Theres's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 13th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
833 | = | Ark | 351,007 | ||||
834 | = | Zhe | 350,549 | ||||
835 | = | way2cute4u | 350,431 | ||||
836 | = | totti | 349,923 | ||||
837 | = | LilacDaizyEq | 349,540 | ||||
838 | = | DNF | 348,939 | ||||
839 | = | xXDemonTemptressXx | 348,779 | ||||
840 | = | Brunyboy | 348,443 | ||||
841 | = | chxngah | 348,407 | ||||
842 | = | Theres | 347,777 | ||||
843 | = | Skypegasus8 | 347,647 | ||||
844 | = | Lyss | 347,091 | ||||
845 | = | tee_hughes | 346,706 | ||||
846 | = | ellie9 | 346,270 | ||||
847 | = | Paramnesia | 345,850 | ||||
848 | = | Cas | 344,506 | ||||
849 | = | Paddy2 | 343,873 | ||||
850 | = | *Durango* | 343,249 | ||||
851 | = | flashy | 342,515 | ||||
852 | = | Rosemore | 342,128 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
953 | = | Moondarra | 57 | ||||
954 | = | bigem12 | 57 | ||||
955 | = | Azar101112 | 57 | ||||
956 | = | good breeder | 57 | ||||
957 | = | Mirra | 57 | ||||
958 | = | Snowy_River_Rider | 57 | ||||
959 | = | casey12 | 57 | ||||
960 | = | sunny_sunshine001 | 57 | ||||
961 | = | Vampireblobfish | 56 | ||||
962 | = | Theres | 56 | ||||
963 | = | ruttonalle | 56 | ||||
964 | = | T.wadelton | 56 | ||||
965 | = | shapes | 56 | ||||
966 | = | Ezabungles | 56 | ||||
967 | = | Days2 | 56 | ||||
968 | = | sailormoon | 56 | ||||
969 | = | nothing101 | 56 | ||||
970 | = | Legati | 56 | ||||
971 | = | samanthalorna | 56 | ||||
972 | = | Welsfordstuds | 56 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
2685 | = | matildaw27 | 8,239 | ||||
2686 | = | anttuliini | 7,992 | ||||
2687 | +1 | TrinityRise | 7,933 | ||||
2688 | +1 | SpectralCadence | 7,878 | ||||
2689 | +20 | lil_mousey | 7,875 | ||||
2690 | = | Atherim | 7,819 | ||||
2691 | = | BangChan | 7,716 | ||||
2692 | = | Rexonal | 7,666 | ||||
2693 | = | SilmarillsAreShiny | 7,536 | ||||
2694 | = | Theres | 7,505 | ||||
2695 | = | Cyber | 7,492 | ||||
2696 | = | Cora | 7,482 | ||||
2697 | +3 | Agust D | 7,463 | ||||
2698 | -1 | Raider696 | 7,445 | ||||
2699 | -1 | EcoEmpress | 7,439 | ||||
2700 | -1 | IzzyBella | 7,408 | ||||
2701 | = | Sun_Dancer24 | 7,301 | ||||
2702 | = | certifiedhorsegirl | 7,300 | ||||
2703 | = | iceprincess98 | 7,231 | ||||
2704 | = | Brumby reserve | 7,220 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1444 | -1 | Meej | 131 | ||||
1445 | -1 | lillipopsA101 | 131 | ||||
1446 | = | Untamed Devil | 131 | ||||
1447 | = | hol.robertson | 131 | ||||
1448 | +6 | INSTRIDE | 131 | ||||
1449 | +6 | Kisala | 131 | ||||
1450 | -2 | Annie4925 | 130 | ||||
1451 | -2 | Saziley | 130 | ||||
1452 | -2 | Melchizedek | 130 | ||||
1453 | -2 | Theres | 130 | ||||
1454 | -2 | greypjuice | 130 | ||||
1455 | -2 | Intrinsic | 130 | ||||
1456 | = | Viciente | 129 | ||||
1457 | = | horseylover350 | 129 | ||||
1458 | = | Dressage | 129 | ||||
1459 | = | haliluxx | 129 | ||||
1460 | = | FriseanLove | 129 | ||||
1461 | = | Araenia | 128 | ||||
1462 | = | Covertangel77 | 128 | ||||
1463 | = | balakiller | 128 |