[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Just wondering about this new Pass system!! I currently only need 10 more days to be eligible for my next Pass bought from my equus, (that's why I keep my equus low) I certainly hope this is taken into account when the change arrives, I wont be a happy camper if I start at zero tomorrow, if that is indeed when it's launcheddefault smiley (o)

I won't mind the fact that I don't have to worry about how much money I have when I want the monthly Pass, but I'm a little skeptical on how it will pan out.default smiley :o
Josey jojo
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Josey jojo wrote:

Just wondering about this new Pass system!! I currently only need 10 more days to be eligible for my next Pass bought from my equus, (that's why I keep my equus low) I certainly hope this is taken into account when the change arrives, I wont be a happy camper if I start at zero tomorrow, if that is indeed when it's launcheddefault smiley (o)

I won't mind the fact that I don't have to worry about how much money I have when I want the monthly Pass, but I'm a little skeptical on how it will pan out.default smiley :o

i think i read something about howrse bumping newer players forward? (so if a player is 2 days away from getting their pass, they'll be given a boost when the new pass system kicks in) if that makes sense? i'll try and find the comment now haha.
river bend stables
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By Retired breeder, 30th June 2016 19:21:30
@river I think I remember reading one that said if you have at least 70 days and haven't used your equus to buy a pass yet, you'll get a boost. I may have missed another post though.
By Retired breeder, 30th June 2016 19:46:14
"White Rabbits"
"Pinch and a Punch For The 1st Of The Month"default smiley xd
Next promo

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the principle remains the same one: it is necessary to cross labyrinths to find the horse divine Egyptian Sekhmet!
Each move will cost you 10 treads ( places ??) OR a delicacy, you recover between 3 and 5 treads per hour according to competences' of the horse which accompanies you.

Il y a 4 types de cases :
• Case vide : Rien de spécial
• Case cadeau : Vous gagnez un cadeau (liste un peu plus bas)
• Case friandises : Vous récupérez 3 friandises
• Case jumelles : Vous gagnez une paire de jumelles

► Bonus :

Friandise : vous permet de faire un déplacement supplémentaire dans le labyrinthe sans utiliser de foulées
Jumelles : Les jumelles dévoilent 10 nouvelles cases sur la carte du labyrinthe dans lequel vous vous trouvez pour vous repérer plus facilement.

► Labyrinthes

Il y a 4 labyrinthes :
→ N°1 = Drum Horse (nouvelle race de chevaux de traits , voir en dessous) + Fer doré
→ N°2 = Rayon d'Ow + Fer doré
→ N°3 = Défi des Titans + Fer doré
→ N°4 = Sekhmet + Fer doré

Nous n'avons ni la map , ni les tracés des différents labys , il faudra attendre au moins jusqu'au 2 Juillet.


There are 4 types of boxes:
• Put vacuum: Nothing special
• Put gift: You gain a gift (list a little low)
• Put delicacies: You recover 3 delicacies
• Put twin: You gain a pair of binoculars
► Bonus:
Delicacy: you allows to make an additional displacement in the labyrinth without using Jumelles
treads: The binoculars reveal 10 new boxes on the chart of the labyrinth in which you are to locate you more easily.
► Labyrinthes
There are 4 labyrinths:
→ N°1 = Drum Horse (news race of draught horses, to see in lower part) + Iron gilded
→ N°2 = Ray of Ow + Iron gilded
→ N°3 = Challenge of the Titans + Iron gilded
→ N°4 = Sekhmet + gilded Fer
We have neither the map, nor the layouts of different the labys, it will be necessary to wait at least until July 2.
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Ugh, I can't stand the maze promo. It's a shame because the divine looks ok, I wish they had him or the plant promo divine in the lottery instead of a star sign divinedefault smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 768
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luinlote wrote:

Ugh, I can't stand the maze promo. It's a shame because the divine looks ok, I wish they had him or the plant promo divine in the lottery instead of a star sign divinedefault smiley (n)

i dislike the maze promo too. drives me nuts default smiley (lol) i feel like we only had one not that long ago?
river bend stables
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By Retired breeder, 1st July 2016 04:35:43
river bend stables wrote:

i feel like we only had one not that long ago?

Six months I think...? I could be wrong though

I love this server. If your wrong, people just brush it off 99.9% of the time. On the other servers. "No, I'M correct! Your wrong, blah blah blah blah!" *sighs*
yay the golden apple is back in promos going to try and get when this comes about
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By Retired breeder, 1st July 2016 09:02:09
Freehold wrote:

Click to display

the principle remains the same one: it is necessary to cross labyrinths to find the horse divine Egyptian Sekhmet!
Each move will cost you 10 treads ( places ??) OR a delicacy, you recover between 3 and 5 treads per hour according to competences' of the horse which accompanies you.

Il y a 4 types de cases :
• Case vide : Rien de spécial
• Case cadeau : Vous gagnez un cadeau (liste un peu plus bas)
• Case friandises : Vous récupérez 3 friandises
• Case jumelles : Vous gagnez une paire de jumelles

► Bonus :

Friandise : vous permet de faire un déplacement supplémentaire dans le labyrinthe sans utiliser de foulées
Jumelles : Les jumelles dévoilent 10 nouvelles cases sur la carte du labyrinthe dans lequel vous vous trouvez pour vous repérer plus facilement.

