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Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
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thanks Frozen. she's so pretty :')
river bend stables
  • Posted messages: 2,687
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By Retired breeder, 10th September 2015 12:42:08
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What's Pinapa promo?
By Retired breeder, 10th September 2015 15:18:10
Does anybody have a prize chart for the Cards up yet? I'd like to see what's being offered this go around. default smiley ^)
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anybody have a prize chart for the Cards up yet? I'd like to see what's being offered this go around. default smiley ^)

A list of prizes (credit to ShorahNagi on International)

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[img] http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i341/ShorahNagi/Screenshot%202015-08-19%2020.50.55_zpsr7lnhtpc.png [/img]
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
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I think some of the prizes may have been changed since the list ShorahNagi put up as I have prize to left of Tormentas saddle and its a 5th element not bonus pack ,not sure if others have changed as well yet .
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I'm actually really surprised how easy it is to get her tack. My first card was her saddle blanket!
  • Posted messages: 238
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jennyomeo wrote:

I think some of the prizes may have been changed since the list ShorahNagi put up as I have prize to left of Tormentas saddle and its a 5th element not bonus pack ,not sure if others have changed as well yet .

Ah, that makes sense. I saw a post on INT mentioning the 5th element - much better prize anyway. default smiley :p

I guess it's just some indication from preprod then. default smiley (lol)
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
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Found the AU server prize list!
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  • Posted messages: 238
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By Retired breeder, 11th September 2015 10:54:43
Wouldn't it be cool if you could put a piece of tack from each legendary horse onto only one horse and get a super legendary or something? Lol. Just thinking how epic that would be.
Yeah, I got 2 5th elements.
  • Posted messages: 792
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Retired breeder wrote:

Wouldn't it be cool if you could put a piece of tack from each legendary horse onto only one horse and get a super legendary or something? Lol. Just thinking how epic that would be.

just what I was thinking as we get extra LH Tack we can't use (like you can get 3 saddles but only one Ear Bonnet so we can only get her ones) so we should be able to but one piece of
Tack from all LH horses on a horse to turn it into a LH horse!
if you put one piece of tack from all legendary horses on your horse it will turn into one extra legendary horse.
e.g. so I put on my horse:
Zaldia's Saddle Cloth ,Tormenta's saddle, Amira's Bridle, Altair's Ear Bonnet and Bucephalus's Polo Wraps and my horse will turn into one extra legendary horse.
its good because we have lot's of tack we can't use.
(5 legendary horses = 1 piece of tack from all= one extra legendary horse)
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totally agree. that'd be awesome. since the tack cannot be sold, traded, or made into anything, it's a bit of a waste just sitting in our inventory. may be a bit of a loss to the players who did get the divines though as they mightn't have any spare tack.
river bend stables
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By Retired breeder, 15th September 2015 04:38:13
The AU Server prize list has already been put into the "Card Collections" In the settings tab. default smiley :) Hope this was helpful, since people didn't seem to be checking their collections.
By Retired breeder, 16th September 2015 00:52:45
Just wondering if there will be any chances in any future promos to have another chance at getting tack.It is so frustrating to only have one piece to go and not get it.I've sort of given up trying to get the tack as without spending a lot of pass's,I can't see me winning much there.
I'd like to get at least one of them fully tacked.default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 18th September 2015 01:46:27
so what divine is in the Pin promo Zaldia or Bucephalus
Retired breeder wrote:

so what divine is in the Pin promo Zaldia or Bucephalus

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The piñatas contest makes a come back with the circus as the theme!

The goal is to click on our piñata to make it open and receive the gifts it contains. Therea re 20 to open wiht an increasing amount of points to collect. A new piñata appears when you've opened the previous one.


Each piñata offers some objectives to complete. Those objectives offer you help wtih finishing your piñatas faster. Be sure to complete them!

Friends Help:

You can receive help from your friends to open your piñatas. It costs 300 Equus.

