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Retired breeder wrote:

Uh, hello free 2* tack! And free passes from diamonds! Overall the Rainbows work well as a series, and I personally would love a Divine that gives me 2* tack. Much better than relying on fickle promos for those items.

I agree with this.

I have to admit that I was super disappointed at first too - I think the fake screen caps of Rainbows perks got my hopes up. but now that I look at the other Ultimate divines in the game he's really not that bad.

Diamond, Palomino Sleipnir and Brook don't have a whole heck of a lot going for them. Diamond in particular is a sink for actual diamonds if you want to improve his skills and make him semi-useful in high level comps. The only two ultimate divines, other than Secret Rainbow, that actually provide anything tangible (in game terms) are Aeolus and Sun.

And remember, not all divines sets even have an Ultimate divine to begin with so an extra divine and the occasional free tack is better than nothing I guess.
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By Retired breeder, 1st July 2015 00:03:41
Divines really do seem to be working better as series rather than stand-alones. Personally, I'm super pumped for Altair and her series; wonder what the other ones will do. default smiley :d
I found this on the INT server
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it wont allow me to post

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By Retired breeder, 3rd July 2015 22:13:26
If it's a picture, you can't simply copy and paste them - you'll have to quote the post and copy and paste it without the quote tags. This is also the case with spoilers and links.
I did do that but still not working
  • Posted messages: 720
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Can you put Altairs Equiment on Divines
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By Retired breeder, 5th July 2015 03:48:20
Does anyone know how many keys on the other boards?
Here's what I know:
Board 1: 2 keys
Board 2: 5 keys
What are the rest?
Board 3 - 8 keys

Board 4 - 10 keys
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By Retired breeder, 5th July 2015 10:59:56
Does anyone know the next promo and the Divines offered?
By Retired breeder, 5th July 2015 11:21:33
The next promo is the legendary horses, there's info on it from the last couple of pages
Will the legendary horse promo require passes to obtain the tack, or can it be won without using excessive amounts of resources?
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By Retired breeder, 5th July 2015 18:04:20
Azarath wrote:

ShorahNagi posted on the INT server each challenge for the summer ride and what it will give you:

Click to display
The list of objectives and the rewards you get from them:

1. Groom a Horse = Able to roll the die 3 times every 12 hours

2. Donate X amount of Equus to Ow = Able to teleport to the highlighted space

3. Give an apple to a horse that is 10 years old = 3 bonus rolls *horse must be exactly 10*

4. Enter X amount of competitions = Able to teleport to the highlighted space

5. Take a horse on a 5 hour ride = Move to a space of your choice within a radius of 4 spaces *Means take a horse on a 5-hour consecutive ride of any kind*

6. Find an Aging Point UFO = Able to teleport to the highlighted space

7. Remove a Pegasus' Wings = 5 bonus rolls

8. Win X amount of competitions = Able to teleport to the highlighted space

9. Open a Horn of Plenty = 4 bonus rolls

10. Donate X amount of Equus to Ow = Move to a space of your choice within a radius of 6 spaces

11. Give birth to twins = 5 bonus rolls

To clarify something about the rewards:

Number 1's reward is the only one to change how many times you can roll. It's the tutorial challenge that everyone will get.

2, 4, 6, and 8 allow you the option to move to a space the game chooses (apologies I don't know if there's any sort of pattern to the spot chosen)

5 and 10 allow you to move to any space within a 4 and 6 space radius from your current position respectively

All other rewards simply give you the option to throw the die again for however many times it allows.

Just bumping this for anyone who wants to know the objectives. default smiley :)
Thanks Barbara.default smiley ^)
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Hey guys does anyone know which prizes each board of the summer ride will give you? I believe the position of each gift is different but the prizes have been the same from the 1st-2nd page.default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 10th July 2015 03:07:02
More information about upcoming stuff! (I've taken it straight from another server, so I apologise if there's any repeated information...anyway:

Click to display

top one is ( i think) a new update coming along with the new great challenge, bottom one is apparently the divines information

upcoming promo
Click to display

How many are there?

There are going to be 5 Legendary Horses in total. While the full details are only known on one of them at this time - we do have pictures of the other four:

stuff about the things in the above spoiler
Click to display
How do they work?

Legendary horses are very similar to Divines in how they work. They can not breed*, can not be sold, offer a perk to their owner, do not count for EC Prestige, and can only enter One regular competition a day - but unlimited Divine competitions.

How do I get one?

