[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: February 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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quote=1396001950]This is the Australian Server, English speaking, so I don't believe any other language should be allowed, it just isolates players, just like 'text talk' is banned, it's of no value and has no place here if other players cannot understand what's being said.
Most countries have their own servers as well as the International server so players are free to use their preferred language on these servers.
Nothing Racial about this, it's just common sense.default smiley ;)[/quote]

There are hundreds of Indigenous Australian languages. Language is an expression of culture and it will ALWAYS have value even if you don’t understand it. Just look at all the mythological influences the game draws on for its BMs, divines and promos. If you need a directly relevant life example, just consider animal communication.

Having a common language to communicate is not the problem (though if this is the “Australian” server then I guess we better start banning US English and other dialects as well since they can be challenging to understand at times - even more so than chat speak!).

The real disappointment with banning these characters is that people enjoy using them for horse’s names, which is where they’re mostly used and have little or no impact on others’ games. And even without characters from other languages, names don’t often make sense anyway. Should be start banning every name that isn’t in an official dictionary? We’d have to rename most of those used for Divines.
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
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default smiley :o Frustrating to have your words twisted to mean something other than intended.
"quote'" just like 'text talk' is banned, it's of no value and has no place here if other players cannot understand what's being said. "text talk" has no value, not language.

the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture.

a system of communication used by a particular country or community.

All l was saying is it's just common sense that an English speaking server be restricted to the English language, If everyone spoke their native tongue here, Communication between players would be totally lost. it's not Racial.... until now.default smiley :$

I was just expressing my opinion, no one has to agree with it, but it's unpleasant to have it so aggressively analysed, so l think in future l'll just keep my opinions to myself.
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
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Not Opinion, just the facts, all of them, not part thereof selected for impact.

In the late 18th century there were more than 250 distinct First Nations Peoples social groupings and a similar number of languages or varieties.[6] The status and knowledge of Aboriginal languages today varies greatly. Many languages became extinct with settlement as the encroachment of colonial society broke up Indigenous cultures. For some of these languages, few records exist for vocabulary and grammar. At the start of the 21st century, fewer than 150 Aboriginal languages remain in daily use,[9] with the majority being highly endangered. In 2020, 90 per cent of the barely more than 100 languages still spoken are considered endangered.[10] 13 languages are still being transmitted to children.[11]
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
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Sorry, accidentally missed the last bit.

The surviving languages are located in the most isolated areas.
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
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To quote EchOw "When players used Javanese characters, it would break the game layout and prevent other players from using game features." That's literally all there is to it, it messes with the game layout.
Also everyone values things differently, just like we all have different opinions and perceptions of things. @Josey jojo I love seeing other players opinions keep posting default smiley <:o)
I could use Aussie slang and confuse players but I don't, I try to stick to proper English as common curtesy, even though I like slang words more than proper English.
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Thank you for sharing your messages and feedback about the latest game update!
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WHY does Howrse give you the option to buy a BMI with passes for example a ploutos' parchment when you already have a heap of them in your inventory!
I clicked onto the parchment from my inventory and as I've moved my mouse to put the item onto my horse I've accidently clicked the pass option and then clicked the "Get" button by accident because my brain wasn't quite operating at the same speed as my hand. I tried to back peddle and click the inventory one but NOOO Howrse had already snavelled up my passes despite myself having MULTIPLE parchments in my inventory to use before even having to bother purchasing a parchment. Why is there not a "do you wish to confirm this selection" on items that you already have duplicates of in your inventory.
  • Posted messages: 208
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Check out this month's brand-new features in the new Dev’s Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
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Check out this month's brand-new features in the new Dev’s Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
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I wish we were able to trade companions/coat BMs if they’re going to keep throwing them out at the current rate. I have 250+ companions across 100 different species as well as 350+ coats (across 47 different types) just sitting there that will never be used.

A filtering/sorting system to enable us to group companions by skill type and amount, as well as family, would also be far more practical.
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
  • Karma: 10 points
Thank you for sharing your suggestion! I've shared it with the team!
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Check out the latest features on the game via the newest Dev’s Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
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[quote=1396002068]I wish we were able to trade companions/coat BMs if they’re going to keep throwing them out at the current rate.

Well said. But just like anything else they won't listen. We need new companions not giving us repeated ones all the Darn time. Pathetic.
  • Posted messages: 115
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Check out the latest features on the game via the newest Dev’s Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
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“We're making a few changes to the banner on the home page that lets you indicate how likely you are to recommend Howrse to your friends.

It used to appear once a month, but from now on, it will appear every time a new contest goes online. Besides, the question has been reworded.

