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26th March 2014 15:25:04
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Hi Ho Dandy
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Retired breeder
14th April 2015 09:15:03
Yeah, there has to be some more on the INT server. Also what is the "Secret Rainbow"?
14th April 2015 09:25:07
Secret Rainbow is the Divine you get once you collect all the coloured Divines (Only Cool Carrot and Charming Red have been released so far, though.)
I think there are going to be seven coloured Divines, I can't remember what it says
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✿ α ʍεαɖoѡ of ɖαɩsɩεs ✿
Retired breeder
14th April 2015 09:29:22
Click to display
Here is the design for the Yellow Divine..... I think! I don't know what the name is yet. It could be for the piñatas or something though.
I'm sorry if this is not the Yellow Divine. I got it from the INT server.
Retired breeder
14th April 2015 09:31:09
Ahh! I hope its multi coloured! AHHHAH
Retired breeder
14th April 2015 09:37:15
AHAH! I researched a little more and this is what I came up with! (Thanks INT server!
Sorry for repeating(-ish) my post!
Click to display
Shiny Yellow in the piñatas
Retired breeder
14th April 2015 09:55:10
Sorry, this will take up most of your page!
Click to display
The Piñatas are next. There is 21 Piñatas. At Piñata no. 18 you will win a Greyfell Divine. At 21, you will win Shiny Yellow! Here is the list of objectives and prizes:
Pinata Objectives, end of April promo.
Pinata 1 (snailcup) = 3pts
obj1 : click on your pinata - 1 point
obj2 : groom one of your horses = 1 bonus click
gifts: 3 Aging Points and 1 Pandoras Box
Pinata 2 (sunflower) = 6pts
obj1 : stroke a horse = be able to be helped by 4 friends
obj2 : bed down a pony = 1 bonus click
gifts: 10% energy for all your horses and one 2** saddle cloth
Pinata 3 (fishflower) = 10pts
obj1 :congratulate a player = 5 pts for the pinata
obj2 : visit Ows page = 1 click every 12h
gifts : one 2** bonnet and a whip
Pinata 4 (babycrispa) = 15 pts
obj1 : sell three mashes = the next 5 clicks by friends earn 2 points each
obj2 : donate (something) to Ow = 5 bonus click
gifts : 10 mashes and 1 Water of Youth
Pinata 5 (shadower) = 20 pts
obj1 : enter a horse in a competition = next 7 clicks gain 2 points each (not including clicks from friends)
obj2 : click the pinata of a friend = be able to be helped by 6 friends
gifts : 50 apples and 1 Philotes' Stroke
Pinata 6 (woofer) = 25 pts
obj1 : specialise a horse = points needed divided by two
obj2 : give an apple to a divine or wild horse = be able to click once every 6 hours
gifts : 100 wood , 100 sand and 100 iron
pinata 7 (brokenleaf) = 30 pts
obj1 : find a treat when feeding a horse = clicks give 2 pts (excluding clicks from friends)
obj2 : train a horse for 3 hours at once = 10 points for your pinata
gifts : one 1* classical bridle, 20 leather and 1 Helios Ray
Pinata 8 (buddy) = 40 pts
obj1 : donate (something) to Ow = next 4 clicks earn 3 pts each (excluding clicks from friends)
obj2 : last click on a friends pinata= be able to click twice every 6 hours
gifts : one 1* classical saddle, 10 Aging Points and one trough (feed trough or water trough???)
