[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 29th April 2021 19:20:58
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From INT I think we'll be seeing a brand-new panda chimera in the Titan's Challenges this weekend!
The next promo is an oldie but goodie.

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The Equestrian Parade

Decorate horse models in order to win rewards and unlock new horses to decorate!

For a completely decorated Parade horse, you can obtain a fixed gift, which can: be fragments, a companion, or a Black Market item. You will also get to select a gift out of 3 that are offered for each model.

There will be 12 models in total. For completing the last one, you will be granted with the new special tack item, the Knight's Bridle!

How to decorate horses?

First, you have to choose a horse that you want to decorate among the available models.

You can select only from the ones without a padlock on it. All the horse models will be unlocked as you progress in the event.

Once you make your choice, you can start decorating a horse by dragging and dropping items from the right panel. There are 3 types of decorations. You can adjust each of your decorations by using the editing features.

To adjust a decoration that has been already applied on a horse: ➡ click on it
➡ use the editing features from the panel on the left side
Don’t forget to validate!

You can also select the option to auto-complete the decoration process by paying for it with passes.

How to get decorations?

On first login (3 per day)

By taking your horse on a ride

By registering your horses in competition

By buying them with Equus in Flash sales.

By buying them with passes

You will be also able to exchange a decoration with another one of the same category

If you connect 5 days in a row, you will receive 6 additional decorations!

New editing features!

The editing tools has evolved for more customization:

✏ You can choose the color of your decorations after you drag and drop them. ( NEW ❗)

✏ You can still make a decoration look smaller or bigger

✏ You can still rotate your decorations

✏ You can use the “symmetry” tool to play with symmetry

✏ You can also play with layers and put a decoration on top or even hide them behind other decorations


A new Knight's equipment!

Complete the 12th model to win the Knight's Bridle.

This item grants +10 on each of the horse's skills.

Guinevere, a new divine from the series of Grail horses!

During the contest, you can win her fragments to increase your chances. Complete the Community Goal to gain more fragments when opening Golden Fleeces.

Complete her mission to win 1 x Fertility Wand .


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Guinevere is one of the Grail Horses.
Complete her quests to win:
1 x Fertility Wand
You can increase her skills by using your Passes.
This horse cannot be sold.
Please remember that you can only go on one quest at a time with all your Grail horses.
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By Retired breeder, 24th May 2021 16:43:56
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Basically with the "promo" to send any horse to heaven to age Yggdrasil, we are being encouraged to... murder any horse? I sent a foal and felt horrible. If howrse is that desperate for server space they should make the reward a bit nicer! How about send your horse to the safe haven and earn passes! They'd have server space really fast!
But no. Kill horses to age another who has pretty bad prizes. default smiley (d) No. Thank. You.
New promo

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Sushi bar

It's time to taste some flavors of the world! As you may know, Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish. It will also be the main theme of this new edition of the blast event.

Destroy enough blocks in the grid to complete the suggested missions.
Destroy as many blocks as possible using a minimum number of moves to improve the value of the chest.

Open chests and discover the prize inside!

Block Types

There are several block types that can appear on the grid as listed below.
Colored blocks: Destroy them when there are at least 2 of the same color next to each other.
Rockets: Click on them to destroy all the blocks in the same column or in the same line.
"Mochi" blocks: Get them to fall to the bottom of the grid to destroy them.
"Soy sauce" blocks: Destroy adjacent block groups twice to destroy them.


Thanks to the event chests, you can win random items, including precious gifts. However, what you get also depends on the rarity of the opened chest.

To open the chests you can.
Use the boosters
Use the master key


With a booster you can shorten the time to open a chest by 4 hours.
Get 5 x Booster every day by simply logging in to the game.
Get 10 x Booster if you log in 5 days straight.


Earn points by completing grids. Complete enough grids to get the brand new equipment: Dragon Samurai Ear Bonnet.

Aside from that, you can also win other items from the set:

Dragon Samurai Polo Wraps by opening Wooden Chests
Dragon Samurai Saddle Cloth by opening Golden Chests

This equipment is part of the Dragon Samurai set.


