[FT] Spoiler Zone!


This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features you find or feel like sharing.

Players that are in the test may decide to share what they are experiencing or not.

Of course please remember to use the spoiler banner when sharing new information with everyone.

You can post screen shots as long as you also use the spoiler banner to cover them.

On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.

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Retired breeder wrote:

I don't like that last piece of news at all. Josey jojo, your message summarises pretty much how I'm feeling right now. default smiley :s

First it has been posted it was a joke on Equidow so none of it is true.default smiley (n)

Second if it were information that has not been released it should have at least been put in a spoiler.default smiley ;)

Anything taken from International without proof should be suspect.default smiley (n)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2017 22:55:02
It was mentioned on loads of servers ...

Disappointed in the pranksters , because this was thought as true information by loads , and made a lot angry default smiley (n)
And I apologise for posting it on this server - however I, as many other people did , thought this was true
Yikes, should have put that in a spoiler banner, so sorrydefault smiley :s

Gosh, I should have known better than to assume that when someone puts up new information that they put the appropriate research in to confirm whether it's true or just a rumor before they post it for everyone to read, I won't get caught like that again in a hurrydefault smiley (n).

So Freehold, is there are truth in the rumors of change to the
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current Pass Horse system
Josey jojo
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I've also seemed to get too over the top as well default smiley :o.
I didn't know that they weren't true.

I should have also added a spoiler...

But I'm really hoping that they keep the current
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pass system.
  • Posted messages: 402
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So the companion horse change isn't happening?

Unlike some of the previous posters, I think it would have been fair enough to get rid of it as you can no longer buy companions in any way, and there is physically no way for everyone to achieve one. The only way I think it is fair to keep the trophy (and I'm saying this assuming its not changing) is to have a limited time sale of companions so there are more in circulation, yet not overly common.
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Josey jojo wrote:

So Freehold, is there are truth in the rumors of change to the

Changes are coming but to discuss exactly what is premature.

Right now we are testing the next promo and are about 1/2 way through so I don't expect it to show up until possibility Monday.

It is the

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So here is a summary of promo and changes

Draft horse teams and donkeys
By Calypsow, December 21, 2016, at 6:18:19 p.m.
The draft horses and donkeys teams work on the same principle that teams of horses and unicorns.

So you can raise donkeys and horses with your friends and enjoy the features of the teams, such as horse loan, teammates, team forum, common affix, Team, etc.

Ranking and Scoring:

Scoring farms are left aside for the moment, but donkeys and draft horses have been added to the team ranking page.

As for unicorns, the Flots and Grand Prix rankings do not appear for donkeys and draft horses.

Draft horse teams and donkeys, therefore, retain the following classifications:
* Luxury
* Genetic Potential
* Births

Specificity donkeys:

We take this opportunity to remind you that the purpose of donkeys is to decrease their genetic potential, rather than the 'increase. Thus, the Genetic Potential ranking is reversed compared to other species: teams with the lowest genetic potential are displayed first.

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Equus, Equus page and purchase of Equus
By Calypsow, December 21, 2016 at 6:20:49 p.m. 1
page of Equus has been reworked and modernized in line with the new graphic. In addition, we took the opportunity to make some adjustments.

A "free" tab has been added, to directly access the offers that make you equus free for watching videos.

The possibility of purchasing equus with diamonds was withdrawn, as very few players used it.

Finally, the bid of Equus with pass have been revised to offer more choices:
* 1 pass: 50 000 Equus (instead of 40,000 previously)
* 3 pass: 200 000 Equus (instead of 180 000 previously)
* 10 pass: 800 000 Equus
* 20 pass: 2000000 Equus (new offer)

New Promotion-
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For Calypsow, December 21, 2016 at 6:33:56 p.m.
The principle remains the same as last time, with a new theme: birds.

There are some changes since the last time:

- Each objective can be overridden by giving an object of the black market in its inventory, among those that can be traded.

- We have heard your complaints and as we want you to sleep + the shortest time is 4 hours instead of 3 hours. smiley default Default smiley: p

- The provision was adjusted slightly.

The jackpots are: the divine horse Gypsum to the piñatas 17, and Liana of the new series of horses of vegetable kingdom.

At the end of the contest, a random draw is made among the players who have obtained at least 2 gold irons during the contest to offer the divine horse Liane to some of them. (Must have opened the Piñata 1 and Piñata 7).

There is a bonus Piñata with a vintage apple to win when open.

A new landscape has been added to the radius of Helios de Ow (not yet available)
The piñatas

Until January 4, 2017 at 10:00 click piñatas as often as possible to open and earn surprises in them.

How to open a piñata?

