Donating a horse to Ow?

I recently bred my first set of foals not from Gaia and I have a message that says I can donate the foal to Ow to complete the achievement. I was wondering if there's any value to doing this? I can't find that kind of achievement under Objectives so I don't know if it actually comes with an award or would just give me points towards a reward, in which case I can just complete other tasks.

Has anyone done this before and know if it's a good idea?

Thanks default smiley :)
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When you donate you will lose the horse donated.

What you get from it depends on why you donate. For example I have spare horses that I donate when the Great challenge comes around. My benefit is that I gain points and BMIs as part of this promo.
In most cases you can only donate when there is an objective to do so. So you have to ask yourself is the objective worth it.
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To elaborate on the great answer above:
The option to donate the horse to Ow is currently appearing because of the ongoing promo, The Great Challenge. It offers you 20 horseshoes (you can earn a maximum of 100 a day). Once you donate the horse you will lose it. This option will keep showing while the promo is ongoing and you are able to earn horseshoes, once it ends the button will disappear default smiley (y)
There are other promotions that this option can also show up for. As answered above, it's always best to look at the promo and the prizes offered and decide if you consider the donation worth it.
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