[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: February 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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Mwahahah, yep, just a good giggle to be honestdefault smiley :p

A couple of the last changes have been a great addition to the enjoyment and ease of our game. Credit where it's duedefault smiley (y), or not, in this case default smiley (n)

Rolling eyeball is a must have default smiley xd
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
Im just going to add my 2 cents worth here, will I be listened too? Meh probs not default smiley xd

Like everyone has said why fix something that was fine in the first place? That stroke button gives me the creeps, it sticks out more, the covering button looks just weird. The rides button is smaller which does make it more distracting especially when you are blupping at speed.

Like what was mentioned earlier, can we please have the black market item pages changed?! For the payment at the bottom please just swap the pass payment and inventory payment around so it naturally selects the inventory first, better yet have it like the old black market item pages and have it show how many items of that item is left in your inventory. I feel its quite cheeky that it naturally selects to pay with passes first, howrse seems to do that because that means players would need to buy more passes. Especially with the lag (that issue seems to be ignored too) it makes the page lag and even tho you click on paying with inventory it can quickly jump options again and make you pay with passes.

How about fix the reindeer updates?! Certain players gained free passes from just entering their reindeer in a 2 hour gap between the new month update and the prizes being dished out. Some players made 200 passes when they didn't even win them in the first place default smiley :k

Better yet, why dont you have the monthly team updates happen on the 1st of the month!? This server is Australian based so that means we are ahead of France. So just because we arent in France we have all our times and team updates muddled up!? The christmas divines still activate on the 25th our time fine so why not the teams?

I could mention more issues that would be great in the updates but its a waste of time with this lot. But eye rolling emoji would be great default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 675
  • Karma: 10 points
If you want to "optimize" the quality of our playing experience how about leaving things alone that don't need fixing and actually listen to legitimate complaints. Stop wasting your time doing pointless "fixes" that were already perfectly functional.

When the update came through and I saw the buttons for the first time, I thought I needed my eyes tested. I usually play with my screen at 75% to fit more of the page on my laptop screen without needing to scroll but now most of the buttons are quite blurry at 75%...in fact anything below 100% now just doesn't look right. So thanks for that default smiley :@

If you want to play around with artwork why not give each individual horse breed DIFFERENT lineart instead of reusing the exact same ones for many. Now that would make the game look so much nicer!
  • Posted messages: 342
  • Karma: 10 points
PLEASE stop making things fainter, default smiley 8-) it makes them so hard to see. I can actually not see the cover button clearly enough any more to work out whether it is saying I cannot cover or I can.
Talk about if it's not broken do not fix it, it was just fine before!
  • Posted messages: 56
  • Karma: 10 points
It is interesting that most of the icons have had the saturation increased and made larger, the stroke option is now more obvious and looks wrong, mainly because its more orange, sunburnt maybe, the cover button is faint now, and hard to see - guess like every change we will just get used to it
  • Posted messages: 445
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm sorry, but we shouldn't have to 'just get used to it' when the majority of players are unhappy because it affects their game negatively.

I couldn't really care less about the stroke button looking weird, or that the lesson button almost doesn't even exist, l keep waiting for it to shrink up and disappear before my eyes like a UFO.
l think the whole change is a laughable effort on the games part to look as if they are improving our game experience.


The cover button is totally unacceptable, it needs to be thickened back up and all the colour faded right out when covering is unavailable and coloured right up when available, the difference needs to be easily recogisable and leave no doubt.
I do a massive amount of breeding everyday and since the change, l've over aged several of my mares because l find it hard to tell when it's lit up again.

Can't say l'll 'just get used to it' in a hurry if it's not changed default smiley :@
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
As bad as these new icons are- my main concern with the update isn't the lack of care or effort that has been put into the updates.. It is more so the fact that we DO NOT get listened too. Updates should not regularly been negatively effecting game play. This horrendous update is not a one off bad idea, they seem to be more often than not! default smiley (o)

Players from the AUS server alone, along with all other servers are suggesting updates and features that would genuinely be of so much help to players- particularly those that are competitive, and they just get skimmed over- if they are even read in the first place... Implementing features that players want will increase the amount of time people play, the amount of money they put back into the game and their overall commitment to playing. It seems as though Owlient does forget that the players are the ones funding these games, without us it would be nothing.

I can have a laugh at these ridiculous looking icons, however, YES it is game effecting! They are tiny, and in all honesty can cause eye strain... It effects peoples BLUPing and breeding, which for a lot of players is the main objective of their game... default smiley 8-)

If you have nothing good to implement into the game, then don't update anything at all... Everyone was satisfied with the 'before' icons, so this update is so unnecessary.

*insert eye roll emoji here*
  • Posted messages: 22
  • Karma: 10 points
This update looks like there was a half-hearted attempt to give the design team some busy work.

The new icons are at best indistinguishable from the old and at worst are harder to see.

Meanwhile we've all wanted updates that actually improve game play.

This game could use a lot of ergonomic design and feature improvements. I've had to scale back my game play because of this.
  • Posted messages: 54
  • Karma: 10 points
8th March 2022

Added a filter for displaying the vintage apples not owned.
Fixed an issue with the rules on editing competitions in the equestrian center.
Deleted the toolip displayed on the ride on the beach icon.

Whats a toolip, or do you mean tooltip? default smiley xddefault smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 675
  • Karma: 10 points
Sorry for the delay in posting this!

Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
Sorry for the delay in posting this!

Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points

Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
I am liking the new organisation of the Black Market page - I love that the companions have their own tab!
  • Posted messages: 1,689
  • Karma: 10 points
gaff wrote:

I am liking the new organisation of the Black Market page - I love that the companions have their own tab!

