[Survey] The Memory event


The equestrian themed memory event has come to an end. Did you reach the end to earn the new Heracles Horseshoes?

We would like to gather your thoughts and feedback about the event. Below are a series of questions you can rate: What was good about the event? What can be improved? Ratings range from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest).

We always appreciate your feedback, but please remember the forum rules and keep it constructive!

Thank you for your time and feedback!

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 486
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I am so very disappointed that I never get to actually finish any of the game/events.
Ann's Dream
  • Posted messages: 6
  • Karma: 10 points
This game is super pointless. Like many others I used the screenshot tip, used the free joker everyday, logged in for all of the lives and was able to still only just finish.

If you want to encourage people to play properly, in the actual spirit of the game, then it should be possible to complete the promo even with mistakes. Otherwise it really just is the “screenshot game”

Also this time it seemed the grids sometimes got smaller rather than bigger as you went along - seems inconsistent?

And why do we need another item giving bonuses? They’re completely arbitrary. We already have too many. Please focus on fixing some of the real issues.
Frozen In Time
  • Posted messages: 943
  • Karma: 10 points
It's really hard to progress as a player who spends no money on this game. I rarely finish ANY event because I don't have the hundreds of passes needed to complete it. A couple of mistakes and it's all over, I only got up to the Helios Ray, which is very disappointing. Please make this game more friendly to people who don't have the money to go spending hundreds on fake money!!!default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 1
  • Karma: 10 points
Ah, the screenshot event default smiley (lol)

I mean, it's certainly possible to finish it without passes, only just though, and that's only if you screenshot every move right from the start, which kind of defeats the purpose of the actual game.
If you are not going to have the divine as the main prize anymore then at least make the events easier to complete, without having to do silly things like taking pictures of the screen.

I also found it odd that you could replay levels after finishing but couldn't get the prize again?? Seriously, who's going to replay that just for fun �
  • Posted messages: 765
  • Karma: 10 points
Thankfully the final prize didn't seem worth getting anyway, because I didn't finish the last level before the event ended. at least I did get the one prize I could make real use of, which of course was towards the end. I did end up buying extra moves once, probably just to make sure I got the Hera's Pack.
wish I didn't have to collect every random, useless prize along the way too. maybe give us a choice as to what prize we get for each level? that at least has the potential to make an event more worthwhile
  • Posted messages: 29
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  • Seniority: 2,314 days
I thought the event was good its 1 of my favorite games and i am happy with the prizes I got I think you should give us more time to finish it but apart from that it was good. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 140
  • Karma: 10 points
It was not a friendly event for players with eyesight issues. The family ties with red borders were very difficult to identify against the brownish background and the purple and black caps virtually indistinguishable.
  • Posted messages: 727
  • Karma: 10 points
I finished without having to spend passes but I do 'cheat' by drawing the boxes on a piece of paper and then writing each object down as I flip the card. the prizes are fairly worthless though. would love to have divines offered as the main prize again.
  • Posted messages: 15
  • Karma: 10 points
Thank you for sharing your feedback about the memory event!
  • Posted messages: 486
  • Karma: 10 points
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