Sushi, a new divine horse from the series of Japanese horses!
Like all the other horses from this collection, Sushi gives players Omikujis, thanks to which you can get one Poseidon's Pack or another surprise.

During the event, you can also find fragments of the divine horse Sushi in Titan's Challenges.

To increase your chances:

Get free fragments from the chests.

Help us all complete the community objective and get more fragments in Titan's Challenges!
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By Retired breeder, 25th May 2021 21:57:39
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That ear bonnet is better than all the Knight's Tack combined! I so want it. default smiley (7)
Prize list.

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New for the developer's corner

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New tack items equipped from sushi promo
  • Posted messages: 679
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Next promo..an oldie.

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Sports Piñatas

The Piñata contest is back with an all-new theme: Sports!

Sports teach us many things. You need to be persistent to achieve success in a sport. So log in every day to break the new Piñatas and win rewards!

� How to play?

Click on a piñata until it breaks and win gifts!
Break piñata #10 to win the jackpot.

� How to get clicks?

Each click will grant you a point on the piñata's gauge. Each of the 10 piñatas have a certain number of points to reach for it to break. The number will be growing with each following piñata.

When you break a piñata:

You need to confirm to claim the 3 associated gifts.
Once it is done, you can move on to the next piñata.
The number of available clicks is limited and refills progressively with time. To gain more clicks, you can:
Wait for them to refill. Thanks to some bonuses, this waiting time can be reduced.
Buy them with Passes.
Ask your friends for help by using Equus (you can also offer them your help in return).

✨ Objectives

With each piñata, you can complete two (2) objectives that will allow you to progress faster in the contest. This way, you unlock the following bonuses:

Increase the number of available clicks

Make clicks more powerful
Being able to click more often
Allow more friends to help yourself
Receive points directly on my current piñata

The objectives are only available on the current piñata. If you miss an objective, you will lose the chance to complete it if you move to the next piñata. It is impossible to go back and do so.

� Jackpots

Complete your Dragon Samurai tack: break the last piñata to win the Dragon Samurai Saddle and the Dragon Samurai Bridle.

Each of these items will grant +10 to your horse's skills (on each competence). Gain all the items from the series to achieve the outstanding Samurai look!

Celeris, a new divine horse from the series of mythological horses!

Each time you groom him, he leaves feathers behind for you. Collect enough feathers to win 10 Passes.

Throughout the event, you can find Celeris fragments in the Golden Fleece.
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By Retired breeder, 17th June 2021 19:41:07
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Will we be able to finish the pinata event for free?
@ BlueWhale

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No passes are needed as far as I can see.
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Thank you, Freehold, for continuing to update us. It's greatly appreciated.
  • Posted messages: 217
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Dragon Samurai saddle + bridle equipped I think that the tack will look pretty snazzy all together default smiley (b)
  • Posted messages: 679
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Our next promo is up

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Summer Festivals

Can you hear the drum roll? The Music Festivals are about to start. Let's go on a ride to listen to your favorite music genres!

How to play?
1. Choose a board game.
All board games represent a type of music: Country, Reggae, Electro, Classical music, Pop, Metal, Hip Hop, Rock and Jazz.

Most of the boards are locked at the beginning. You can unlock them by winning enough cups. Obtain a cup by completing other boards.

2. Use the spinning wheel.
Spin the roulette wheel to have your pawn automatically move from 1 to 3 spaces based on what you land on. Occasionally, you will need to choose a path when you face a junction.

3. Claim your gifts!
Win rewards for completing levels. Remember that you can restart boards that you have already finished in case you missed some gifts or fragments.

However, once a gift is won, it disappears from the board and you can’t win it for a second time.

Special squares

Across each board, you can stop on various special squares:

Bonus: makes you move some steps forward.

Penalty: makes you move some steps backward.

Obstacle: blocks you for a while or until you complete a specific task.

Gift box: gives you a reward of your choice among 3 possible gifts

Divine fragments: gives you some fragments of the new Japanese divine horse, Shamisen

How to pass the obstacles?