The design of the rating system has also been changed: the original 1-10 rating has been replaced with stars.

These may seem like minor changes, but thanks to your feedback, we can draw the right conclusions and target the events and game periods you like best more easily.”

Hahaha this has to be a joke? Having that banner pop up with every new contest is just another reminder how you don’t listen to your players when we’ve frequently said that there’s too many events
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
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Let us know what you think about this change.

(1. Not satisfied -> 5. Very satisfied) and the little stars!

FINALLY they've been brought back default smiley <:o)

Honestly, I don't care much for the actual dev change this time I'm just pumped about the stars being back so we can RATE the dev changes. I love being able to put my two bobs worth in without having to write a small essay default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 208
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I don't find an issue with the frequency of events, it's no big deal for everyone to choose which one's they want to do or ignore ect., but this change is just another deflection, the Devs are trying to make it look like they are actually doing something, when in reality, this change, l wouldn't have thought, was very High on the players demand list of 'fix ups', but the Devs continually ignore the 'fix up' and changes that we/l have been asking for for several years nowdefault smiley (n)

For example, Howrse are, obviously, in no hurry to change the default BMI's application which uses your passes automatically instead of the default taking from your inventory when you have that item already in stock. They'll lose out big time if players can no longer make mistakes using their passes when they use a BMI default smiley (8). That can be the only reason they totally refuse to make this important and necessary change that l believe would be very much appreciated by all players.

But this change really has no impact on me, l will continue to vote NO, l will never recommend this game to anyone, not until they pull their fingers out of their ears and start making the necessary changes we need and want to make the game run smoothly for players and bring the fun and fairness back, FRAGMENT drop rate from luck BMI's would be another good place to start default smiley (o)
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
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10/10 Josey jojo, well said! I'd love to play with my mother as I'd think she'd enjoy this game because she can't be as involved with our irl horses due to some circumstances however, I don't want to have my own account flagged and booted because Howrse struggles to tell the difference between family members under the same roof. Trust me they don't care that you're two separate people at all and my mother being the person she is didn't pursue playing the game when I tried to have us play together back in 2015/16 on the intl server because it screwed with my account I had had for years. Also, its relatively hard to start up and progress in the game these days and I know the game ( I went to another server just to experiment starting from scratch), half the events don't explain themselves properly and older players have to explain the event to new players in forums. Some objectives are absolutely insane if you can't access what is required to complete them, even I struggle somedays and I have some major resources, imagine what new players feel when they start getting hit with the daily objectives we get. Its such a niche game and yes whilst complexity can be nice when it starts getting out of hand that's when you lose players, I've thought of quitting many times over but when I realize the sheer magnitude of effort I've put in over the years, it feels wrong to just delete and pretend as though it never existed. But we never seemed to be listened to so default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 208
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Oh yeah Kynphain,
You just wouldn't risk that. Some years ago l was falsely accused of multi accounting with a well established, obviously overseas player who was just a friend, neither of us ever used each others passwords, l'm not that stupid, nor am l a cheat, and all account activity was done via Co man, but her account was deleted and l was banned from logging on for a month losing 5 karma points.default smiley (o)

Howrse wouldn't listen to reason and would not investigate into the matter any further, yet l've seen many players who have more than one account on here and despite the 'awesome' tools Howrse claim to have to detect multi accounts, some of these have been allowed to continue for many months and one case in particular for well over 12 months and finally after many reports of obvious cheating, they were eventually caught and punished.

Due to the game heading in the wrong direction in my opinion and with so many changes to the game that have taken all the fun and fairness out of our game experience, l have decided to take a back seat and am now playing half hearted.

Ultimately, they will be the losers as more and more players will spend less and less money on the game as it get's more and more expensive and offers less. default smiley :-x
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
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Thank you for sharing your messages about the latest update! I have shared them with the team.
  • Posted messages: 503
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Check out the latest features on the game via the newest Dev’s Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
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I see the rating stars went poof and magically disappeared again again default smiley (m)
When will we actually see things we'd like addressed, actually addressed?
Seriously starting to lose hope in this game default smiley <:o)
  • Posted messages: 208
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Thank you for your message, your feedback has been shared with the team!
  • Posted messages: 503
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Check out the latest features on the game, including some changes to the Ascent of Olympus via the newest Dev’s Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
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Mobile becoming white. I hate it! First thing in the morning I don't want bright white pixels blaring me eyes! With the red too does not match the game. This game is not red and white it's soft and green.

This was change for the sake of change. If it ain't broken don't fix it!
  • Posted messages: 51
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