More Clicks:

You can buy more clicks with passes all during the contest. At certain times in the contest, you will find points for your piñatas in the Horn of Plenty. The number of points received depends on the piñatas -- the last ones received more points than the first ones

Your Piñata will open once you have earned a certain number of points. You can earn points by:

thanks to your clicks on the piñata.
click 15 times a day
buy Mace Blows on the black market
your friends clicking on your Piñata
completing Piñata objectives

The jackpot

Collect all 5 pieces of legendary tack in order to get the legendary horse Zaldia
with piñatas #8, 11, 14, 17 and 20!

Zaldia is a legendary horse.

You can obtain him when you give the 5 pieces of Zaldia's legendary tack to one of your horses, or when you purchase a Zaldia pack.

On certain days he can be groomed twice. When he is groomed for the second time on a given day, your next pass purchase gives you one diamond as a bonus, provided that this purchase is made before the end of that day.

PLEASE NOTE--the above perk will be changed when the promo goes live and the Admins are looking at the game perk now.

When Zaldia is obtained via the Zaldia pack, the probability that he can be groomed twice a day is higher.
One diamond offered upon the next pass purchase on days when he is groomed twice
Reserve access to the equestrian center based on a certain skill instead of based on skill total

This horse cannot be sold..

The pinata objectives
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The objectives are

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Piñatas 1 to 10 - The format of this list is:

Pinata Number. Number of Points
-Objective 1 = reward
-Objective 2 = reward
-Objetive 3 = reward *if applicable*
Prizes -

1. 20 points
-Click on the pinata = 4 points for your Pinata
-groom a horse = Friend clicks are worth 2 points each
Prizes - Pandora's Box, 3x Aging points

2. 30 points
- Stroke a horse = able to be helped by 2 friends a day
- Put a pony to bed = 10 Mace Blows *extra clicks*
Prizes - 10% Energy for your horses, 2** White Classical Saddle Cloth

3. 50 points
- Congratulate a player = next 3 clicks are worth 2 points eahc (Except friend clicks)
- Visit Ow's profile page = able to click the pinata 15 times every 12 hours
Prizes - Whip, 2** Blue and white western saddle cloth

4. 75 points
- Sell exactly 3 mashes at the shop = 20 points for your pinata
- Donate 5000e to Ow = Friend clicks are worth 3 points each
Prizes - Water of youth, 10x mashes

5. 100 points
- Participate in a competiton = able to be helped by 3 friends per day
- Click on a friend's pinata = clicks are now worth 2 points each (except Friends)
Prizes - 50x apples, Philote's Stroke


6. 125 points
- Choose a Horse's Specialty= 7 Mace Blows
- Give an apple to a Divine or Wild horse = Friend clicks are worth 4 points each
Prizes - 1* Classical Bridle, Helios' Ray

7. 150 points
- Train a horse for 3 consecutive hours = Next 4 friend clicks are worth 5 points each
- Participate in a competition requiring 12% energy = click the pinata 15 times every 8 hours
Prizes - 100x Wood, 100x Sand, 100x Iron

8. 200 points
- Donate 10,000e to Ow = able to be helped by 4 friends per day
- Finish in position #3 in competitions* = number of points needed divided by 2
Prizes - 10x aging points, Ploutos Parchment, Zaldia's Saddle Cloth

*It does not say if there is a certain number of competititions needed - but the original translation I had said 'Finish 3rd in 3 Competitions'. I'm going to check with the Admins on this one.

9. 250 points
- Finish last in a competition = Friend clicks are worth 5 points each
- Earn 120e from a horse with a Ploutos Parchment = clicks are now worth 4 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - 20x leather, Water Trough, Apollo's Lyre

10. 300 points
- Congratulate a player on their birthday = next 5 clicks worth 5 points each (except friend clicks)
- Use an aging point on a 15 year old horse = 5 Mace Blows
Prizes - Violet 2** Polo Wraps, Violet 2** Ear Bonnet, Violet 2** Western Saddle Cloth

11. 400 points
- Win at least 1,000e by entering a competition* = Click on the pinata 15 times every 6 hours
- Be congratulated 12times = Open the pinata directly on the next click
Prizes - Zaldia's Saddle, 300x Fodder, 500 points for the general ranking
*I believe this is overall with one horse - not just from one competition. Again, I need to check with the Admins/reach this objective myself to make sure

12. 500 points
- Win 1e in a competition = Friend clicks are worth 6 points each
- Donate *various common items* to a new player* = Clicks are worth 6 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - 4,000 equus, Medusa's Blood, Achilles' Heel

*My donate list on preprod was 1x 1* Western Saddle, 38x Oats, 2,000e - might be different on live.

