[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Freehold wrote:

The color bonus only comes from the polos and bonnets..not the saddle cloths.

But here is part of the rub.

The ECs will only supply the saddles and bridles..not any cloths so you will have to buy them and they will be available at the 1 star level only in the store.

The EC will supply 2 star tack

Now I can't stress enough that you do not submit any horse from the parade promo not fully tacked.

If you do say send a horse to be judged with a cloth on it only for like 7 points instead of leaving it in your promo inventory it will be lost for conversion when the promo is done.

All tack from the promo will be converted to kick start the 2 star tack you will want later.

This confuses me default smiley :s I understand the first part about needing to buy a saddle cloth in order to use a horse in competitions (in the main game), but what does that have to do with the current Horse Parade event?
  • Posted messages: 774
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Retired breeder wrote:

Please ask me before you copy a picture of my howrse from the Test Server. Thank You. I put that there for Howrse to know to fix not for the whole world to know the bugs.

I think you'll find that picture actually belongs to Owlient.

Also, the OP says the following:

Cailow wrote:

no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

So Freehold, or anyone else for that matter, would be well within their rights to post any and all content from preprod that they want.
  • Posted messages: 774
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 03:59:49
would the saddle blankets, bonnets and polo wraps have different variety of colours? eg: light blue, dark blue, light purple, dark purple and so on?
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 06:13:59
Luthien Tinuviel, this is a game! things don't have to look exact! Owlient has chosen us these coats, and they have a right to do that as they own the game!
we have a right to protest, but if you had the akhal-teke coat on an ugly breed'scoat and it was the only breed with that coat, even though it didn't suit it, you'd want to keep it because it was gorgeous. *sorry for long sentence* But why throw a beautiful coat away? and i don't mind this coat, and someone somewhere woud love this coat!
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 07:19:49
I'm also wondering what colours the saddle cloths (that are swapped in for the shoes left on horses) will be - mostly because I don't want them clashing with the horses coat colour <G>. If we don't like it, I guess we can swap them out, but that then means we lose the one that was there to start with...

I'm also wondering what the cost of a new cloth will be in the shop (and if we can pick the colour), versus the amount we'll be recompensed for any shoes in inventory - are they the same, or different? In other words, are we better off leaving the shoes on a horse and hoping for the best in terms of a 'nice' colour combination of cloth and coat, or can we pick our own colours for approximately the same price.

This is leaving me in something of a quandary as whether to leave shoes on horses that I'm not actively competing, or remove them (by shoeing them with EC shoes instead) and hope I can pick something better when I feel like it without much financial penalty. I've got a heap of FK shoes in inventory and want to figure out whether to put them on horses or not before the changeover...

Kahurangi :-)
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 07:52:09
I like that most of the coats are an improvement over the previous versions - more realistic, less cartoon-y. However, I'd have loved to see them follow the breed standards more closely, since they are after all supposed to be representative of those breeds. Surely it can't be hard to find quality bred exemplars to base the art work off? If a breed is meant to have a trait, indeed is virtually defined by that trait, then make sure that trait is in the artwork!

What saddens me more though is that regardless of skeletal conformation, I'd have liked them to provide good examples of how a properly trained horse's musculature should be - all those bulging under-neck muscles and weak backs and hindquarters (PSH, I'm lookin' at YOU!!! grrrrr) just make me depressed about the general view of what a horse 'ought' to look like. How are we helping to educate people on what a correctly trained and ridden horse is when so many examples on a popular game this are so glaringly incorrect? Have we totally lost sight of what a truly well trained horse should look like? <SIGH>

<end rant>

By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 08:05:00
I understand your point of view but I am surprised at how many people dislike visible tack! I like it default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 08:27:35
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The mustangs will be tonight! Ugh!
Retired breeder wrote:

Please ask me before you copy a picture of my howrse from the Test Server. Thank You. I put that there for Howrse to know to fix not for the whole world to know the bugs.Raul98oh

We already know it is NOT a bug but an actual change that is coming through. It has been posted within the acceptable limits of the game rules( I already had talked to a MOD)..

Were it a bug or glitch I would not have posted it but it was determined long before being posted here that it was indeed coming to live Howrse.

I do thank you though as I am not good at screen shot ability.default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 05:21:19
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*sighs* Nokota is next
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 11:21:51
Retired breeder wrote:

I like that most of the coats are an improvement over the previous versions - more realistic, less cartoon-y. However, I'd have loved to see them follow the breed standards more closely, since they are after all supposed to be representative of those breeds. Surely it can't be hard to find quality bred exemplars to base the art work off? If a breed is meant to have a trait, indeed is virtually defined by that trait, then make sure that trait is in the artwork!

What saddens me more though is that regardless of skeletal conformation, I'd have liked them to provide good examples of how a properly trained horse's musculature should be - all those bulging under-neck muscles and weak backs and hindquarters (PSH, I'm lookin' at YOU!!! grrrrr) just make me depressed about the general view of what a horse 'ought' to look like. How are we helping to educate people on what a correctly trained and ridden horse is when so many examples on a popular game this are so glaringly incorrect? Have we totally lost sight of what a truly well trained horse should look like?


