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By Retired breeder, 3rd October 2015 21:39:57
Hm. I'm only off by like, 3 points, so it's not a complete loss. There could have been a calculation error when the guide was made, so it could be that as well.
I'm on track, 62/75. Not exactly sure where you may have gone wrong, but it's working for me (Then again, I haven't bothered to follow the guide, just doing it by my own accord.)
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Please remember to use the proper official topic when discussing features/promotions *currently* on the game default smiley ;)
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Further info;

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The new feature to be included with the new messaging system, to be able to select which players you receive mail from. Testing I did last night and further to a question about negotiable horse sales. It appears that when you place a horse in direct sales you accept that the horse is offered to sell anytime over 30 days, so correctly as our optional mail filter resets once each month we can select to receive offers even if the horse is up for sale 29 days before you are able to receive such messages. Suppose you have to use your own judgement of wanting to use the feature.
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By Retired breeder, 5th October 2015 06:22:07
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
it hasnt been released yet
  • Posted messages: 304
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Retired breeder wrote:

Also, does this mean you wouldn't be able to receive offers for negotiable horses, or would that be like moderator/admin messages in that they are always allowed?

These PMs will not go through.default smiley :(
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wait.. so negotiating on horses won't be an option anymore? or only if that particular player sets their settings that way?
river bend stables
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river bend stables wrote:

wait.. so negotiating on horses won't be an option anymore? or only if that particular player sets their settings that way?


Don't put negotiable or reset your PM.

Can be a problem as I have PM people that don't have negotiable with a very fair offer and they have accepted it. So that means no communication with anyone with a for sale horse unless you are on their friends list.
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Will there be some sort of notification on their pages to tell other player whether they accept mail outside of their current friends? or will you only find out when you have typed and tried to send the message?

I negotiate on horses people have in sales breeding farms but not in sales fairly often, so some sort of mail accepting notification on their page would be very useful to see which players are able to be contacted
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Mesotablar wrote:

I negotiate on horses people have in sales breeding farms but not in sales fairly often, so some sort of mail accepting notification on their page would be very useful to see which players are able to be contacted

If someone tried to click on the negotiate link that is on a sale horse they will get this result.

It brings you to the inbox page, but you can't actually write a message or anything. When you try to manually send a message, it says 'One or several addressees cannot receive your message.'"

So the person that the message is to be sent to will never know. I suppose you could try to send a friend request or if you have a mutual friend you can try that way. default smiley :s
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i'm not a real fan of the planned messaging system.. i personally don't think it's at all appropriate, well, some of the new features anyway. howrse for me has always been a very interactive game, and if i won't be able to socialize outside my friends list i'll be very disheartened and not very motivated to play as much as i do now. not to say that some players won't benefit from these features, such as players not wanting constant messages about horses, or players not at all interested in chatting, but i don't know. i just don't think it'll go down well.
river bend stables
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river bend stables wrote:

and if i won't be able to socialize outside my friends list

You can change what your options are. Either friends or everyone. As it is now it is everyone and that is the default but for those that just want friends only they are limiting themselves from other areas of the game.

It is in the players hands to make this choice.default smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 9th October 2015 12:35:48
Not keen on the new PM system. I like the current one better
Would you still be able to send messages to team members that chose the option to only get messages from friends?
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By Retired breeder, 11th October 2015 01:38:30
Yeah will we only get to talk to our team members on team forum
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 17th October 2015 09:11:01
Just asking, when is the next promo being released?
just wondering: has any one got any info about the next promo???
Thank you
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Retired breeder wrote:

Just asking, when is the next promo being released?

Best guess is Oct 22 or Oct 26.

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It is the Halloween one.
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By Retired breeder, 18th October 2015 13:44:36
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So, I've heard a very disturbing rumor from a trusted friend who plays frequently on INT that Howrse is trying to sneak in auto GP raises on foundies. Again. Which will effectively kill all NIB projects. Please, please tell me that this isn't true, and that Howrse wouldn't try to pull that stunt again after the entire INT community rallied against it. Ugh.
Luthien Tinuviel

This is what is being tested right now and will probably show up on the next update.

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By MeOw, 1st October 2015 09:17:17
The GP of the horse a new player receives when they arrive on the game and the GP of new breeds introduced on the game will now increase slowly to avoid that the gap between new players and the rest of the community becoming bigger and bigger.

How does it work ?

► The beginning GP will always be far from the best GP of the weakest breed of the game (unicorns included), so it is impossible to get an advantage to get a new account horse instead of a good horse that is raised by a player.

► It increases from 6 points a day maximum. As for the moment the beginning GP is really very far away from where the GP on the game is, it will probably increase for 6 points each day during some time.

► It will not change the GP of the horses that are already inside the game, it is only for the horses created by new players and for the new breeds

Also, from now, the breeds directory displays the profile of a breed based on the genetic threshold which can be a bit different than the profile the breed had at the moment we introduced it on the game. So the breed directory now shows a profile of each breed that corresponds to the real GP evolution of the breeds.
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By Retired breeder, 18th October 2015 15:21:10
That soon?! You've gotta be joking. The last time they did this, the entire INT community revolted against it, and they're now renegading on their original promise to them. This will kill all NIB projects. Personally, I've busted my rear end for my NIBies, and would quite like to continue doing so. Heck, I just bred a foal the other day with a 6 point increase in the primary skill. This is incredibly unfair, and solves nothing. So. Mad. Right now. default smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 18th October 2015 15:43:40
See? Six point increase in stamina, and a 20 point GP gain. It's not that hard to breed quality horses from foundies anymore, so really, the auto-GP thing is poorly thought out and quite frankly, really dumb, for want of a better word.
By Retired breeder, 18th October 2015 19:40:19
Well... Yeah it will be pretty stink for you guys
and im not saying i like the idea tooooo much...
but still starting out on a higher gp horse would be pretty cool for a newer player
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