13. 750 points
- Stroke a horse with a Flaxen Chestnut Coat = 250 points for your pinata
- Donate a horse to Ow = able to be helped by 6 friends a day
Prizes - Shower, 20x carrots, Zeus' Lightning bolt

*From here on out - Pinatas have 3 objectives!

14. 1000 points
- Fully equip a horse that has never been equipped before = next click is worth 100 points (except friend clicks)
- Participate in 60 competitions that require 20% energy = 200 points for your Pinata
- Remove a Pegasus' Wings = clicks are worth 8 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - Piece of Cloud, Zaldia's Bridle, 100% Morale for your Horses

15. 1200 points
- Finish training in one skill on a horse = Number of points received goes to 300 (so if you have 0 points, you'll now have 300 - if you have 400 points, I believe you WILL Drop back to 300 - so do this objective before you have more than 300 points)
- Accept an item exchange = friend clicks are worth 8 points each
- Open a horn of Plenty = able to click on the pinata 15 times every 4 hours.
Prizes - 10x aging points, Tractor, Cronos' Timer


16. 1500 points
- Purchase a horse for 2000e = next 6 friend clicks are worth 20 points each
- Donate x amount of equus to Ow = 20 Mace Blows
- Stroke a horse over 40 years of age = clicks are worth 10 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - 100x droppings, Hypnos' Blanket, Golden Apple

17. 2000 points
- Give a carrot to a horse born from Gaia and Ouranos = next click is worth 20 points (except friend click)
- Win x amount of competitions = able to be helped by 8 friends a day
- Reach 100 BLUP with a horse = Number of points already received for the pinata multipled by 2 *Best to wait until you are close to or at 1000 points*
Prizes - Zaldia's Polo Wraps, 5th Element, 6,000 equus

18. 2500 Points
- Give a mash to a horse with a dressage skill between 266 to 373 = 500 points for your pinata
- Reach a reserve ending in XX = Clicks are worth 12 points each (except friend clicks)
- Give a horse a *color* Golden Apple coat = able to click on the Pinata 15 times every 3 hours.
Prizes - 20x mashes, 1,000 General ranking points, Nyx Pack

19. 3000 points
- Win 2 competitions with a horse born from Gaia and Ouranos = 15 Mace Blows
- Donate X amount of equus to Ow = Friend clicks are worth 10 points each
- Buy a horse for a minimum of 1 pass = 400 points for your pinata
Prizes - 15 xaging points, Hera Pack, Themis' Scales

20. 4000 points
- Remove a unicorn's horn = able to be helped by 10 friends a day
- Give birth to twins = clicks are worth 15 points each (except friend clicks)
- Win 1 Rosette? = Number of points needed divided by 2
Prizes - 10,000 Equus, Philosopher's Stone, Zaldia's Ear Bonnet
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By Retired breeder, 18th September 2015 06:45:27
sounds cool Freehold thanks for postingdefault smiley (y)
Freehold wrote:

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Piñatas 1 to 10 - The format of this list is:

Pinata Number. Number of Points
-Objective 1 = reward
-Objective 2 = reward
-Objetive 3 = reward *if applicable*
Prizes -

1. 20 points
-Click on the pinata = 4 points for your Pinata
-groom a horse = Friend clicks are worth 2 points each
Prizes - Pandora's Box, 3x Aging points

2. 30 points
- Stroke a horse = able to be helped by 2 friends a day
- Put a pony to bed = 10 Mace Blows *extra clicks*
Prizes - 10% Energy for your horses, 2** White Classical Saddle Cloth