You are completely correct Kahurangi (sorry if I spelt wrong!) Also, the fact that most of the backs are so short, it has the horse slightly out of proportion (go back a couple of pages and you'll see my rant default smiley :$default smiley :s) Although I do think the new coats for most breeds are for better. These coats don't look like they have been drawn, they look almost sketched in some areas! A huge improvement, but it has been annoying me for such a horse (and Howrse for that matter) fan that I know the traits, the traditions and the skills, these just don't match up most of the time! I have just been finding it so annoying, however this just may be me, but it may be others! Especially the friesian before hand was really nice and demonstrating the breeds charicteristics (thats not spelt right is it default smiley :@) these friesians just look like their mane has been hogged and left to grow back unevenly then had it feathers (which is illegal in dressage and showing) clipped off!
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2014 02:00:07
Why must they follow breed standards? PEOPLE THIS IS A GAME!!! NOTHING IS REAL, JUST VIRTUAL.
YOU KNOW WHAT? BY NEXT YEAR, YOU WON"T BE COMPLAINING! Instead you'll be complaining about... other stuff! Remember how many people hated the smiley faces? Well, are they still protesting? no, because really they aren't really bad! you kno, most of us think back and think: gosh the smiley faces are ugly!
And you know why? people hate change. But really, we are fond of the pictures.
You know what? People complaining actually complain about the change, not the picture.

Want proof??? Well lets talk in mid-winter about it. Maybe there should be a fake rumour. For example, everyone likes the new akhal teke's? well owlient is making better ones!

Part of you wants the change, but there is a part of you which doesn't want it as the akhal teke is already nice. So everyone protests, but a few months later you would all be delighted with it.

*This rumour is fake. Using it as an example*
Owlient, your effort is great! Everyone just has to realise that too.
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2014 02:00:45
sorry didn't see how long that wasdefault smiley :-x. Not adding more!
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2014 11:21:38
Alright, I think it might pay for us all to calm down a bit.
I get that this is something we're all quite passionate about, and I get that everyone is going to feel differently about each and every coat. Certainly we're not all required to love and agree with all the changes, but let's try to keep criticism constructive where possible and not just negative for the sake of being negative. Remember it's easy to find flaws when you're not the one tasked with producing the artwork.
Ultimately everyone is entitled to their own opinions and sharing them is fine as long as it's done with decency. That goes both ways though. People are free to admire the coats but there's no harm in making suggestions about what they'd have liked to have seen either. What's important is that we all conduct ourselves respectfully, both toward one another and the team at Owlient.
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2014 22:09:13
Wow...I've read through the entire forum from page 1 and I'll have to admit that I couldn't find a single page where someone didn't complain or whinge about the coats, upcoming tack and even people re-posting or "quoting" others posts.

Howrse can't please everyone, there's at least over 9983000 people on the Intel server, 1050000 on the US, 786000 on the UK (and possibly more), 241000 on the Canadian & 279000 here in Australia...it would take nothing short of a miracle for Howrse to make every single one of those players happy with the new coats or any new changes for that matter.

It's just a game people, let's just all chill. The world isn't going to come to an end just because a horses head looks too small for it's body or because you don't like the way it's mane or tail sits or because it looks too lanky in the legs.
And like previous players have said, if you hate the coat that much then put a GA on it and forget about it.

The Howrse team are trying to make this game more entertaining, challenging and enjoyable for us and all we're doing is putting them down. I'll be honest there are some things I'm unsure and don't like about the new changes but I'll get over it and you will too.

I would actually like to thank the Howrse team for putting this much effort into the game.
So to finish this rant off...Thank you Howrse team default smiley (h)
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2014 02:08:55
Does anyone know if any divines are coming soon? default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2014 07:22:11
divines will most likely stay the same
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2014 10:56:04
Has anyone heard about Helios Ray trophies? I'm wondering if there will ever be any it'll be exciting too
By Retired breeder, 15th April 2014 05:27:02
anyone know what time the tack update is coming tonight?
By Retired breeder, 15th April 2014 07:48:25
Okay i have found out its coming quite soon.
By Retired breeder, 15th April 2014 08:37:23
woah woah woah woah, woah. Looks like they have released the new trophy page a little too soon. Easier too navigate?????? More like everything piled right on top of other things and words in worng places......
By Retired breeder, 15th April 2014 08:40:01
sorry for all the posts.
Trophy page seems to have fixed itselfafter a few mins... default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 15th April 2014 12:25:06
I've noticed that there are a few empty slots in some areas of the Trophy collections (horse coats for example) and I was wondering if anymore trophies will be released to fill in those gaps or whether they're just spares?
Like I said with the Horse coats trophies there are 2 empty slots, does this mean we'll be getting 2 more different horse breeds?
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2014 22:28:47
wow you read all the text from page 1 to here? default smiley :o you must be an amzaing reader and a very patient person, i couldnt do that!

as far as i am concered with the coats, i only have Arabs and theyre stunning so ive got nothing to worry aboutdefault smiley :)

also the new Tack Upgrade, i put a Posiden's Pack on my Colt Tip, it doesn't show his mane, is it because the Ear Bonnet covers up some mane so they removed the rest? it looks really funny default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2014 23:35:12
no i dont think scarecrow read all the pages for that info, they are talking about the trophies...
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