[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: February 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 552
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I play mostly on a tablet and I'm not enjoying the sudden redirection to the mobile version. I have the app, I'm playing on the browser because it's still the preferred version for me. I wouldn't be bothered by a pop up asking if I wanted to be redirected but taking away the choice so I keep having to return to settings to change it is annoying.
  • Posted messages: 131
  • Karma: 10 points
Thank you for sharing your messages regarding the latest game update! I'm sharing them with the whole team now.
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
Sorry not sorry for bringing this old chestnut back up, however the objectives need to be reviewed. I received the Give a special horse a companion objective twice within three days. ONE I am running out of Divine horses to give a companion to. TWO if you are a newer player or a player who has little to no divines this objective is pure nonsense. Whilst I realize yes I can change the objective with money I try not too because it has bitten me before and given more a worse objective. THREE why not change it to Give a horse a companion pretty sure most players could nab a companion from an ongoing event or have one from a previous event stashed away they could use.

There's a heap of other objectives that just don't cut it either which is why they should probably be reviewed. Chuck a poll up like when an event ends and let the players have a vote then at least there will be solid statistic feedback that could be used default smiley <:o)
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points

default smiley <:o) Give a special horse a companion default smiley <:o)

seriously at least fix the drop rate on this objective, not even sorry for posting twice default smiley *-)
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points

Check out this month's brand-new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
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Check out this month's brand-new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
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By Retired breeder, 28th October 2022 21:14:35
if you have tack on your new polish konik horse im sure you know that the tack for the black bridle is brown for some reason? and english tack saddle pad is not there even if you have it??? is this just me?
At the end of a training session, the duration selection cursor no longer offers options that don't give any skills.

Really enjoying this tweak, means l'm not wasting my horses energy or time on training when no skills are left to claim default smiley (y)

Your post would be better suited in the Game Play Forumdefault smiley ;)
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points

Plenty of changes for this month's Dev’s Corner! Follow the link to check out the changes to the Daily objectives and to the Tyche's Crown!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
I do not understand why I was one day away from getting a HOP yesterday and today I am back to 4 days completed.

Why the rip off? default smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 193
  • Karma: 10 points
Thank you for sharing your feedback about the latest Dev's Corner! I'm sharing your comment with the whole team now.
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
Well the update on trophies has totally lost me, how utterly ridiculous, no improvement whatsoever. The weak and poorly executed attempt at salvaging the pathetic change to our trophy page with the 'Collections' page, well, default smiley xd it's just laughabledefault smiley (n) I will be making no effort at all to complete any trophies anymore default smiley (o)

And the salt in the wound is we can discuss it on discord, are you kidding?

I totally refuse to use any 'out of game' sites to 'discuss', 'gather information' or what ever you do on them and l know l'm not the only player who feels this way.
I actually feel it's irresponsible of the game makers to encourage Young children to engage in such sites and l would also like to know what their parents would think of it, if they are even aware default smiley (o)
Only some players are able to or are going to use outside sites, which instantly puts the rest of us who can't or won't expose ourselves to them at a disadvantage.

Keep the GAME within the GAME only.

This game is heading in the total WRONG DIRECTION default smiley :'(

The change of only needing to start the tutorial of the mini games to enter the draw for the Divine, is just an easy way for new players or players who don't really play to win a free Divine without actually really participating in the mini game. OMG, who the hell thinks this rubbish up default smiley (n)
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points

The trophies and the collections pages got a makeover.

Check out this month's brand-new features in the new Dev’s Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
I do not like the trophies update at all, I usually don't comment on howrse's changes, but I feel like they've ruined the one thing that made howrse feel like the howrse I joined all those years ago.

I have grown to dislike the 'modern' touch they've been adding to the game as I feel it doesn't suit the style of gameplay and the layout of the horse care system, etc. (aka the central part of the game). I dislike the way I can't find what trophies I have and especially don't like how they are displayed on each player's page, to the point where I've removed them from mine.

The page is tough to navigate, and confusing to figure out what trophies you've got and how much progress you've made. While the prizes are nice, that is the only positive I can find other than toggling with what I still need for each 'trophy'.

I'm also not a fan that some of my trophies, such as the event trophy, have been changed and our progress deleted. I can't find trophies that used to exist, which I assume is because they have been removed/replaced (or turned into 'collections', which was completely unnecessary) These changes are incredibly disappointing for players who worked hard to get these trophies, such as myself and I know most others agree.

Overall maybe a 1/10 on a good day. This system has so much potential but has fallen short in many ways. The old trophies were much better and one part of the game I liked very much. I can't remember where or who said this, but I agree completely, STOP fixing parts of the game which are perfectly fine and when you ask the players for feedback, actually listen. This game has been less and less appealing to play, and if I hadn't put so much into it, I wouldn't be a player anymore as it feels like they are ruining the only good parts of it and are, at this point, all in it for the profit, not the player base and enjoyment of each player. default smiley (n)

I'd like to second everything Josey said in her post, disappointing and unnecessary.
  • Posted messages: 679
  • Karma: 10 points
Really disappointed they didn’t give the community base a bigger opportunity to work out their concerns on these new trophy changes. default smiley (n)

Also incredibly hypocritical and contradictory that a moderator goes around telling players not to link external sites when the admin team is doing the exact same thing. default smiley (o)
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
  • Karma: 10 points
Same concerns as raised on PreProd default smiley (8) - but here are the first of many:
- Pretty unfair bias towards new players that the Special Horses trophies only track the newer divine collections rather than older collections, which would be much more special and exciting.
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
  • Karma: 10 points
- Would be nice to know at which point the trophies have started counting the addition of BM items, companions etc., and from which point all our work has been wasted. E.g. I have definitely achieved 5 rosettes with the same horse throughout my game play
- Recommendation to preview rewards before receiving them has been ignored
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
  • Karma: 10 points
Just bring back the old layout these new trophies are pure GARBAGE and CHILDISH. Let me have my CLASSIC and CLASSY looking trophies back.