Pinata 9 (tentaflow) = 50 pts
obj1 : finish last in a competition = 6 bonus clicks
obj2 : win 120 equus with Plutos Parchment = be able to be helped by 8 friends
gifts : one 2*polo wraps, bell boots and one Plutos Parchment
Pinata 10 (tricob) = 60 pts
obj1 : win 1 equus in a competition= 15 pts for the pinata
obj2 : use an Aging Point on a 15 year old horse = 5 bonus clicks
gifts : 300 fodder, 500 points for the general ranking and one Hypnos Blanket
Pinata 11 (fanseed) = 80 pts
obj1 : finish 3rd in 3 competitions = clicks from friends give 2 points each
obj2 : be congratulated 6 times = pinata opens with the next click
gifts : one 2* polo wraps, one 2* bonnet and one 2* saddle cloth (I'm guessing the special pinata design)
Pinata 12 (floover) = 100 pts
obj1 : participate in a competition requiring 12% energy= next click yields 20 pts (excluding clicks from friends)
obj2 : donate (something) to Ow = 2 clicks every 3 hrs
gifts : 4000 equus , 1 Medusas Blood and 1 Achilles Heel
Pinata 13 (auratus) = 150 pts
obj1 : stroke a horse with a flaxen liver chestnut coat = can be helped by 10 friends
obj2 : open a Horn of Plenty = number of points already collected for this pinata multiplied by 2
gifts : 20 carrots, one Piece of Cloud and one Zeus Lightning Bolt
Pinata 14 (cobby) = 200 pts
obj1 : win at least 1000 equus with the same horse in competitions = all clicks yield 3 points (excluding clicks from friends)
obj2 : participate in 60 competitions requiring 20% energy each (in the past, it was okay to use 20.1 to 20.9 energy competitions, and the total the player had to do was related to the number of horses owned - just my experience) = number of points needed to open this pinata divided by 2
gifts : 100% morale for all your horses, one Croesus Fortune, and one Golden Apple
Pinata 15 (kiteblossom) = 250 pts
obj1 : congratulate a player on his/her birthday = next 10 clicks gain 5 points each (excluding clicks from friends)
obj2 : fully equip a horse that has never been fully equipped before = friend clicks earn 4 points each
obj3 : finish training in one skill = 100 pts for your pinata
gifts : 10 Aging Points , a tractor and a Chronos Timer
Pinata 16 (slugeyed) = 300 pts
obj1 : buy a horse for 2000 equus = number of points gained raises to 120 pts
obj2 : donate (something) to Ow = next 10 clicks from friends gain 5 pts
obj3 : accept an exchange of items = 3 clicks every 3 hours
gifts : 100 droppings , a shower and one Poseidons Pack
Pinata 17 (paraflora) = 400 pts
obj1 : give a carrot to a horse born to ouranos and gaia (foundation horse) = 10 bonus clicks
obj2 : stroke a horse over 40 years old (non-divine and non-wild) = all clicks yield 5 points (except clicks from friends)
obj3 : reach blup100 with a horse = 120 pts for the pinata
gifts : 6000 equus , a lunge and a 5th Element
Pinata 18 (floctopuss) = 600 pts
obj1 : give a mash to a horse with 231 to 323 skill points in dressage = 10 bonus clicks
obj2 : find a hoof pick with a horse between 7 and 8 years - be able to be helped by 12 friends
obj3 : groom a donkey = number of points already gained multiplies by two
gifts : 20 mash , 1000 pts for the general ranking and a Nyx Pack
Pinata 19 (bulbion) = 1000 pts
obj1 : win 25 competitions = be able to click 3 times every 2 hrs
obj2 : donate (something) to Ow = next 10 clicks from friends yield 10 points each
obj3 : buy a horse for at least one pass = pinata opens on next click
gifts : 15 Aging Points , one Hera Pack and a Greyfell divine
Pinata 20 (fringedcone) = 1500 pts
obj1 : 2 wins with a horse born from ouranos and gaia (foundation horse) = 10 bonus clicks
obj2 : use a Helios Ray for a blue landscape = clicks from friends yield 10 points each
obj3 : have a breeders reserve ending in 11 111 = 1000 pts for the pinata
gifts : 10 000 equus , one Philosophers Stone and a Themis' Scale
Pinata 21(helianthus rex) = 2000 pts
obj1 : remove a unicorn's horn = clicks yield 10 pts each
obj2 : give birth to twins = 15 bonus clicks
obj3 : win a rosette in a competition = number of points needed are halved
gift: divine horse Shiny Yellow
Sorry again its so long!
14th April 2015 13:13:25
Retired breeder wrote:
how meany people are there... in the test server
Right now, none.
It closed on the 12th.
I expect it will reopen in about 2 weeks to test the long awaited last part of the EC changes.
Posted messages:
Freehold EC
14th April 2015 13:18:37
I'm not sure if I've skipped something here
but do we know what the last part of the EC changes are?
Posted messages:
✿ α ʍεαɖoѡ of ɖαɩsɩεs ✿
Retired breeder
14th April 2015 19:54:21
Is there any pictures of the drafts? I think, on another server, someone said one could be a Haflinger. I hope not, they have them on the French Server.