3. 50 points
- Congratulate a player = next 3 clicks are worth 2 points eahc (Except friend clicks)
- Visit Ow's profile page = able to click the pinata 15 times every 12 hours
Prizes - Whip, 2** Blue and white western saddle cloth

4. 75 points
- Sell exactly 3 mashes at the shop = 20 points for your pinata
- Donate 5000e to Ow = Friend clicks are worth 3 points each
Prizes - Water of youth, 10x mashes

5. 100 points
- Participate in a competiton = able to be helped by 3 friends per day
- Click on a friend's pinata = clicks are now worth 2 points each (except Friends)
Prizes - 50x apples, Philote's Stroke


6. 125 points
- Choose a Horse's Specialty= 7 Mace Blows
- Give an apple to a Divine or Wild horse = Friend clicks are worth 4 points each
Prizes - 1* Classical Bridle, Helios' Ray

7. 150 points
- Train a horse for 3 consecutive hours = Next 4 friend clicks are worth 5 points each
- Participate in a competition requiring 12% energy = click the pinata 15 times every 8 hours
Prizes - 100x Wood, 100x Sand, 100x Iron

8. 200 points
- Donate 10,000e to Ow = able to be helped by 4 friends per day
- Finish in position #3 in competitions* = number of points needed divided by 2
Prizes - 10x aging points, Ploutos Parchment, Zaldia's Saddle Cloth

*It does not say if there is a certain number of competititions needed - but the original translation I had said 'Finish 3rd in 3 Competitions'. I'm going to check with the Admins on this one.

9. 250 points
- Finish last in a competition = Friend clicks are worth 5 points each
- Earn 120e from a horse with a Ploutos Parchment = clicks are now worth 4 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - 20x leather, Water Trough, Apollo's Lyre

10. 300 points
- Congratulate a player on their birthday = next 5 clicks worth 5 points each (except friend clicks)
- Use an aging point on a 15 year old horse = 5 Mace Blows
Prizes - Violet 2** Polo Wraps, Violet 2** Ear Bonnet, Violet 2** Western Saddle Cloth

11. 400 points
- Win at least 1,000e by entering a competition* = Click on the pinata 15 times every 6 hours
- Be congratulated 12times = Open the pinata directly on the next click
Prizes - Zaldia's Saddle, 300x Fodder, 500 points for the general ranking
*I believe this is overall with one horse - not just from one competition. Again, I need to check with the Admins/reach this objective myself to make sure

12. 500 points
- Win 1e in a competition = Friend clicks are worth 6 points each
- Donate *various common items* to a new player* = Clicks are worth 6 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - 4,000 equus, Medusa's Blood, Achilles' Heel

*My donate list on preprod was 1x 1* Western Saddle, 38x Oats, 2,000e - might be different on live.

13. 750 points
- Stroke a horse with a Flaxen Chestnut Coat = 250 points for your pinata
- Donate a horse to Ow = able to be helped by 6 friends a day
Prizes - Shower, 20x carrots, Zeus' Lightning bolt

*From here on out - Pinatas have 3 objectives!

14. 1000 points
- Fully equip a horse that has never been equipped before = next click is worth 100 points (except friend clicks)
- Participate in 60 competitions that require 20% energy = 200 points for your Pinata
- Remove a Pegasus' Wings = clicks are worth 8 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - Piece of Cloud, Zaldia's Bridle, 100% Morale for your Horses

15. 1200 points
- Finish training in one skill on a horse = Number of points received goes to 300 (so if you have 0 points, you'll now have 300 - if you have 400 points, I believe you WILL Drop back to 300 - so do this objective before you have more than 300 points)
- Accept an item exchange = friend clicks are worth 8 points each
- Open a horn of Plenty = able to click on the pinata 15 times every 4 hours.
Prizes - 10x aging points, Tractor, Cronos' Timer


16. 1500 points
- Purchase a horse for 2000e = next 6 friend clicks are worth 20 points each
- Donate x amount of equus to Ow = 20 Mace Blows
- Stroke a horse over 40 years of age = clicks are worth 10 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - 100x droppings, Hypnos' Blanket, Golden Apple

