updates in the Devs’ Corner for more information!

Best wishes,
The Howrse Team
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For some reason when you preview the stats bonus for golden apple/vintage apple, they don't come up all in the usual English translation of it.
Coming up like this:
Endurance : +5 Vitesse : +5 Dressage : +5 Galop : +5Trot : +5 Saut : +5
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It would also be great if the price cap on coverings could be removed or under set conditions.
I have soo many draught horses/donkeys (Horses with conditions to their breeding, like the 3x caps.) that would be beneficial to give out public coverings to people since I have no use for the covers left over in my farm. I don't wish to sell the animal because I've spent time on them but if I could make a reasonable profit from drum horse coverings, that'd be a fantastic thing.
I can see where some people would take advantage but a lot of people see the benefit of putting out a lot of cheaper covers. It'd be nice to be able to give out the restricted coverings to people who can afford the cover but not to buy a whole other draft horse. default smiley ;)
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Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
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Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
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'Added a button on a horse's public profile page which takes the owner to its private page.'

'In the pop-up for adding an item to a horse, added a search field and the option of filtering the items by category.'

Love them! Thank you! default smiley (l) default smiley ^)
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I love those two additions too! default smiley :d Thank you default smiley (y)
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Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
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I apologise in advance for being a 'nelly negative' but I have an opinion that I am wanting to share. Usually I am one to sit back and go with the flow, and I know the latest update is only something minor but I can not help but express my opinions towards it...

The latest update as per the 15.02.2022 at aprox 9pm AEST in regards to the updated horse presentation-

In my personal opinion... The new images that have been updated on the icons are all over the place! The lesson button (with the round pen) and the ride icons are TINY! Whereas, the grand prix button is HUGE! The covering button hardly fits with in the frame as it is so big... Not to mention (disclaimer- I know this is completely up to each players interpretation) but the stroke button has 4 fingers?! I can not make out what is suppose to be of it- any suggestions on what this 'hand' is doing is appreciated, because after staring at it for about 5 minutes, I still can not make light of it! default smiley xddefault smiley (o)

I know this post is not going to change anything, just wanted to express my opinion towards the latest update as I feel like there are so many more issues within the game that really require attention, such as the lag (once again, I know this has been a hot topic before but I still experience about 2-4 minutes in between screens at times... and yes my internet is fast as I run the required tests) just to name one bigger issue!
  • Posted messages: 22
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I 100% agree with you.

How ridiculous, why on earth would they muck around changing those icons we are familiar with and had no obvious problems identifying and yet, they still have't addressed our trophy page where a certain Percentage of one trophy is missing but appearing underneath another!!

Another NECESSARY change that a lot of players have been asking for years is the default purchase setting which uses OUR passes when putting a BMI on one of our horses.
Leave it blank and let us choose which way to put the BMI on, l always use what's in my inventory, if l don't have it, l don't use my passes to buy it, but l've been caught on many many occasions when the game has glitched after l selected the bmi from my inventory and it's flicked back to the default using my passes, and l am soooo careful to avoid this, but it still happens occasionallydefault smiley :k
It's a real battle to get Admin to refund your passes and remove the said bmi from your inventory and last time they in fact threatened me that they would not do this again, ever, regardless whether the game glitches or not!! Nice hey, real customer service.

Fix the issue properly and the problem for all players would be solved!

Get your priorities right for goodness sake!!

We play,
We pay,
We should have a say!!!
Josey jojo
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Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
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I mean, I get wanting to tidy up things to make it match but, now with the different sizes of the button icons, the weird stroke gesture with 4 fingers, and I like the new grand prix icon but at the same time it somehow looks out of place? Like the design doesn't fit what's around it but maybe that's just me and I need to get used to it. I do like the new ride icons except for that, and again this might just be a me thing, that it looks to me like the forest icon is smaller than the others? The lesson icon just looks weirdly stretched. This change has resulted in everything to look less in line with the interface. Also, I've never heard anyone complain about the old icons.
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By Retired breeder, 15th February 2022 22:41:39
Azarath wrote:

I mean, I get wanting to tidy up things to make it match but, now with the different sizes of the button icons, the weird stroke gesture with 4 fingers, and I like the new grand prix icon but at the same time it somehow looks out of place? Like the design doesn't fit what's around it but maybe that's just me and I need to get used to it. I do like the new ride icons except for that, and again this might just be a me thing, that it looks to me like the forest icon is smaller than the others? The lesson icon just looks weirdly stretched. This change has resulted in everything to look less in line with the interface. Also, I've never heard anyone complain about the old icons.

The stroke icon is weird. I don't understand the changes especially the public coverings one. Why is it so skinny?
I can handle someone giving me the finger default smiley (8) but please fix the Lesson buttondefault smiley ;)
Josey jojo
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I truly feel as though they have created an issue out of something that was never an issued?

As stated above, I can not recall a time where a player has complained about the old icons. Sure the game could use a revamp- however, as per players concerns above- just to name a few... There is a whole pool of issues that are both game and player affecting that in my personal opinion hold a much higher priority then wonky icon images...

They just don't listen to their players... at all and it is starting to become more frustrating then ever, because these updates are usually pointless. They take 1 step forward by showing good initiative and releasing requested features into the game, then 3 steps backwards with features like this one that look like no consideration was gone into... nor care based off the icons that I have seen.

I guess, on the bright side I have got a bit of a laugh out of it.. Getting given the finger every time you stroke your horse and sending your horses to what looks like a black hole when doing a lesson.. default smiley (lol)

Anyways, hope they actually start to listen to players opinions cause majority are getting very fed up with being ignored!

default smiley (h)

PS- I think an eye roll emoji would be a great addition to the emojis.
  • Posted messages: 22
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The changes on the hand are actually super subtle, all they've done is taken out the sharpness of the thumb and 2nd last finger by rounding them off, but it's made a very visable difference. All l can see is someone giving me the lazy Bird default smiley xddefault smiley (lol)
Josey jojo
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