Obscurus's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 12th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1283 | -1 | amyh56 | 193,483 | ||||
1284 | -1 | Corn Schnitzel | 193,388 | ||||
1285 | -1 | haydensayers | 193,025 | ||||
1286 | -1 | tigress. | 192,758 | ||||
1287 | -1 | horselover11 | 192,472 | ||||
1288 | -1 | ZhoeMarshall | 192,264 | ||||
1289 | -1 | horsieland | 192,096 | ||||
1290 | -1 | EJay | 192,075 | ||||
1291 | -1 | Wild 'n' free | 192,045 | ||||
1292 | -1 | Obscurus | 191,872 | ||||
1293 | -1 | john21 | 191,775 | ||||
1294 | -1 | nothing101 | 191,296 | ||||
1295 | -1 | Foxx | 190,925 | ||||
1296 | -1 | Lakotamoon | 190,878 | ||||
1297 | -1 | shadow0008 | 190,436 | ||||
1298 | = | Kisala | 190,303 | ||||
1299 | -2 | Pattern | 190,298 | ||||
1300 | -1 | mdoley35 | 189,500 | ||||
1301 | -1 | Wingedcloud | 189,365 | ||||
1302 | -1 | Neysa | 189,303 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1711 | = | Sika02 | 34 | ||||
1712 | = | The js | 34 | ||||
1713 | = | 6donutseach | 34 | ||||
1714 | = | qmab13 | 34 | ||||
1715 | = | Spring Field Stud | 34 | ||||
1716 | = | SmellyGoats | 34 | ||||
1717 | = | mdoley35 | 34 | ||||
1718 | = | foxmccloud | 34 | ||||
1719 | = | Untamed Devil | 34 | ||||
1720 | = | Obscurus | 34 | ||||
1721 | = | Fingal21 | 34 | ||||
1722 | = | abraxas_109 | 34 | ||||
1723 | = | LV90 | 34 | ||||
1724 | = | Celestial | 34 | ||||
1725 | = | Ceol | 34 | ||||
1726 | = | .:Allieeh:. | 34 | ||||
1727 | = | Rapidash | 34 | ||||
1728 | = | Metallica | 34 | ||||
1729 | = | Whiteger | 34 | ||||
1730 | = | KatieDunIt | 34 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
2075 | +6 | Josie | 72,337 | ||||
2076 | +6 | Oliveira | 72,270 | ||||
2077 | +6 | Kunoichi | 72,010 | ||||
2078 | +7 | StrawberryDream | 71,739 | ||||
2079 | +9 | Waldfee | 71,470 | ||||
2080 | +60 | Greymousey | 71,448 | ||||
2081 | +5 | trixiem89 | 71,431 | ||||
2082 | +5 | Capu | 71,389 | ||||
2083 | +6 | cms1996 | 71,244 | ||||
2084 | +7 | Obscurus | 71,193 | ||||
2085 | +7 | lollopop189 | 70,605 | ||||
2086 | +7 | gennilouise | 70,541 | ||||
2087 | +7 | rapidashing | 70,493 | ||||
2088 | +11 | Adeeya36 | 70,397 | ||||
2089 | +6 | Arzaii | 70,339 | ||||
2090 | +6 | Teenwolfie | 70,199 | ||||
2091 | +6 | Cgold | 70,142 | ||||
2092 | +6 | himeno | 70,095 | ||||
2093 | +8 | Sorenova | 70,075 | ||||
2094 | +6 | Gafa | 69,618 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1589 | = | Rissa.rosaaaa | 102 | ||||
1590 | = | Areïne | 102 | ||||
1591 | = | lexiistone | 102 | ||||
1592 | = | Forget-Me-Not99 | 101 | ||||
1593 | = | chelseakonigson | 101 | ||||
1594 | = | Lili18 | 101 | ||||
1595 | = | longbowen | 101 | ||||
1596 | = | Nakita_Booth006 | 101 | ||||
1597 | = | hannahkaye | 101 | ||||
1598 | = | Obscurus | 101 | ||||
1599 | = | GeeGee | 100 | ||||
1600 | = | indiemae11 | 100 | ||||
1601 | = | KKOK | 100 | ||||
1602 | +3 | temickas88 | 100 | ||||
1603 | -1 | halolovekayla | 100 | ||||
1604 | -1 | Spring Field Stud | 99 | ||||
1605 | -1 | DNF | 99 | ||||
1606 | +5 | Solarequine | 99 | ||||
1607 | +5 | Yzeute65 | 99 | ||||
1608 | -2 | Rossy | 98 |