Your piñata opens after a certain number of points. You can get points:

- With your clicks on the piñata
.Click 5 times a day
.Achetez the sledgehammer on the black market
- With clicks of your friends (1 point per click from a friend)
- Realizing the objectives

- Gypsum
with the piñata No. 17
- Liana
with the piñata No. 20

Earn gold chains for the competition trophy with piñatas No. 1, 7, 13 and 20.
Pick at least 2 irons for gold Participate in the draw at the end of the contest to try to win the divine horse Liana.

New Divine series-
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Liana: horses of the vegetable kingdom.
By Calypsow, December 21, 2016 at 6:00:13 p.m.
Liana is part of a new series of divine horses: horses of the plant kingdom.
When you have born 7 horses from the different plant kingdom, you will get the ultimate horse of the series: Lotis!
Liana can be watered instead of being watered.

Her skills increase when you give her dung. The gain skills depends on the amount of dung given, but also the season on the game.

When it reaches 1200 points of skills, it can be pruned. Her skills are then reset to 0, but she offers you 1 Ray of Helios!

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1. Pinata:
- Objective 1. - Click on a pinata
- Obj. 2. - Groom a horse

2. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Take care of a horse
- Obj. 2. - Put a pony to the bed

3. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Congratulate a player
- Obj. 2. - Visit Ow

4. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Sell 3 mashes
- Obj. 2. - Donate Ow's 5,000 equus

5. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Participate in a competition
- Obj. 2. - Click on friend's pinata

6. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Specialize a horse (western x classical)
- Obj. 2. - Give an apple to Divine or Wild

7. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Train horse for 3 hours
- Obj. 2. - Participate in a competition with 12% energy (competition energy loss, not your horse's energy)

8. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Donate Ow's 10,000 equus
- Obj. 2. - Finish 3rd in 3 competitions

9. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Finish last in a competition
- Obj. 2. - Get 120 equus with a Plutos' Parchment

10. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Congratulate a player who has birthday
- Obj. 2. - Use an AP on a 15 years old horse

11. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Gain at least 1,000 equus ina competition with a horse
- Obj. 2. - Be congratulated XX times

12. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Win 1 equus in competition
- Obj. 2. - Make donation to new player

13. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Take care of a horse with Flaxen Liver Chestnut coat
- Obj. 2. - Give a horse to Ow

14. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Completely equip a horse
- Obj. 2. - Participate in a 60 competitions with 20% energy
- Obj. 3. - Remove pegasus wings

15. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Complete training in a horse's skill
- Obj. 2. - Accept item exchange
- Obj. 3. - Reach 100 BLUP with a horse

16. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Buy a horse for X000 equus
- Obj. 2. - Donate XXXX equus to Ow
- Obj. 3. - Open HoP

17. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Give a carrot to foundie (horse with parents Ouranos and Gaia)
- Obj. 2. - Win X competitions
- Obj. 3. - Take care of a horse over 40 years old (excluding divines, wilds, legendaries)

18. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Give a mash to a horse who has between XXX and YYY dressage skill points
- Obj. 2. - Achieve an equus reserve that ends with 11111
- Obj. 3. - Give a XXX color GA to a horse

19. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Win 2 competitions with a foundie
- Obj. 2. - Donate 10,000 equus to Ow
- Obj. 3. - Buy a horse for at least 1 pass (1 pass +)

20. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Remove unicorn's horn
- Obj. 2. - Give birth to twins
- Obj. 3. - Win 1 rosette
1. Pinata - 3x AP, Pandora's box
2. Pinata - 10% energy for all your horses, 3*** Classical Bridle
3. Pinata - Whip, 3*** Classical Saddle
4. Pinata - 10x Mash, Water of Youth
5. Pinata - 50x Apple, Philotes' Stroke
6. Pinata - 1* Classical Bridle, Helios' Ray
7. Pinata - 100x Wood, 100x Iron, 100x Sand
8. Pinata - Fertility wand, 10 AP, Artemis' Arrow
9. Pinata - 20x Leather, Water trough, Apollos' Lyre
10. Pinata - 2** Violet/Purple and White Western set
11. Pinata - 300x Fodder, Horseshoe Studs, Medusa's blood
12. Pinata - 4,000 equus, 500x points to your general ranking, Zeus' Lightning Bolt
13. Pinata - 20x Carrot, Shower, Poseidon's pack
14. Pinata - 250x 2** fertiliser, Piece of Cloud, Achilles' Heel
15. Pinata - 10x AP, Tractor, Horn of Plenty
16. Pinata - 100x Droppings, Hypnos' Blanket, Harmony Pack
17. Pinata - 50,000 equus, 300x Flax seeds, Gypsum
18. Pinata - 20x Mash, Nyx Pack, 1,000 points to your general ranking
19. Pinata - 5,000 equus, Ow's Helios' Ray, Hermes Winged Staff
20. Pinata - Liana

So the above should give us plenty to discuss and this is the only stuff that is for sure coming and right on the horizon.
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The objectives for the piniatas seem easy enough, aside from the "Win a rosette" one. I've yet to ever win a rosette, and that just seems like something un-obtainable for most players.
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@ Swiper

That is true but for the most part I found it fairly easy. It really comes down to how far you want to go but here is a big bonus to all players

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All objectives can be validated by donating a BM item from your inventory so the rosette one can be overcome very easily.
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@ freehold
Do you remember what pinata we can achieve without passes and how many passes it generally Takes?
  • Posted messages: 304
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Your question should be in a spoiler.

