[FT] Spoiler Zone!


This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features you find or feel like sharing.

Players that are in the test may decide to share what they are experiencing or not.

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On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.

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STUPID thing to do and yes WHY WHY WHY??? Come on Owlient , give us some answers to why do this change.. Your very quiet towards this whole thing..

Those who have higher GP are who keeps this game going.. Don't you think!!.. If you take this away from us then your left with the new players, then the game goes down down down..
Start listening to those who are completely against this absurd idea to change.. COME ON..

Is this happening to all servers?? or just this server..
  • Posted messages: 115
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Tilley wrote:

Is this happening to all servers?? or just this server..

I can't speak for all servers, but on all the English speaking servers I got the same message about account changes.

Equideow however, I haven't gotten a message about upcoming changes to account sharing on either of their two servers. I don't use the feature, but it still looks the same so the changes haven't been made yet on there, and I haven't gotten a message that they plan to do so.

I don't even see a mention of it in Equideow's spoiler topic, so in other words, all I can tell you is the English speaking servers, yes, and Equideow, so far no.
  • Posted messages: 2,588
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On the German server there is the same announcement, scheduled for 17th July.
The explanation given there is, that originally the implementation of the Co-management was for absence of the player for some time (for example holidays) and not for breeding together on one account.
Old Pony
  • Posted messages: 72
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If I'm guessing right, the Russian server wouldn't have gotten the message either about co-management changes. The only reason I can guess this is because

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Equideow's spoiler topic is focused on pass changes (like the ones that had been discussed on here a while ago, but then abandoned and never talked about on here because the change obviously wasn't implemented), and someone who was from the Russian server had talked about it.

So my guess is they are testing different changes across servers/ going to test different changes on these servers. As far as I can gather, Equideow and the Russian server are currently testing the pass changes in prepod, and the English servers, German server (thanks Old Pony, and Italian server are working/testing the co-management changes.

That's all I can tell currently because of people chiming in from various servers. It would appear we are a bit farther ahead with the co-management change than the other servers working the pass change, but I'm guessing because these would be both huge changes to the game's system, it was decided to spread it out the changes between servers and not overwhelm all the servers with both changes/the possibility of both changes at the same time.

  • Posted messages: 2,588
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I sent a ticket to 'Contact us" regarding this new change and I encourage everyone who disagrees with this change to do the same. We pay, we should have a say!!

I'm writing to voice my disapproval at this ridiculous Co-management change you are going to implement!!
You keep giving us benefits, such as co-management & 'Stay logged in features, then you twist them so they are no longer workable.
I do not understand why you are going to MAKE us re-set co-management every single time we stop playing. I can understand you wanting only one player on each account at one time, but WHY the re-set, it's totally ludicrous and I for one will be seriously thinking of quitting this game altogether. My VIP is due end of next month, I WILL NOT be wasting 50 passes and renewing it and I WILL NOT be purchasing any more passes, and I bet I'm not the only one!!!

So your company will be the loser out of this one.

I expect this change is being implemented because stupid people keep allowing players they don't know and can't trust to co-manage their accounts, they get ripped off, whinge to you and next thing is, everyone has to suffer!! Hope your not relying on the NEW players to keep the game going as it's going to be a massive failure!

I'm sick of these changes being implemented without any explanation and without consulting the players, who keep this game financially viable. There are still multi-accounters running riot on this game and you don't seem to be very serious about cleaning up that!!
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,461
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It seems to me that the players who won't be disadvantaged by these changes are those who cheat by accessing a co man account using its password.So what is the point of it all?
  • Posted messages: 727
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In relation to other servers, I play on the Norwegian server and we received this message also.
King Of Jazz
  • Posted messages: 550
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It affects me in that I would like to leave my account in co for more than a month while I’m studying my last unit at uni - I can’t comment on the effect on teams etc as I don’t use it, but I really think they should ask players first about changes... I’m a relatively new player and take offence a bit at statements about newbies, the game relies on all its players really new and old, I have been put off of a bit by some changes, lack of consultation and sadly a few players ... I mainly keep to myself though ... hopefully the ambassador thing will allow feed back, I hope so as it’s rather pointless if not. default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 220
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100% agree with you there Rommydefault smiley (y)

Finding Competitions to gain your 20 wins for blupping are already at breaking point default smiley :o Imagine what's going to happen when Teams or individuals with high GP horses can't fill their comps default smiley :$ they're gonna start stomping everyone elsedefault smiley :@ not that some already don't, but that's only a few selected players at this point in timedefault smiley (n)

I apologize if it seems I'm down on New players as that's not the case at all, we all started at the bottom and I've been very generous to new players during my game play default smiley :-)) It's very rewarding helping and encouraging someone who's keen but doesn't know how to get themselves a good startdefault smiley ^) But I have no time for players who are lazy and expect freebies and handouts default smiley (o)default smiley (n)