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 00:40:22
Does anyone have all of the bonus cards? Like the prize ones, not the puzzle ones.
I'd like to know what I could've had....could've.
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 02:21:29
Click to display
This is what they look like
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 02:23:13
They are adorable
Are they already on INT
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 02:48:50
No, INT is at the same place as us. They are doing the cards still.
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 04:52:04
Wow, the Yellow divine is so gorgeous!
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 06:15:36
I know! Just imagine what the green Divine will look like!
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 06:29:15
Apparently, APPARENTLY,
Click to display
these are the names of the rest of the Rainbow Divines:
Forest Green.
Lovely Blue.
Devoted Indigo.
Brave Purple
I'm skeptical about these as you probably are, but it could be true!
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 08:52:52
@Tea Time. Thanks!
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 09:00:19
Retired breeder wrote:
Click to display
The Piñatas are next. There is 21 Piñatas. At Piñata no. 18 you will win a Greyfell Divine. At 21, you will win Shiny Yellow! Here is the list of objectives and prizes:
Pinata Objectives, end of April promo.
Pinata 1 (snailcup) = 3pts
obj1 : click on your pinata - 1 point
obj2 : groom one of your horses = 1 bonus click
gifts: 3 Aging Points and 1 Pandoras Box
Pinata 2 (sunflower) = 6pts
obj1 : stroke a horse = be able to be helped by 4 friends
obj2 : bed down a pony = 1 bonus click
gifts: 10% energy for all your horses and one 2** saddle cloth
Pinata 3 (fishflower) = 10pts
obj1 :congratulate a player = 5 pts for the pinata
obj2 : visit Ows page = 1 click every 12h
gifts : one 2** bonnet and a whip
Pinata 4 (babycrispa) = 15 pts
obj1 : sell three mashes = the next 5 clicks by friends earn 2 points each
obj2 : donate (something) to Ow = 5 bonus click
gifts : 10 mashes and 1 Water of Youth
Pinata 5 (shadower) = 20 pts
obj1 : enter a horse in a competition = next 7 clicks gain 2 points each (not including clicks from friends)
obj2 : click the pinata of a friend = be able to be helped by 6 friends
gifts : 50 apples and 1 Philotes' Stroke
Pinata 6 (woofer) = 25 pts
obj1 : specialise a horse = points needed divided by two
obj2 : give an apple to a divine or wild horse = be able to click once every 6 hours
gifts : 100 wood , 100 sand and 100 iron
pinata 7 (brokenleaf) = 30 pts
obj1 : find a treat when feeding a horse = clicks give 2 pts (excluding clicks from friends)
obj2 : train a horse for 3 hours at once = 10 points for your pinata
gifts : one 1* classical bridle, 20 leather and 1 Helios Ray
Pinata 8 (buddy) = 40 pts
obj1 : donate (something) to Ow = next 4 clicks earn 3 pts each (excluding clicks from friends)
obj2 : last click on a friends pinata= be able to click twice every 6 hours
gifts : one 1* classical saddle, 10 Aging Points and one trough (feed trough or water trough???)