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You should get to 13 to 15 if all clicks done and you are careful and check ahead so you don't lose clicks by rushing.
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By Retired breeder, 5th January 2017 05:16:20
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the piñata promo actually seems pretty reasonable for once but I doubt it will be as easy as it seems
Thanks Freehold, reliable as alwaysdefault smiley ;)
Josey jojo
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Is there any firs looks of the new divine out yet? I have tried to look through the last couple of pages and cannot seem to find one?
any ideas?? default smiley ^)default smiley (o)
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A personal opinion on one of the previously somewhat heated topics...
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I think taking away the trophy for the companions is an absolutely stupid and unfair move, but, as a new player with only one horse that has a companion, I do think that at the moment that trophy is kinda unnattainable for players just starting, even if they try to work on a collection for the next few years. I don't see why howrse can't simply bring them back into the game, maybe a limited time offer or through a promo simply to put more into circulation, instead of taking it out on the older players default smiley :@
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DarkThunder wrote:

A personal opinion on one of the previously somewhat heated topics...

Please read my previous post that stated the whole thing was a hoax started by a player on Equidow and foolishly taken as fact on International without getting proper conformation of the source.

GabbieLuca wrote:

Is there any firs looks of the new divine out yet? I have tried to look through the last couple of pages and cannot seem to find one?
any ideas?? default smiley ^)default smiley (o)

New divine

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  • Posted messages: 2,404
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By Retired breeder, 5th January 2017 20:09:29
Freehold wrote:

and foolishly taken as fact on International without getting proper conformation of the source.

It wasn't just taken as a fact from the international , but loads of servers thought this was true..
Retired breeder wrote:

t wasn't just taken as a fact from the international , but loads of servers thought this was true..

True and the biggest problem is when people take unverified information from server to server.

I am not going to argue with anyone. What has been done is done. At least it was found out so we can all settle down and look forward to the next verified promo ( info is a few posts above).

I expect it may likely come Monday ( purely a guess though). default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2017 21:24:03
That's the point of the spoiler forum , to discuss upcoming changes that 'may' arrive ..
And surely if we thought this was true at the time it shouldn't offend people , but it seems like it has.
This server hasn't got many people talking about things?
Is that because people are scared to post to get attacked (don't know what other word to usedefault smiley xd) by other players if they don't like that player or if they don't like the information ?

As that's what it feels from me anyway
Gosh, I think it's time to drop that subject, don't you think!
It's not healthy to keep pushing your point across and will only lead to unpleasantnessdefault smiley :p.
No one's "scared" of being attacked, admin won't allow it, we just like to keep our forums friendly and helpful and not have it filled with arguments with who's right and who's wrongdefault smiley (y)
Josey jojo
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2017 22:23:16
Did I somehow miss the
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snowball fight
that I had heard was going to be during the christmas promo? I logged on every day did rides and comps and cared for most of my horses but never saw any sign of it? Just curious as to whether i missed it or it never came. default smiley :) thanks!
By Retired breeder, 7th January 2017 22:36:46
I'm scared of being "attacked" as , as soon as when that information was posted as wrong. I had loads of players comming at all ends saying how wrong it was of me ect..

[quote=1395972854][author]<em>Retired breeder</em>[/author]Did I somehow miss the
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snowball fight
that I had heard was going to be during the christmas promo? I logged on every day did rides and comps and cared for most of my horses but never saw any sign of it? Just curious as to whether i missed it or it never came. default smiley :) thanks![/quote:0]

And it hasn't come out yetdefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 8th January 2017 00:55:30
Josey jojo wrote:

Gosh, I think it's time to drop that subject, don't you think!
It's not healthy to keep pushing your point across and will only lead to unpleasantnessdefault smiley :p.
No one's "scared" of being attacked, admin won't allow it, we just like to keep our forums friendly and helpful and not have it filled with arguments with who's right and who's wrongdefault smiley (y)

I agree
And ~Eslaat~ No one attacked you and no one will if they did there would be a heap of censored messages so can we please get back to talking about new features for the game
Ditto ponygirl default smiley (y)
Josey jojo
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Looking forward to the next promodefault smiley (y)
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Pinata's I believe, hopefully on Monday as Freehold suggesteddefault smiley :d
Josey jojo
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By Retired breeder, 8th January 2017 01:42:39
Josey jojo wrote:

Ditto ponygirl default smiley (y)

Ditto? Isn't that a Pokemon?
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