My issue is with Howrse/Owlient default smiley :k All these new changes are geared to please, encourage and protect new players to Play, Stay and eventually Pay, and to make it easier for them to climb the ladder, to achieve the same goals in half the time it took us older players. Now, I don't really care if someone's happy to get to the top by doing very little, but my idea of the game is to work hard and earn your spot, make it your own and enjoy your success as you improvedefault smiley :-))
Some of these bad decision changes have been the Unicorn Breeding changes, so you can't mess it up (now a Unicorn is almost worthlessdefault smiley (n)) ~ Foundation horses with double the GP we all started with, killing the NIB breeders and making all that hard work a Team or individual put in to only have a new player match the GP with their very first foundation horse default smiley (n) ) I'm sure there are many others that have been implemented to make this game easier and foolproof for newer players, just like this new change, there is no other reason to implement it than to save some players from their own bad judgement or poor management. Now, I don't really care if someone's happy to get to the top by doing very little, and get everything handed to them, and have the game so purified that they can't make a mistake ect, but my idea of the game is to work hard and earn your spot, make it your own and enjoy your success as you improvedefault smiley :-)) That's what makes this game fun default smiley (l) Well, it used too default smiley :'(

Plus, I don't consider someone who has been playing for over 12 months new at all, your a seasoned player default smiley ;)default smiley (y)
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,461
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Woops, sorry for the long winded whinge and double paragraph, just very passionate about this game and very disappointed at the same time default smiley :$
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,461
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Rommy wrote:

It seems to me that the players who won't be disadvantaged by these changes are those who cheat by accessing a co man account using its password.So what is the point of it all?

So very very true..
  • Posted messages: 115
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Well, despite the fact this might get me in some troubledefault smiley :p, I think it's necessary for me to share the answer I received from *Contact Us regarding this change to Co-management.

It's a real pity though, that they choose not to communicate this sort of important information as some explanation as to WHY they are implementing a new change, it's just the polite thing to do default smiley ^)

Hello Josey jojo,

Thank you for contacting support with your comments and question. As to why this feature will require activation before logging out and is only good for 30 days, so long as the owner doesn't log in, is simple. It's because of the GDPR regulations.

We aren't allowed to store player's personal data indefinitely anymore, which applies to players who aren't coming into the game any longer. Even though they were "maintained" when you connected. I will certainly send your feedback to the rest of the team for them to consider, but I can't make any promises.

Thank you for your understanding. Contact us again for any questions or problems that aren't related to the issue mentioned above via a brand-new request. Have fun taking care of your horses!

Kind regards,
Josey jojo
  • Posted messages: 1,461
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Old Pony wrote:

On the German server there is the same announcement, scheduled for 17th July.
The explanation given there is, that originally the implementation of the Co-management was for absence of the player for some time (for example holidays) and not for breeding together on one account.

Yes, that is the original intent on all servers in regards to the co-management system. An excerpt from section 1.6 of the Breeders' Manual:

" > 1.6 - Account sharing
You can allow your family to access your account to take care of your horses. This is very useful for renewing your boarding, your crops, and the box bedding of your equestrian centre when you are away. "

With my parent hat on, I'm a tad upset with the proposed changes, as certain members of my own family have limited time when with me and sometimes need to log out quickly, with no possibility to log in elsewhere, which is why they have me on co-management. I'm sure this is the same for many other families. With my moderator hat on however, there definitely does need to be changes in terms of security of this system. It was never intended as a way to be used for team blupping for example.

Please know your feedback is being passed on to the development team.

Whilst we realise players are passionate about this subject, as a further reminder, players are expected to remain polite when interacting with any member of the team (contact us/administration, moderators), as well as in the forums.
  • Posted messages: 12,733
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dragoniys wrote:

Yes, that is the original intent on all servers in regards to the co-management system.

Oh. Makes sense. Scratch what I said earlier. I'm just trying to pretend I know something.default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 2,588
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Having security regulations as a reason to eliminate inactive accounts make sense. However, having to authorise co-management every time the owner logs in or out is rediculous. Why not just have the owner of the account authorising co-management once a month (if you have to) or 3 months (even better).
  • Posted messages: 342
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I feel it is really important for everyone to voice their concerns, while still maintaining a good relationship with the company. It is clearly a change that will affect a lot of important players in this game and we need to let Owlient know that.

This new change is apparently being implemented because of legal reasons, so it is unlikely to be dumped. HOWEVER, it can still be changed! Doravalentin raises a good point. Surely there is a better solution? I believe if we keep voicing our concerns and offer real solution ideas, we can work with Owlient to find a compromise. I would be sad to see the end of players like Josey Jojo, who have been so inspirational and helpful to my game, There's got to be a better way!
  • Posted messages: 64
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In my opinion being able to enter fillers into comps is good for the game. When I need the 20 wins I find empty comps, this eliminates me from stopping other players from getting the, sometimes extremely difficult, wins. It also helps the ECs of those comps I entered. Occasionally another player gets in before I've finished and while that can be a bit frustrating for me I try to think of it as helping out another player. So tell me, how can this be wrong?

While the game rules doesn't state that co-management can be used for fillers it doesn't say that it cannot. It's smart playing not cheating and honestly, who would play a game that has stringent rules on how a game has to be played *exactly* to the letter. I know I wouldn't.