17. 2000 points
- Give a carrot to a horse born from Gaia and Ouranos = next click is worth 20 points (except friend click)
- Win x amount of competitions = able to be helped by 8 friends a day
- Reach 100 BLUP with a horse = Number of points already received for the pinata multipled by 2 *Best to wait until you are close to or at 1000 points*
Prizes - Zaldia's Polo Wraps, 5th Element, 6,000 equus

18. 2500 Points
- Give a mash to a horse with a dressage skill between 266 to 373 = 500 points for your pinata
- Reach a reserve ending in XX = Clicks are worth 12 points each (except friend clicks)
- Give a horse a *color* Golden Apple coat = able to click on the Pinata 15 times every 3 hours.
Prizes - 20x mashes, 1,000 General ranking points, Nyx Pack

19. 3000 points
- Win 2 competitions with a horse born from Gaia and Ouranos = 15 Mace Blows
- Donate X amount of equus to Ow = Friend clicks are worth 10 points each
- Buy a horse for a minimum of 1 pass = 400 points for your pinata
Prizes - 15 xaging points, Hera Pack, Themis' Scales

20. 4000 points
- Remove a unicorn's horn = able to be helped by 10 friends a day
- Give birth to twins = clicks are worth 15 points each (except friend clicks)
- Win 1 Rosette? = Number of points needed divided by 2
Prizes - 10,000 Equus, Philosopher's Stone, Zaldia's Ear Bonnet

Click to display
Hmm, no 'divine' reward this time default smiley (8), especially greyfell. Well, I'm glad it's not Bucephalus in the pinatas (as was previously suggested) as I really want him and the pinata is a fairly painful promo, never actually completed it default smiley (lol). But I'll be happy if I can snatch the first two pieces of tack. default smiley :d
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 953
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Advice from ShorahNagi on INT about the upcoming promo

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Disclaimer: This post is intended as a Guide only. I do not guarantee that your results will match up this exactly as I have calculated. I am NOT any sort of Mathematician, as such - some of my numbers might be off. This is simply intended to help players get the most out of their NORMAL clicks.

*This guide was written based on the following:
1. Player does all objectives the day they are gotten and does them strategically
2. Player gets in all Normal Clicks for the Day
3. Player gets in all Friend Clicks for the Day

*I calculated this out to 18 full days - the average length of a promotion is 19 days (with the 19th day being a short day depending on what time the event ends).

That said - here's the guide:

*points shown are how many points you have after a click/objective

Day 1
Ask for help from a Friend and make sure they click before doing the objectives: 1/20
Do the first objective: 6/20
Use your normal clicks: 20/20 - Pinata breaks

*Pinata 2 start*
Friend click: 2/30
Objective 2: 12/30

Day 2
2 Friend Clicks: 16/30
Normal Clicks: 30/30 - Pinata breaks

*Pinata 3 start*
*Do objective 1 First!
Normal click: 3/50
*objective 2 now allows 15 clicks every 12 hours*
Normal clicks: 22/50

(Now that we have multiple click times - times used will be random, but will be the proper intervals (Ex. 12 hours apart, 8 hours apart, etc)

Day 3
9 am Normal Clicks: 37/50
2 Friend Clicks: 41/50
9 pm Normal clicks: 50/50 - Pinata breaks

*Pinata 4 Stars*
9 pm normal clicks: 6/75
Objective 1: 26/75

Day 4
9 am clicks: 41/75
2 friend clicks: 47/75
9 pm normal clicks: 62/75

Day 5
9 am clicks: 75/75 - Pinata Breaks

*Pinata 5 starts*
*Wait to click and do both Objectives!*
9 am clicks: 4/100
3 Friend clicks: 13/100
9 pm clicks: 43/100

Day 6
9 am clicks: 73/100
3 friend clicks: 82/100
9 pm clicks: 100/100 - pinata breaks

