[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Just because we're curious default smiley ;)

What did you receive in your HoP?

Feel welcome to post what you had received from Golden Fleeces and Titan's Challenges here too default smiley :)

Please stay on topic and keep the chat to pm's. Thanks

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 12th June 2022 21:02:46
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

1x Medusas Blood
3,000 equus
250x Fodder
3x Carots
3x Aging Point

32x Eurus fragment
So, one of my dailies was to open a luck item. I had some Horns of Plenty I had saved up, saying to myself, I'll open just one....

1x Ploutos' Parchment
3,000 equus
100 x Oats
20 apples
1,019 Eurus fragments

Luck item indeed default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 208
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By Retired breeder, 17th June 2022 16:32:40
I opened 2 crowns...


Harmony Pack
3 APs
20,000 equus
42 Fragments


Medusas Blood
2** red/white Ear Bonnets
500 oats
30 Fragments
Objective HoP:

1 x Bell boots
4,000 equus
150 x Fodder
40 apples
2 x Ageing point

31 x Longma fragment
  • Posted messages: 1,689
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This is just the Tyches Crown I opened today.. Wouldn't mind AS much if you could get enough aging points to BLUP one horse out of this many luck items default smiley (o)

Aphrodite's Tears
5 Aging Points
1000 oats
42 fragments

3* Saddle
10 mash
27 fragments

Bell Boots
1*Western Saddle
1000 fodder
24 fragments

Artimis Arrow
500 fodder
42 fragments

Golden Horseshoe
Saddle pad
24 fragments

Hypno Blanket
10 Aging Points
15000 eq
24 fragments

Achillies Heel
3 Aging Points
33 fragments

Plutos Parchment
3 Aging Points
24 fragments

Black orchid
3 Aging Points
1000 fodder
30 fragments

Chronos Timer
3* saddle
24 fragments

Water of Youth
4 Aging Points
10 mash
27 fragments

Black orchid
1* saddle
500 oats
36 fragments

Poseidon Pack
2 Aging Points
30 fragments
  • Posted messages: 30
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By Retired breeder, 23rd June 2022 18:28:17
Objective HoP

Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

1 x Harmony Pack
1,000 equus
100 x Fodder
20 apples
3 x Ageing point
This is what you won with the Golden Fleece...

3*** Classical Saddle
8 x Ageing point
1 x Poseidon's Pack
Sorry, you didn't find the 1000 Sekhmet fragments this time.
However, we will offer you:

18 x Sekhmet fragment

Too bad...
You didn't find anything on level 3!

You will not leave empty-handed, all your earnings from the first level will be saved.

Level 1
1 x Whip
6 x Ageing point
90 x Carrot
Sorry, you didn't reach level 6 this time.
However, we will offer you:

44 x Uchchaihshravas fragment
  • Posted messages: 130
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Objective HoP:
1 x Aphrodite's Tears
3,000 equus
100 x Fodder
50 apples
9 x Ageing point
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Didn't record all Golden Fleece prizes, but it took 41 to get Sekhmet, including some previous fragments. 12 were 3* (M Arms), 7 were 2* (HoPs), and 22 were 1* (A Heels).
  • Posted messages: 30
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By Retired breeder, 28th June 2022 18:12:45
Open a Black Market item from the Luck category

Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

3,000 equus
1 x 3*** Western Bridle
50 x Oats
20 apples
3 x Ageing point
By Retired breeder, 30th June 2022 18:40:52
Objective HoP

Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

2,000 equus
1 x Black 2** polo wraps
50 x Oats
80 apples
3 x Ageing point
3,600 passes spent to get Jag Älskar Dig plus roughly 2,600 passes worth of BMIs
  • Posted messages: 130
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Objective HoP:

1 x Helios' Ray
3,000 equus
100 x Fodder
3 x Carrot

default smiley :)
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pandora's box 1 x Pandora's Box
argent 3,000 equus
fodder 100 x Fodder
carrot 2 x Carrot
ageing point 2 x Ageing point

argent 2,000 equus
3*** western bridle 1 x 3*** Western Bridle
fodder 500 x Fodder
apple 120 apples
ageing point 3 x Ageing point
Blue Thunder
  • Posted messages: 12
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Objective HoP:

1 x Philotes' Stroke
2,000 equus
500 x Fodder
20 apples
3 x Ageing point
  • Posted messages: 265
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Objective HoP:

3,000 equus
1 x Red and white 2** ear bonnet
150 x Fodder
50 apples
2 x Ageing point
  • Posted messages: 17
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Objective HoP:

aphrodite's tears
2000 e
500 fodder
3 carrot
2 ageing point
1 expert diploma 1x saddler
  • Posted messages: 130
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By Retired breeder, 8th July 2022 18:47:56
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

1 x Hera's Pack
4,000 equus
50 x Oats
3 x Carrot
3 x Ageing point
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...
1 x Lunge
1,000 equus
50 x Oats
120 apples
2 x Ageing point
  • Posted messages: 83
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Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...
1 x Chronos' Timer
1,000 equus
100 x Fodder
20 apples
2 x Ageing point
You also won a 30 days contract for a vet in your equestrian centre!

3,000 equus
3*** Classical Saddle
150 x Oats
3 x Carrot
5 x Ageing point
You also won a 30 day expert diploma for employees in your equestrian centre!
default smiley :-))default smiley :-))
  • Posted messages: 265
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By Retired breeder, 9th July 2022 18:23:39
Objective HoP

Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

1 x Morpheus' Armsdefault smiley (l)
2,000 equus
250 x Oats
5 x Carrot
6 x Ageing point

You also won a 30 days' contract for an artisan in your equestrian centre!
Objective HoP:

1 x Zeus' Lightning Bolt
1,000 equus
100 x Fodder
2 x Carrot
2 x Ageing point
You also won a 30 day expert diploma for employees in your equestrian centre!
You also won a 30 days contract for a market gardener in your equestrian centre!

default smiley <:o)
  • Posted messages: 1,689
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1650 passes spent on 11 crowns but didn't get the divine

2x Golden Apple
1x Apollo's Lyre
1x Horseshoe Studs
1x Philosopher's Stone
1x Fertility Wand
1x Aphrodite's Tears
16x Ageing points
  • Posted messages: 130
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By Retired breeder, 10th July 2022 20:44:30
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

1 x Helios' Ray
1,000 equus
50 x Oats
50 apples

Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

3,000 equus
1 x 1* Western Bridle
100 x Fodder
50 apples
3 x Ageing point

default smiley :(
First time getting anything other than basic items in my objective HOP...

1 x Zeus' Lightning Bolt
3,000 equus
50 x Oats
150 apples
  • Posted messages: 9
  • Karma: 10 points
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