You need to collect the 5 pieces of Legendary tack and give the tack to a Normal horse. Once the horse has all 5 pieces - it will transform into Altair. However - keep the following in mind when choosing a horse:

1. The horse you give a Legendary tack item to will no longer be able to be sold

2. Once you give a horse all 5 pieces - it will 'transform' into Altair - just keep in mind that:

a. The horse will lose any items it has on it - but gain/keep a Philosopher's Stone *all other items are lost and can not be recovered*
b. A stallion with any unnacepted covering offers - will have those coverings cancelled
c. If you are using a Mare who is pregnant - she WILL lose the foal
d. Your horse's skills will double
e. The horse's birthdate will change to the date of transformation
f. The breeder's name will change to your name
g. The affix the horse has will be lost*

All of this is similar to how the transformation of Junior Croesus works (ex. the Junior Croesus is deleted and you are given a Croesus in its place...Except in this case, the skills will reflect that of the horse you transformed - but be doubled...but all other information about the horse will be lost))

How can I get the tack?

You can get the tack by:

Winning it from Great Challenge objectives
Once the festivities start (or before hand if you are a VIP) - by finding it in the Golden Fleece
In the Lottery once the festivities start*
By purchasing a 'tack' Pack *Cost unknown at this time*

You keep mentioning Altair and said there's more info on him - who is he?

more info about it
Click to display

I don't like Altair's tack/specialty/background/coat - can I change it?

Far as I know - you can not change the tack or specialty of these horses. As for the background/coat - Legendaries seem to be the same as Wilds in that the background they have is set (and their coat can not be changed like any other Divine/Wild horse)

more stuff
Click to display

In a few other spoilers about these Legendary Horses - I've seen this thing called the Star of Immortal Power, what's that?

Star of the immortal power

*this is a shot of the Legendary Horses page that will show in the directories once they go live

When a horse becomes a legendary horse, you receive the branch of a star. Each branch can only be obtained once. For example, if you turn 2 horses Altaïr, you will receive only one branch of the star.

When you have collected the 5 branches of the stars (and therefore get the 5 legendary horses), you can activate the star.

Upon activating the star, all horses owned by the player receive the Star of immortal power bonus, which gives them +10 in each skill. The star can only be activated once.

So according to the Star of Immortal Power - I can get more than one Altair?

Yes, provided you can collect the 5 pieces of Legendary tack again, you can get as many as you want (you just won't get additional pieces of the star).

*unconfirmed information as no one but the Admins have the Divine at present time

even more
Click to display
when the next challenge begins, the story of the legendary horses will be told. The first legendary horse is Altaïr. An author will write the story of the legendary horses, and every time the community has gathered enough horseshoes, a new chapter will be opened. You can fulfill three objectives every day.

1 = two horseshoes
2= 4 horseshoes
3= 6 horseshoes.
Objective three may be solvable with a video. For three objectives solved, the player gains a puzzle piece. You can also go back and solve the objectives you didn't solve the day before.

There is legendary tack to be won, and once you have a full set (5, legendary saddle, bridle, saddle cloth, polo wraps and bonnet) you can give them to one of your own horses and trandform it into the legendary horse. The skills the horse has will then double. you'll also get one piece of the legendary star. Legendary horses can not participate in the Grand Prix anymore(!!).

when will it come?
people on international think it´ll come after this promo on the 20th or a monday after that ( though it´s not for sure ) default smiley :)
Thanks Beressiadefault smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 10th July 2015 22:45:40
How many passes will the next promo use roughly
By Retired breeder, 11th July 2015 09:05:13
i cant wait until the next promo 100% for altair i even called a horse of mini altair
Retired breeder wrote:

How many passes will the next promo use roughly

yes how many passes for all 5? I wil use 90 passes max!
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I am getting iTunes cards for my birthday and I am also buying them with my money so I can try and get Altair!
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Paula wrote:

yes how many passes for all 5? I wil use 90 passes max!

This is a quote from ShorahNagi on the international server:

Click to display
"First attempt took me 4 passes and 80 diamonds (11 tries)
second run took me 12 passes (5 tries)
third run took me over 20 passes (10+ tries - I lost count default smiley :s)

If you are lucky - it will only take you 10 passes (5 tries - one piece of tack each time with no duplicates)...if you are unlucky, it will probably take you a lot more."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm guessing that those numbers don't factor in the bits of tack that can be obtained during the promo though - I believe we win one piece from completing the daily objectives and possibly more but I'm not sure.

But either way, this promo seems like it's going to be very much luck based. If ShorahNagi's numbers are anything to go by I think you should be able to win several sets of tack with 90 passes though Paula default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 12th July 2015 09:38:19
If you are not a pass buyer and doesn't have any passes, is there still a chance we can get a legendary horse?
Retired breeder wrote:

If you are not a pass buyer and doesn't have any passes, is there still a chance we can get a legendary horse?

Click to display
From what I've read on the on the International server it seems like the full set of tack is the jackpot prize in the lottery. So if this is true, then yes, it is entirely possible for someone without passes to get a legendary horse! default smiley :-))
  • Posted messages: 774
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can I get all 5 legendary horses with 90 passes??
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