*Pinata 6 starts*
9 pm normal clicks: 12/125
objective 1: 26/125

Day 7
9 am clicks: 56/125
3 friend clicks: 68/125
9 pm clicks: 98/125

Day 8
1 friend click: 102/125
9 am normal clicks: 126/125 - Pinata breaks

*start pinata 7*
9 am normal clicks: 6/150
2 friend clicks: 16/150
5 pm normal clicks: 46/150
1 am normal clicks: 76/150

Day 9
9 am normal clicks: 106/150
3 friend clicks: 120/150
5 pm clicks: 150/150 - Pinata breaks

*start pinata 8*
*do the objectives first to drop the points needed to 100*
Friend click: 4/100
1 am clicks: 34/100

Day 10
9 am clicks: 64/100
4 friend clicks: 80/100
5 pm clicks: 100/100 - Pinata breaks

*Start pinata 9*
*Do the objectives first before clicking!*
5 pm clicks: 20/250
1 am clicks: 80/250

Day 11
9 am clicks: 140/250
4 friend clicks: 160/250
5 pm clicks: 220/250
1 am clicks: 252/250 - pinata breaks

*Start pinata 10*
*Do the objectives first before clicking!*
1 am clicks: 33/300
objective 2 clicks: 53/300
*clicks woth 4 points

Day 12
9 am clicks: 113/300
4 friend clicks: 133/300
5 pm clicks: 193/300
1 am clicks: 253/300

Day 13
4 friend clicks: 273/300
9 am normal clicks: 301/300 - Pinata breaks
*start pinata 11*
*Do the objectives first before clicking!*
Objective 2: 399/400
9 am normal clicks: 403/400 - Pinata breaks

*start pinata 12*
*Again, do the objectives first before clicking*
9 am normal clicks: 42/500
5 pm normal clicks: 132/500
1 am normal clicks: 222/500

Day 14
9 am normal clicks: 312/500
4 friend clicks: 336/500
5 pm clicks: 426/500
1 am clicks: 504/500 - Pinata breaks *2 clicks left*

*start pinata 13* - clicks worth 6 points, friend worth 6
*do the objectives first*
objective 1: 250/750
1 am clicks: 262/750
6 friend clicks: 298/750
9 am clicks: 388/750
5 pm clicks: 478/750
1 am clicks: 568/750

Day 15
9 am clicks: 658/750
6 friend clicks: 694/750
5 pm clicks: 754/750 - Pinata breaks 5 left

*start pinata 14*
*guess what - do the objectives first before clicking!*
Objective 2: 200/1000
5 pm clicks: 332/1000
1 am clicks: 452/1000

Day 16
9 am clicks: 572/1000
6 friend clicks: 608/1000
5 pm clicks: 728/1000
1 am clicks: 848/1000

Day 17
9 am clicks: 968/1000
4 friend clicks: 992/1000
5 pm clicks: 1000/1000 - Pinata breaks
*start pinata 15*
*Do objective 1 before clicking!*
5 pm clicks: 412/1200
2 friend clicks: 428/1200
9 pm clicks: 548/1200
1 am clicks: 668/1200

Day 18
5 am clicks: 788/1200
6 friend clicks: 836/1200
9 am clicks: 956/1200
1 pm clicks: 1076/1200
5 pm clicks: 1196/1200
9 pm click: 1204/1200 - pinata breaks

*start pinata 16*
*objectives first before clicking, again*
9 pm clicks: 140/1500
objective 2: 300/1500
1 am clicks: 450/1500
*end of event*

**Remeber - you can buy Mace Blows at any time for additional clicks (how many points the click is worth is based on how much your current click is worth)
**Points WILL be offered in HOPs at some point during the Event
Frozen In Time
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Does anyone know if there will be another chance to buy joker cards next weekend before the promo finishes? Thanks default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 83
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Smiley-10 wrote:

Does anyone know if there will be another chance to buy joker cards next weekend before the promo finishes? Thanks default smiley :)

I would say unlikely.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd September 2015 09:41:36
I am excited if we have a WH promo
By Retired breeder, 22nd September 2015 15:16:12
Hm...I might actually be able to complete the next promo. Maybe. Who need sleep? default smiley (8)
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