We play this game for fun, some of us even pay for the privilege. It's those players who help keep this game going. So why is it that they are often penalised?

There is a saying "don't bite off the hand that feeds you" and honestly, Owlient, you really need to keep that in mind when you make changes to the game.

While I can understand the need for a change because of legal reasons (thank you Josey jojo for letting us know though it should have been made clearer by Owlient) I still believe there can be another way. Doravalentin made a very good suggestion. Now let us see how much you care about those players who help to finance this game.
  • Posted messages: 217
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By Retired breeder, 7th July 2018 22:31:05
You guys are so logical I read your comments for fun but tt seems none of the owlet team read the spoiler zone we should have somewhere with only good arguments like this on upcoming events because I don't think this topic is intended for complaining but rather announcing like freehold does
Actually, if you read the Information Banner by Cailow at the top of this page regarding the Spoiler Zone, it clearly states:

~On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

So, this is the correct forum to discuss our concerns and ideas about the proposed co-management change. I'm sure if we go off topic an authorized Moderator will post a message alerting us default smiley (y)
Josey jojo
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Personally as a player, i feel that there should have been a much more player friendly solution. I have no problem with when a law changes, that the game needs to implement changes in order to comply with said laws & regulations. Howrse is a service provided, operated & maintained under a business. Completely understand the need for such changes.

In this particular case however, having to activate Co Management upon every log out, is not user friendly to active (daily) users or those with life emergencies or unpredictable incidents that arise from life outside the game. I indeed like Doravalentin's comment in this.

It has me asking, why can it not be simply activated once a month (such as current in game feature to receive private messages from friends only, that is reset each month). That would force account owners to be more active each month, or your account begins to loose it's progress and position. This is where the law would have to define the length of time however, which being from Australia, im not familiar with European laws. Perhaps it can be extended to 6 monthly activation, or needs to be lessened to weekly activation. That information i simply do not know, as i have not the full information to make an informed decision on exact time frame.

I do agree to prevent some issues with a minority who abuse the current Co Management System, that the account owner take priority and kicks a Co off when they log in, and having only one person allowed to use the account at a time. That seems more than fair in light of the abuse of the system and law changes.
  • Posted messages: 698
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Josey jojo wrote:

So, this is the correct forum to discuss our concerns and ideas about the proposed co-management change. I'm sure if we go off topic an authorized Moderator will post a message alerting us

As was mentioned on International. When this change goes live a thread announcing it will most likely be posted. I know almost all servers are having discussions in the spoiler zone simply because any other thread would be totally inappropriate.

Since it is coming in just over a week we may just want to sit back and think it through. The arguments presented here and on all other servers are the same ones presented on the main test server. It just closed today and I know all comments are read by the Owlient staff.

I personally don't think any change to what has been posted will happen so I am just going to concentrate on the current promo and be ready for the next one.
  • Posted messages: 2,404
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I've never used the co-manage system, but I predict this is one of many changes 'necessary' to 'help newbies'. im also wondering whether to call myself one too default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 111
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I would imagine one of the consequences of this change, would be, innately pushing more teams to requiring members to have a communication program such as Discord, TeamSpeak, Skype, Mumble, Messenger (anything with group capabilities), to coordinate more effectively now.

When you log in and check your team, just because someone has a green dot next to them, doesn't mean their logged in right now, it just means their either online, or been logged in, in the last 30 minutes. I'd like to see this updated to real time, and differentiate between Owner and Co online under team section (ie, Green dot, Owner is online, Blue dot, a Co is online that account.

Trust that makes sense.
  • Posted messages: 698
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@ Simbela

I like that idea.

I would also like to say, that players are not aware of further changes that may be coming down the tubes that could make this change very logical.
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Next promo

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Great Challenge & The Lottery

The concept is the same as usual: during the challenge, players collect horseshoes by completing objectives.

VIPs can try to find the new divine horse Idunn in the Golden Fleece during the Challenge phase or they can wait until the Festivities. When the Festivities start, there's a Lottery and the divine horse can be found by everyone in the Golden Fleece.

Otherwise, there haven't been many changes from last time.

Great Challenge Phase

No changes from last time!

Lottery Phase

Changes since last time:

The prices in the clover shop have been adjusted (some items now cost less clovers)
The timing for the draws have been adapted and will depend on the times where there's the most activity on the game

Winning the Divine
Win Idunn in a Golden Fleece or as a jackpot in the Lottery

Mobile Version
There is a mobile version of this contest.

Other changes

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Other Changes and New Stuff!

Creations Directory

It is now possible to search for limited creations without having to specify a number for the limit.


Competitions from suspended and deleted accounts are now deactivated and the horses are released from this competition.


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Idunn belongs to the Nordic divines.

Lift the veil that has descended on the Nordic worlds by winning points with rides to Asgard, Midgard and Niflheim. Take care when choosing which ride to go on!

When you get to 420 points, the veil is raised and Idunn gives you a prize:

1 x Water of Youth

This horse cannot be sold.
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