Pinata 9 (tentaflow) = 50 pts
obj1 : finish last in a competition = 6 bonus clicks
obj2 : win 120 equus with Plutos Parchment = be able to be helped by 8 friends
gifts : one 2*polo wraps, bell boots and one Plutos Parchment
Pinata 10 (tricob) = 60 pts
obj1 : win 1 equus in a competition= 15 pts for the pinata
obj2 : use an Aging Point on a 15 year old horse = 5 bonus clicks
gifts : 300 fodder, 500 points for the general ranking and one Hypnos Blanket
Pinata 11 (fanseed) = 80 pts
obj1 : finish 3rd in 3 competitions = clicks from friends give 2 points each
obj2 : be congratulated 6 times = pinata opens with the next click
gifts : one 2* polo wraps, one 2* bonnet and one 2* saddle cloth (I'm guessing the special pinata design)
Pinata 12 (floover) = 100 pts
obj1 : participate in a competition requiring 12% energy= next click yields 20 pts (excluding clicks from friends)
obj2 : donate (something) to Ow = 2 clicks every 3 hrs
gifts : 4000 equus , 1 Medusas Blood and 1 Achilles Heel
Pinata 13 (auratus) = 150 pts
obj1 : stroke a horse with a flaxen liver chestnut coat = can be helped by 10 friends
obj2 : open a Horn of Plenty = number of points already collected for this pinata multiplied by 2
gifts : 20 carrots, one Piece of Cloud and one Zeus Lightning Bolt
Pinata 14 (cobby) = 200 pts
obj1 : win at least 1000 equus with the same horse in competitions = all clicks yield 3 points (excluding clicks from friends)
obj2 : participate in 60 competitions requiring 20% energy each (in the past, it was okay to use 20.1 to 20.9 energy competitions, and the total the player had to do was related to the number of horses owned - just my experience) = number of points needed to open this pinata divided by 2
gifts : 100% morale for all your horses, one Croesus Fortune, and one Golden Apple
Pinata 15 (kiteblossom) = 250 pts
obj1 : congratulate a player on his/her birthday = next 10 clicks gain 5 points each (excluding clicks from friends)
obj2 : fully equip a horse that has never been fully equipped before = friend clicks earn 4 points each
obj3 : finish training in one skill = 100 pts for your pinata
gifts : 10 Aging Points , a tractor and a Chronos Timer
Pinata 16 (slugeyed) = 300 pts
obj1 : buy a horse for 2000 equus = number of points gained raises to 120 pts
obj2 : donate (something) to Ow = next 10 clicks from friends gain 5 pts
obj3 : accept an exchange of items = 3 clicks every 3 hours
gifts : 100 droppings , a shower and one Poseidons Pack
Pinata 17 (paraflora) = 400 pts
obj1 : give a carrot to a horse born to ouranos and gaia (foundation horse) = 10 bonus clicks
obj2 : stroke a horse over 40 years old (non-divine and non-wild) = all clicks yield 5 points (except clicks from friends)
obj3 : reach blup100 with a horse = 120 pts for the pinata
gifts : 6000 equus , a lunge and a 5th Element
Pinata 18 (floctopuss) = 600 pts
obj1 : give a mash to a horse with 231 to 323 skill points in dressage = 10 bonus clicks
obj2 : find a hoof pick with a horse between 7 and 8 years - be able to be helped by 12 friends
obj3 : groom a donkey = number of points already gained multiplies by two
gifts : 20 mash , 1000 pts for the general ranking and a Nyx Pack
Pinata 19 (bulbion) = 1000 pts
obj1 : win 25 competitions = be able to click 3 times every 2 hrs
obj2 : donate (something) to Ow = next 10 clicks from friends yield 10 points each
obj3 : buy a horse for at least one pass = pinata opens on next click
gifts : 15 Aging Points , one Hera Pack and a Greyfell divine
Pinata 20 (fringedcone) = 1500 pts
obj1 : 2 wins with a horse born from ouranos and gaia (foundation horse) = 10 bonus clicks
obj2 : use a Helios Ray for a blue landscape = clicks from friends yield 10 points each
obj3 : have a breeders reserve ending in 11 111 = 1000 pts for the pinata
gifts : 10 000 equus , one Philosophers Stone and a Themis' Scale
Pinata 21(helianthus rex) = 2000 pts
obj1 : remove a unicorn's horn = clicks yield 10 pts each
obj2 : give birth to twins = 15 bonus clicks
obj3 : win a rosette in a competition = number of points needed are halved
gift: divine horse Shiny Yellow
That's gonna suck! No way will I be able to get to piñata 21! Not even 19!
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 09:34:31
Lovely Blue?
Brave Purple?
What strange names . . .
15th April 2015 10:23:56
I don't think they're all that strange compared to 'Cool Carrot'
I actually like the sound of 'Brave Purple', too.
Posted messages:
✿ α ʍεαɖoѡ of ɖαɩsɩεs ✿
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 13:25:46
I think Devoted Indigo is a good name
15th April 2015 16:38:18
Coming up next
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Click to display
Click to display
Click to display
Click to display
Yellow will breed with blue to produce green.
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Freehold EC
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 19:54:16
Hmm, blue looks strange. The green foal is cute but not my favourite. Green adult:
Thanks freehold!
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 20:58:09
Yassss Blue!! Oh please tell me he/she won't be in the pinatas.
Retired breeder
15th April 2015 21:06:01
Shining Yellow? Sunny Yellow? Blazing Yellow?
Royal Blue? Cobalt Blue? Blue Banana?
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