Our player pages look disgusting. I for one loved seeing which trophies people had collected and I loved being able to display which trophies I'd earnt as well.

The old trophy page was brilliant to navigate and not blown up and shoved into my face like the collection coats are, also having to click into the collections and then click another button to go into another page just to see which coats you have? absolute time wasting and unneeded.

NOBODY asked for this update, I'm pretty sure a large majority of us were happy with how it was before. I hope its returned to how it was before this absolute train wreck of an update.

ALSO just taking away our golden horse shoes like "WHOOSH they were never there in the first place" doesn't sit right with me. I worked hard to collect them. I liked collecting them and displaying them but oh yeah Howrse doesn't care about its players, if it did this update wouldn't even be a thing. Stop trying to be woke and modern you'll loose a large chunk of your player base Howrse default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
In case no one else noticed until they thought about it we seemingly lost our horse born each month for the past two years trophy. What a kick in the teeth, I worked hard for that default smiley :'(
My motivation to play this game is starting to tank to new lows. default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points

Just…. Why?
Wild Child
  • Posted messages: 403
  • Karma: 10 points
- WARNING: Despite everyone’s objections, Tarpan is still one of the rewards which may negatively interfere with your game especially if you collect (natural) coat colours.
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
  • Karma: 10 points
Frozen In Time wrote:

- WARNING: Despite everyone’s objections, Tarpan is still one of the rewards which may negatively interfere with your game especially if you collect (natural) coat colours.

It is the tenth reward
  • Posted messages: 1,689
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Grow a brain, smarten up and put it back how it was.default smiley :k

This change has all servers boiling over with disgust for your 'bright idea' of changing our trophy page, if you wanted to award gifts to players for reaching certain trophy goals that would have been easy to do without destroying what was a popular layout, least we knew where we stood and we could admire what we had collected and achieved.

Tarpan was a poor choice of Divines to force onto players as it makes it almost impossible to breed coats needed for each breed of horse, way to go Howrse, good way to make those trophies unobtainable for,players, oh unless they buy passes so they can purchase Hera packs ect, ahhh, now l'm starting to see the big picture default smiley (8)

What gets me, is players using prepod were imploring you not to go ahead with the page and like usual, you couldn't care less.

Thanks for nothing default smiley :@
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
I rarely bother commenting, there is usually not much point because we, the time honoured players who have spent our money & time over the years playing Howrse creating our own personal game & achievements are rarely, if ever listened to.

This unnecessary change to a core part of the game is an insult to our intelligence & loyalty.

I agree with every point made by @Josey jojo, @ Maddi, @Frozen In Time & @ Knyphain.

Howrse essentially started as primary school/young adults game that encouraged parents to join in & be part of their child's/children's gaming experience. Then it somehow managed to progress into a roll playing nightmare that fortunately (at that time) got nipped in the bud by the previous admin team who held the integrity of the game, the players rights, integrity & comfort in high regard.
The key words here are 'the players', the ones who pay your wages over how many servers?
Over the last 2yrs or so many of the game changes that have been imposed on us have become offensive. The unprofessional graphics, across the board, from some of the Divine horses through to the Ow Helios Rays & beyond are an insult to our ocular senses & wallets! We're expected to pay for this & be excited about keeping our trophy ranking? I think not. Certainly it's our choice whether or not to compete in the trophy section of the game however there is very little encouragement for us to want to spend our money or continue on to keep playing a game where the graphics have morphed back to a 1980s style.

So much more to mention but I honestly just couldn't be bothered. Just fix the things that require it & please stop enforcing on us things we don't want or need, or at the very least find a decent compromise. I've said it before & I'll say it again 'If it aint broke don't try to fix it'!

Why not divert your attention to things like -

~Players with multiple accounts, there are so many of them & the so called high tech soft wear that's implemented isn't high tech enough to catch a snail with a jetpack.

~Players that are still using script to cheat their way through

~Game lag
Kate Kelly
  • Posted messages: 45
  • Karma: 10 points
also here to complain .. the one, literally ONE thing I log in to work on is my trophy collections ... I cannot be bothered doing anything seriously here anymore but plodding along on that at my own snail pace was fun for me.

Get my rewards through the new trophy and I have to take a TARPAN???? a literally useless "divine" who doesn't do anything except make collecting rare coats more difficult ?!?!?!

meanwhile all the trophies I worked so hard for do not display on my profile anymore?! I don't really mind the new page, like I can live with it, but whats the point of trophies anyway without the little pin for my profile omgggg

I bailed out of howrse because of it becoming overly profit driven and predatory toward it's player base. Logging in to see the one thing I still liked has also been taken away is so laughable really.

default smiley (h)
  • Posted messages: 323
  • Karma: 10 points
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