When your pawn faces an obstacle square, three options are available. You can:

Wait for the time indicated

Do the requested mission

Give a black market item

Roulette spins

To move forward on your board, you have to spin the roulette.

How to get Spins?

By logging into the game every day (5 per day).

By taking your horses for rides (2 per day).

By winning competitions with your horses (2 per day).

With passes.

Take advantage of extra bonus roulette spins! You can get them by playing the game for 5 days in a row.

For 45 passes: “Move to the space of your choice within a radius of 3 spaces in front of your pawn”
This joker can help you move faster and win more gifts.


Complete all the boards (reach the arrival square on all the boards) to win the all-new Avatar animé coat.

This item grants your horse +7 on each skill.

Shamisen, a new divine horse from the series of Japanese horses!

Like all the other horses from this collection, Shamisen gives players Omikujis, thanks to which you can get one Morpheus' Arms or another surprise.

During the event, you can also find fragments of the divine horse Shamisen in Titan's Challenges.

To increase your chances:

Collect divine fragments on the event boards.

Help us all complete the community objective and get more fragments in Titan's Challenges!
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Prize list:

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Next promo

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The Great Challenge and Tomatoes battle

Let’s welcome back our Great Challenge and Festivities event! As usual, this event is held in two phases as mentioned below.

� The Challenge phase (until 07/08/2021, 12:59 CEST):
Collect horseshoes by completing objectives to win rewards!

� The Festivities (from 07/08/2021, 13:00 CEST, and until 12/08/2021, 13:00 CEST):
Participate in the Tomatoes battle to earn points and gifts!

� The Great Challenge phase

The general concept has not changed since the previous time, although some things in the Great Challenge have been improved. You will still have the choice between 9 different objectives that you will be able to complete over and over during the day.

Each objective gives a certain number of horseshoes. The more horseshoes you get, the more bonuses and gifts you unlock, but keep in mind that there is a limit of horseshoes that you can collect each day.

What is new in this edition is that you can buy the new Premium Key to unlock the access to special gifts and more horseshoes per day.

During the Great Challenge phase, contribute to the community goal in order to get more UFOs during the battle phase.

� NEW - Premium Key

There are two different strategies that you can choose during this Great Challenge:

Free strategy, without the Premium Key:
Just like in all the previous editions, complete different objectives to win 100 horseshoes per day and unlock gifts.

Paid strategy, with the Premium Key unlocked with passes (600 passes):
If you decide to buy the Premium Key, you will be able to win up to 120 horseshoes per day and win more rewards (free gifts + premium gifts).

� The Tomatoes battle

The festivities will take place around the Tomatoes Battle! Each battle day will be cut into 3 sessions.

The number of encountered UFOs will be determined by the number of gifts collected during the Great Challenge.

You will be able to catch 4 UFOs with a gift three times a day. When you catch your UFO, you can choose to:

return the gift and earn points for the ranking

keep the gift and lose points

spend Equus to get a new UFO and potentially a better gift

These points will allow you to move up the leaderboard and win the cumulative prizes:

� 1 - 5 : Caradoc

� 6 - 10 : Male and Female Donkey Unicorn

� 11 - 15 : Hermes' Winged Staff

Aside from that, when you choose to keep the gift or to send it back, you can use bonus items that can be obtained thanks to:

� winning competitions with your horse

� being helped by friends

� your participation in the Great Challenge

� The contest page

On the new contest page, you will be able to track:

� The history of the items that you have won;

� Your position in the ranking in real time (with your current number of points);

� A podium where you can see the jackpots that you can win;

� The gift you can expect to win if you keep their position at the end of the contest.

� Jackpots

Complete the horseshoes gauge to get the all-new unicorn donkeys!
Thanks to that, you can win:

Male donkey unicorn (without the Premium Key)

Male + Female donkey unicorn (with the Premium Key)

Caradoc, a new divine horse from the series of Grail horses!

Complete its mission to win: 1 x Horn of Plenty.

During the event, you can also find fragments of this divine horse in the Titan's Challenges. Players from the TOP 5 of the battle ranking will win this divine too.