► Labyrinthes

Il y a 4 labyrinthes :
→ N°1 = Drum Horse (nouvelle race de chevaux de traits , voir en dessous) + Fer doré
→ N°2 = Rayon d'Ow + Fer doré
→ N°3 = Défi des Titans + Fer doré
→ N°4 = Sekhmet + Fer doré

Nous n'avons ni la map , ni les tracés des différents labys , il faudra attendre au moins jusqu'au 2 Juillet.


There are 4 types of boxes:
• Put vacuum: Nothing special
• Put gift: You gain a gift (list a little low)
• Put delicacies: You recover 3 delicacies
• Put twin: You gain a pair of binoculars
► Bonus:
Delicacy: you allows to make an additional displacement in the labyrinth without using Jumelles
treads: The binoculars reveal 10 new boxes on the chart of the labyrinth in which you are to locate you more easily.
► Labyrinthes
There are 4 labyrinths:
→ N°1 = Drum Horse (news race of draught horses, to see in lower part) + Iron gilded
→ N°2 = Ray of Ow + Iron gilded
→ N°3 = Challenge of the Titans + Iron gilded
→ N°4 = Sekhmet + gilded Fer
We have neither the map, nor the layouts of different the labys, it will be necessary to wait at least until July 2.
what is iron gilded
By Retired breeder, 1st July 2016 20:43:28
I think that has something to do with the Golden Horseshoes (for the trophy), but it has been badly translated. It says iron instead of gold, however, so I'm not sure.
Retired breeder wrote:

I think that has something to do with the Golden Horseshoes (for the trophy), but it has been badly translated. It says iron instead of gold, however, so I'm not sure.

Very early into the release of this promo from the french server and google translate does not do a perfect job but at least we get a gist of what is coming.default smiley (lol)
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Just to add

Click to display
I believe you get a trophy horse shoe as we got one of these with the Maze the last time.

Also it is my understanding the first maze is mandatory and once done you can pick any of the other three to go for.
  • Posted messages: 2,404
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Freehold wrote:

Click to display
I believe you get a trophy horse shoe as we got one of these with the Maze the last time.

Also it is my understanding the first maze is mandatory and once done you can pick any of the other three to go for.

i like being able to pick what maze you can enter after the first one. makes me think the firt maze must be very hard!
river bend stables
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By Retired breeder, 2nd July 2016 09:35:44
When will the pass update come
By Retired breeder, 2nd July 2016 11:53:47
I know some French (still learning), I could help with translating weird parts if you have the original version.

By the way, I just translated 'gilded' back to French and then back to English, it gave me 'golden'. That would make 'golden iron', but iron is 'fer' in French and I believe they also call horseshoes that. If that's true, the 'iron gilded' would mean Golden Horseshoe. default smiley :)

Also, estimate for next promo to start:
Click to display
The current promo ends on Tuesday (July 4th), usually the next promo starts on Thursday (July 6th). That would be the Great Challenge with Cancer (who can give birth to Leo) in it, more information about the promo on previous pages (mostly posted by me).
Any news for the lottery and great challenge?? Its been a very very very long time.. think we all deserve some cheap BMIs and ap's!

The pass update is going to affect mobile users isn't it..? Assuming that mobile players can not do the game thingos like we cant do our ECs, certain promos, and deal with teams..

Grr howrse
char char 20
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Augh finally a great challenge and lottery.
  • Posted messages: 254
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By Retired breeder, 3rd July 2016 10:09:34
When is the up date
A PM was sent out to everybody saying the pass changes will be implemented on Tuesday, July 5th(Paris Time Zone).
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By Retired breeder, 4th July 2016 12:22:12
Sorry if I sound crazy, but how do you know the next promo? default smiley (8)
By Retired breeder, 4th July 2016 12:55:57
God dang it .-. So pretty much, if you can't get Cancer, then Leo is out of the question for us Leo-born Howrsers. Really disappointed with that little tidbit of information...

Is the Ow's Ray a one off use? I feel that if it is, it'll be better to stockpile the promo backgrounds until there's one I really want - good idea or nah?

@apurplehorse - people can find out the next promo because a select few are asked to try it out on a test server, and this information is leaked out onto the forums across MANY servers that are across the globe; just translate and spread it over. It's a cool system.
By Retired breeder, 4th July 2016 18:50:05
Retired breeder wrote:

Sorry if I sound crazy, but how do you know the next promo? default smiley (8)

When Howrse has developed a new concept (promo/update to the game), they want it to be tested by players to take out bugs. VIP players are given the opportunity to go on a test server apart from the actual game (also called preprod, for pre-production) to test out these new features. The players who are allowed to go on there share the information about new features on the forums (of any server), and this is then brought back to our server by people observing other servers' spoiler threads.
I hope that makes sense, feel free to PM me if you want me to explain it in more detail.
Retired breeder wrote:

and this is then brought back to our server by people observing other servers' spoiler threads.

Very well explained.default smiley (y)

I am one of the regular testers for over 3 years now..default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 5th July 2016 03:42:32

Thank you! default smiley :ddefault smiley (y)
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