Fernnn's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 17th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1765 | -1 | Sullymonster | 93,491 | ||||
1766 | -1 | AmazingGrace | 93,045 | ||||
1767 | -1 | marshmarsh99 | 92,705 | ||||
1768 | -1 | tyers | 92,331 | ||||
1769 | -1 | lunasapphic | 92,214 | ||||
1770 | -1 | bugsey4102 | 92,202 | ||||
1771 | -1 | NadyaKotik | 92,170 | ||||
1772 | -1 | OzWald | 91,870 | ||||
1773 | -1 | Flower Fairy | 91,830 | ||||
1774 | -1 | Fernnn | 91,646 | ||||
1775 | -1 | Knuffel1L | 91,574 | ||||
1776 | -1 | scorpion_girl | 91,400 | ||||
1777 | -1 | Born to Dream | 91,361 | ||||
1778 | -1 | MyPhoenix | 90,680 | ||||
1779 | -1 | ashael | 90,655 | ||||
1780 | -1 | Jelly783 | 90,104 | ||||
1781 | -1 | ω α ι | 89,644 | ||||
1782 | -1 | dusted | 89,163 | ||||
1783 | -1 | bee beep | 89,121 | ||||
1784 | -1 | mbeasley13 | 89,076 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
2093 | = | xXWolf_LoverXx | 24 | ||||
2094 | = | MoonDM | 24 | ||||
2095 | = | LunaInferno | 24 | ||||
2096 | = | PurpleDog | 24 | ||||
2097 | = | Midnight Legacy | 24 | ||||
2098 | = | Josie | 24 | ||||
2099 | = | Erinn | 24 | ||||
2100 | = | blazingbillys | 24 | ||||
2101 | = | dessertcheese | 24 | ||||
2102 | = | Fernnn | 24 | ||||
2103 | = | Maggie-Horse-Rider | 24 | ||||
2104 | = | Zali23 | 24 | ||||
2105 | = | Ivy Kernke | 24 | ||||
2106 | = | OlympicDreamer | 24 | ||||
2107 | = | georgeaquayle | 24 | ||||
2108 | = | wasumoto | 24 | ||||
2109 | = | Tinker01200 | 24 | ||||
2110 | = | Adeeya36 | 24 | ||||
2111 | = | Lakes | 24 | ||||
2112 | = | Corky Rose | 24 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1482 | +3 | Mrs.Nightmare | 315,555 | ||||
1483 | +4 | Vallotus115 | 314,356 | ||||
1484 | +4 | Rossy | 313,662 | ||||
1485 | +5 | Noxys | 311,920 | ||||
1486 | +3 | Girlypopqueen | 311,590 | ||||
1487 | +4 | je$$now | 310,322 | ||||
1488 | +4 | georgiaallisonz | 308,993 | ||||
1489 | +4 | xMarix | 308,587 | ||||
1490 | +143 | worshiptheband | 308,443 | ||||
1491 | +3 | Fernnn | 308,382 | ||||
1492 | +3 | JstBhavn | 307,659 | ||||
1493 | +3 | pearcea2 | 307,317 | ||||
1494 | +3 | Bettyboop | 306,585 | ||||
1495 | +282 | livo_ashleigh | 306,055 | ||||
1496 | +2 | Ali-Baba | 305,355 | ||||
1497 | +6 | Paddywaddy | 305,096 | ||||
1498 | +1 | agenthorse | 304,975 | ||||
1499 | +1 | Braveannie | 304,834 | ||||
1500 | +1 | Rhiannon96 | 304,641 | ||||
1501 | +1 | bubby10000 | 304,135 |
Player | Days | ||||||
2084 | +14 | Outback Waffle | 41 | ||||
2085 | -1 | otterin | 41 | ||||
2086 | -1 | georgeaquayle | 40 | ||||
2087 | -1 | thetweekygang | 40 | ||||
2088 | -1 | BlueJasper | 40 | ||||
2089 | -1 | madshayes | 40 | ||||
2090 | -1 | horstastic | 40 | ||||
2091 | -1 | honeysoy | 40 | ||||
2092 | -1 | rihrus | 40 | ||||
2093 | -1 | Fernnn | 40 | ||||
2094 | -1 | AChronic Disaster | 40 | ||||
2095 | -1 | Bellaroses98 | 40 | ||||
2096 | -1 | concloreen | 40 | ||||
2097 | -1 | Quack | 40 | ||||
2098 | -1 | scrp1123 | 40 | ||||
2099 | = | Paramnesia | 40 | ||||
2100 | = | 2004lmv | 40 | ||||
2101 | = | RogueCharlie67 | 40 | ||||
2102 | +15 | Ugiza | 40 | ||||
2103 | -1 | Callamo | 39 |