Increase your chances and get more divine fragments by reaching certain levels of horseshoes in the Great Challenge:

110 horseshoes to get x1.5 fragments' multiplier.

380 horseshoes to get x2 fragments' multiplier.

710 horseshoes to get x3 fragments' multiplier.
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The first, third and fifth line of prizes ( circled) are the premium you get when you pay the 600 ( plus the extra ( female) donkey.
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In my opinion asking for a big payment to get prizes in competitions is the wrong way to go. It establishes a have and a have not class of players.

I do buy passes and do pay for VIP but I will not be paying to my hard earned money to get extra prizes in promotions. I am doing this to take a stand that competitions should be free to all not just those that will pay. I hope others will do the same and it sends a message to the game makers. I believe this is the thin edge of the wedge and unless we protest everything will become more of the pay pay pay.
  • Posted messages: 193
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huey wrote:

In my opinion asking for a big payment to get prizes in competitions is the wrong way to go. It establishes a have and a have not class of players.

I do buy passes and do pay for VIP but I will not be paying to my hard earned money to get extra prizes in promotions. I am doing this to take a stand that competitions should be free to all not just those that will pay. I hope others will do the same and it sends a message to the game makers. I believe this is the thin edge of the wedge and unless we protest everything will become more of the pay pay pay.

I agree huey, this is not the direction I want to see this game headingdefault smiley (n)

I won't be paying those inflated prices just to collect a few more prizes. I thought the whole idea of these Mini Promo games was to have a bit of fun earning some BMI's ect, not have to PAY for them before you even start!! default smiley (o)
Josey jojo
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I was wondering when someone would see the difference in the running of this promo...default smiley (lol)
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We have a new promo coming.

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Event: Trip

Would you like to go on a trip? Do you prefer mountains, forests, or a desert? Let's check all the available paths! Read more below and click here to start.

� How to play?

Connect different points on the map thanks to your cards. Complete routes and win gifts!

To unlock and complete a road between two points, you need to:

☛ Unlock the type of horse indicated on the route that you want to cross

☛ Possess (and use) the right number of cards indicated on the route (and of the right type of cards)

You can only complete a new road from a route that you have already reached. When you reach a new point on the map, you receive a gift associated with this point (divine fragments or item), or you unlock a new type of card on the special points.

Complete routes until you get the brand-new customization item: Hiking journal!

� Card types

There are five available card types:

Plain Unlocked at the beginning of the event.

Forest Available when you unlock the related horse on a dedicated point of the map.

Desert Available when you unlock the related horse on a dedicated point of the map.

Mountain Available when you unlock the related horse on a dedicated point of the map.

Prize It cannot be used to complete a route. You get a random gift when you click on the card. It can be used whenever you want.

� How to win cards?

You can win cards by using the following methods:

By connecting into the game every day (4 per day), with a bonus for playing 5 days in-a-row (additional 4 cards)

By taking your horses for rides (2x per day)

By entering competitions with your horses (2x per day)

By buying them with passes

⚠ The cards that you receive when you buy them for passes can be of any type, even if you haven't unlocked all horses related yet.

⚠ You will always receive cards from a type that you have already unlocked, unless you buy them with Passes.

� Play again for more!

Once you win all the prizes, you can restart the contest. All the gifts on the map can be won again, but you will have to unlock the horses again. You keep all the cards that you have already bought or won.

� Jackpots

Give your horse the unique appearance from this event with the brand new item: Hiking journal.

Win Culebre, a new divine horse from the series of dragon horses!

You can lead this horse into battle to win a Catrina Brooch.

Throughout the event, you can also find fragments of this new divine horse in Titan's Challenges.

Complete the community goal to enable the fragment multiplier.

Prize list

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0.M.G.!!! That's gotta be the worst Prize list for any Promo so far default smiley :o default smiley (n) default smiley (n) default smiley (n)
Josey jojo
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I was trying to test the new promo on prepod however it was lagging to the point i basicaly couldnt do anything. Hooefully it isn't like that when it comes outdefault smiley (8)default smiley (a)
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