[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: February 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points

Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
Very unhappy about the "Start a Crop" objective. I hope the new options are better.default smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 86
  • Karma: 10 points
What poor additions to the objectives pool!

The “breed a unicorn” objective was inconvenient enough, but adding “cover a donkey unicorn” is just ridiculous - especially on such a small version.

Only 3 are in sales and at a price of 500 passes or 1.5 million.

Not thought through at all. default smiley (n)
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
  • Karma: 10 points
These new objectives don't seem too thought out and pretty disadvantageous to players that are just starting out. Even if you are an established player with a diverse range of species they still seem pretty time consuming/unachievable. Yes you can switch an objective but what if it just give you an even worse one to do? default smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
I will no longer be putting effort into the objectives. They are becoming so specific that even as a long term player (sometimes even because I'm a long term player) They are too disruptive to my game play. While I do just about everything that comes up, I do them to a particular timing. 'Start a new crop' in particular will mean keeping at least one meadow free at all times, a big loss in my income - and there is nothing to stop me getting it twice in a row. Too many others are totally luck based.
Then there are ones like ' trigger the falabella bonus'? I may not be comping much that day. 'Ride 40 hours in the mountains'? I may not have a horse at that point in training at the time, and using one of my idle horses will be taking time away from my other trainers.
And I shudder to think how a newer player will manage... default smiley :$
I had thought objectives were meant to be a way to help players gain a little advantage in the game, but obviously they are not.
  • Posted messages: 1,689
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gaff wrote:

'Start a new crop' in particular will mean keeping at least one meadow free at all times, a big loss in my income - and there is nothing to stop me getting it twice in a row. Too many others are totally luck based.

Plus it's currently winter. Nothing grows in winter. Unless raising cows completes the objective it's impossible to complete during winter.
  • Posted messages: 2,588
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Trigger a bonus for the Falabella family by entering a horse in a competition

These new objectives are weird and require too much time/resources.
Of course the idea is for us to get fewer free passes, but it makes the game less enjoyable, too.
And those of us who don't play competitively are once again penalized the most.
  • Posted messages: 54
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Azarath wrote:

Plus it's currently winter. Nothing grows in winter. Unless raising cows completes the objective it's impossible to complete during winter.

Greenhouses still work in winter.
But not everyone has them, or they might all be in use.
  • Posted messages: 54
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mortyar wrote:

Greenhouses still work in winter.

Whoops completely forgot greenhouses are a thing. Thanks
  • Posted messages: 2,588
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Thank you for sharing your feedback and suggestions about the most recent update!
As always, I'm sharing your comments with the team.
default smiley (ow)
  • Posted messages: 503
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Graphic changes
To make the covering information easier to read and understand, we changed the graphics of the horses page

LITERALLY stop "fixing" things that don't need changing! If we want to know the information about the horse were currently looking at buying or looking after we're going to click on the information button, I for one do not need it shoved in my face when a horse cannot be bred because it distracts my brain due to all the writing when I'm so used to there just being the Information and Covering buttons.

If it isn't going to be changed back on the next update or anytime soon why can't it not just be made customizable? I for one would change back to how it was if I had the choice. I am constantly breeding my unicorns and the changed graphics to the breeding box when they can't currently be bred does my absolute head in.

I honestly haven't seen anyone complain about how the Breeding box used to be before this update, I've mainly just seen people talk about the amount limited coverings for some breeds. Also with the Divines, I'm pretty sure most people, if they've read the Divine's spiel will know how to recognize if it can be bred or not, since it would usually say the can be bred to such and such and give birth too another named divine.

Even though my opinion probably won't be taken into account or listened to I thought it was still worth a try posting in this thread. (Also I know I probably repeated myself somewhere in all that, but oh well default smiley :o )
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
I have to say I LOVE the breeding information change, it's such a simple yet incredibly helpful element for players who breed daily and team horses in particular, pity it wasn't implemented right from the beginning, but better late than never, so thankyou.default smiley (y)

Finally a change that actually makes the players game easier, it makes it 100% clear when the mare is ready to cover, no more trying to distinguish if the Cover button is highlighted or not which was a MAJOR annoyance for me since they changed that icon recently making it much thinner default smiley (n)
I use this information on every horse I breed, and am constantly checking her stats as I breed her, so having that information upfront and not having to constantly click the information button to see where she's up to is a major benefit to my game, the less clicks we have to do the better I say default smiley :p
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
Sorry for the delay in posting this!

Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
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@Josey jojo some people like it one way, some like it the other. Therefore doesn't a customizable option seem the best way to go about it default smiley :)

I am somewhat the complete opposite of you, I relied on the covering button highlighting again to know when to breed my unicorns again default smiley xd
all the extra letters makes my brain scramble a tiny bit, less clicks may help you but I'm happy to have an extra click here or there default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 208
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Yes l'd have to agree with you Knyphain, would be better for everyone if we could personalize it to suit each player.default smiley ;)
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
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Thanks for sharing your suggestions and feedback!
I'm sharing your comments with the team now!
default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 503
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Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points

Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
Corrected the team loans' expiration.

From what to what? Where is the detailed information on what the change/correction actually is?
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
On behalf of a family member who sometimes does play on the mobile version, thank you for adding a link to contact us.
  • Posted messages: 12,737
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I'm very concerned that we are still getting game updates when the game slowness still hasn't been fixed default smiley (o)
I realize this is probably complicated, but l would have thought it's an absolute priority. It certainly is to players trying to enjoy their game default smiley :s
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
Josey jojo wrote:

I'm very concerned that we are still getting game updates when the game slowness still hasn't been fixed default smiley (o)
I realize this is probably complicated, but l would have thought it's an absolute priority. It certainly is to players trying to enjoy their game default smiley :s

I’m relieved I’m not the only one! Pages can take minutes to load… ridiculous
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
  • Karma: 10 points
Josey jojo wrote:

I'm very concerned that we are still getting game updates when the game slowness still hasn't been fixed default smiley (o)
I realize this is probably complicated, but l would have thought it's an absolute priority. It certainly is to players trying to enjoy their game default smiley :s

It is disgusting. And yep, you would think it would be a priority. As a top breeder and competitor, slowing down my (our) progress is very frustrating indeed
  • Posted messages: 792
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Yes, this has been a known issue since the last update, over 3 weeks ago now.default smiley (n)

I think WE, the players have displayed a great deal of patience waiting for a solution, especially considering the Howrse team has not made this official and therefore no 'UPDATES' on the situation are forthcoming default smiley (o)
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
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