How many skills lost due to age?

I totally forgot to give my horse philosophers stone. Now it reached the age of 25 and lost some health and apparently skills as well. How many are lost forever? >.<

~ Tina
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Horses cannot regain any skills lost once they reach 25 years of age. You would need to attach a philosophers' stone if you don't wish for it to lose any more.
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I know.
I know it lost some skills.
I know THAT they are lost forever.
I know I have to attach the stone so I did even though I didn't have an objective to do so this time because I had already bedded it down when I realised.
I just wanna know *how many* skills are lost on my irreplaceable horse =(
There must be some % of GP number I guess.

(sry I don't wanna be rude I'm just very frustrated. My anger is not against you but about me not seeing this the day before. I saw it at 24y6m but completely missed that it was not immortal yet.)
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I wrote this down (the skill decline) once years ago on an Arabian stallion as he aged past 25, if I remember correctly he lost around 9 points a day.

Not sure if it's different with horses of higher skills.
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Thank you for providing the number =)
(I'll leave this open still, maybe someone knows something about a connection between the amount of skills declining and GP/skills)
  • Posted messages: 26
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I don't know if it has changed at all, but I remember years ago reading that the number of skills doesn't have any bearing on the inborn skills of offspring - just the BLUP and GP (if breeding is your concern).
As for the amount lost, I can probably find some to experiment with...
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I don't know what skill level you horse is at, but I used 3 different horses:

The first was a filler that was already 30 years and 8 months old.
GP=473.51 / Skills - 180.29
Progression - 177.29, 174.29, 171.29 - so consistently lost 3 points

The second was an old ec booster
GP=8466.80 / Skills - 11079.47 before ageing at 24 years 10 months old
Progression - 11070.47 (boosted by lesson to .91), 11061.91, 11052.91, 11043.91 - so consistently lost 9 points

The third was another filler aged 24 years and 10 months
GP=358.20 / Skills - 80.44
Progression - 71.88 (boosted by lesson to 72.32), 63.32, 54.32, 46.80, 39.30 - so lost 9 points for the first ageing, 7.52 points next ageing, 7.5 next after that.

A bit inconsistent - maybe a mix of skills and age..? GP didn't seem to make a difference...
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if you have a VIP, then you can easily see how many skills are missing, or ask a friend to look if he has a VIP.
through reserved sales, and this is a very good function to be able to see how good a horse is for sale, and whether it has any penalties in skills, if this horse is a grand prix or rosette class
Dr. Viggo
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gaff wrote:

A bit inconsistent - maybe a mix of skills and age..? GP didn't seem to make a difference...

Thank you too for the numbers!
Yeah, seems to be more loss in the beginning and less when it's older - sad for me but interesting in general. Mine hat ~2k skills so it might have lost the "full" 9 points (at least that seems to be the maximum)

Dr. Viggo wrote:

if you have a VIP, then you can easily see how many skills are missing, or ask a friend to look if he has a VIP.
through reserved sales

you can see this not only on your own horses but also on horses in sale?

~ Tina
  • Posted messages: 26
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ok, I'll lock this now as I got some values so I can guess =)
thank you everyone!
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