I love the new companion tab too, makes it so much easier to sort through them now default smiley (l)
It's Bee
  • Posted messages: 343
  • Karma: 10 points
I generally give up complaining as it seems as though the only ones that have a say are the new comers to the game, but I have to voice about the latest changes to Croesus Fortune. Why change what was working perfectly well? The hoof pick as lost its value for it's purpose, Croesus Fortune as lost its purpose I certainly will not be using any more. Definitely not enough thought put into this one.
  • Posted messages: 253
  • Karma: 10 points

This month welcomes a lot of updates to Black Market items:

- 3 new items are now sold permanently in the Black Market: Kairos Dial, Button plaiting and Croesus's Fortune.
- We are changing the Bonus pack to make it more interesting!
- Croesus's Fortune is also modified to provide more immediate benefits.
- New UI for a number of pages.

Check out all our changes on the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm excited for the Kairos Dial. I use it all the time when I et the chance, and is the best thing with expensive comp horses.
  • Posted messages: 95
  • Karma: 10 points

This month welcomes some updates for the Safe Haven and the teams!

Check out all our changes on the new Devs’ Corner!

Don't hesitate to discuss or give your feedback on these features in this thread!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
What I'm about to comment on has definitely been said by other players but if its not broken don't fix it!
The way to send your horses to the Safe Haven before this update was fast and accessible and now its slightly time consuming, it may just be a few seconds but its kinda inconvenient for me and probably to some other player as well. Plus putting it with the other sale options? There is probably going to be some mistakes/accidents happen if someone isn't paying too much attention.
Probably a long shot but on the next update maybe consider changing it back? default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
Interesting changes to the teams. I like the idea of the maximum sales GP, and the fact you can't remove the affix etc. Interesting idea, would be curious what happens when you leave the team. If it's got the affix and above max GP, I assume it can't be sold to others still? What about the foals from it? If you're not a part of the team would they then not have the automatic affix and be able to be sold?
  • Posted messages: 1,884
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Interesting that yet again the dev's are fixing things that don't require fixing & expect us to be excited about it or for those whining to feel vindicated. It won't make any difference to me & you've not taken into account that other players/teams will find a way around the changes.

Putting the 'Sell to safe Haven' in my humble opinion should have been put at the bottom of the options, not the top to avoid errors.

How about doing something about the 'Rosette rort'? is it fair (or foul) play to allow other players & teams to 'set up' the Rosette races so that none are available for the new players? or for those who get the dreaded 'Win a Rosette' objective when there are none available to be had? sure it can be swapped for another objective but half the time that's not a good option for some, or just for those who might like to 'have a go' at winning one fairly?
Kate Kelly
  • Posted messages: 45
  • Karma: 10 points
HUGE mistake putting the 'safehaven' sales in with the other 'genuine' sales methods. People don't send their horses to safe haven for a reason, because they DON'T want too! Now, l can see it happening by accident!! Again, why are you fixing something that isn't broken?

As for the team changes, the only change l'm truly happy to see is the delay in a NEW team being ranked. This will help stop the underhanded 'foul play' tactics l've seen certain players/teams use to collect two reward rankings at the end of the month, by splitting their team into two seperate teams, deliberately cutting out their opposition from a genuine and honest placing in the rankingsdefault smiley (o).

The 'over-ride' option for 'inactive' team owners isn't a bad idea, but l think the time period should be much longer than a month before it comes into action, the owner could be on holidays or sick and l think it's unfair that they potentially 'lose' ownership of their team just because they haven't ,logged on in the past 30 days.

Some of the other changes are questionable on just how they might benefit the team and it's ease of operation. Time will tell l suppose.default smiley (8)
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
Ok then, so after seeing some of these changes first hand there are some definite benefits and drawbacks...

1. Removing the cost of team sales between members should have been implemented right from the start, but better late than never.

2. Having your mare only see covers from that team is also a positive change, being on several teams can often mean there are many covers up for different breeds so cross breeding was a very real obstacle.

3. I like the idea of the team affix being automatically put on team horses when bred, but l don't understand why there is a gp clause, if you don't use the scale available, then this does not happen, which makes it a negative. This feature should be automatic for all team horses bred regardless of the horses gp. (why do you lot always do things by halvesdefault smiley (o))

4. The scale for selling team horses isn't a bad idea, it can remove the 'error' factor of putting a team horse in the public sales ect, and members don't have to check the current gp sales allowed.

5. I am totally against the 30 day period regarding 'inactive team owners' this period should be no shorter than 6 months. Teams can function perfectly well without the team owner being present, it's really only dispersing the 'team kitty' that's affected, so it won't 'make or break' a team to wait a few months for this.

6. Including the 1 day for loans is a great change, but l think the amount of horses we can 'loan' or be 'loaned' should increase from 3 to at least 10, or even be unlimited, fast moving teams need more flexibility in this department.

As for the ridiculous concept that hardly anyone sells horses to safe haven, so we'll put that option on top of the general sales options is just another of Admins backwards thinking when this option is already available on every single horses profile page clear as day, oh yeah, it will most certainly result in many more horses being sold to safe haven, unfortunately it will be the new and inexperienced players who will get caught by this sneaky little trap default smiley (o)
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,468
  • Karma: 10 points
Can ya add more EMOJI'S default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 792
  • Karma: 10 points
Thank you everyone for your feedback and suggestions on the latest game update!

I'm sharing all of your comments with the team.
  • Posted messages: 503
  • Karma: 10 points
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