Serafinaaa's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 30th November 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
2851 | = | ExtraBored | 6,280 | ||||
2852 | = | Anarky | 6,268 | ||||
2853 | = | LunaEclipses | 6,262 | ||||
2854 | = | LostSoul | 6,256 | ||||
2855 | = | Mishcabe | 6,256 | ||||
2856 | = | yumyum13 | 6,222 | ||||
2857 | = | Xred_rosesxx | 6,222 | ||||
2858 | = | Baryonyx | 6,173 | ||||
2859 | = | Devine_Prince2012 | 6,140 | ||||
2860 | = | Serafinaaa | 6,132 | ||||
2861 | = | SimiMeulin | 6,073 | ||||
2862 | = | Mellobeanio | 6,067 | ||||
2863 | = | Luringen | 6,039 | ||||
2864 | = | jannahsmith1002 | 5,942 | ||||
2865 | = | Vincent | 5,924 | ||||
2866 | = | MPosthumus | 5,922 | ||||
2867 | = | Star Field | 5,903 | ||||
2868 | = | Non | 5,889 | ||||
2869 | = | Molly132 | 5,629 | ||||
2870 | = | dressage2309 | 5,570 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
2153 | -1 | Anni1234 | 22 | ||||
2154 | -1 | rxckye | 22 | ||||
2155 | -1 | shenanigans | 22 | ||||
2156 | -1 | yut_lung | 22 | ||||
2157 | -1 | Rhiannon96 | 22 | ||||
2158 | -1 | tazza | 22 | ||||
2159 | -1 | vindictive | 22 | ||||
2160 | -1 | Malgoo | 22 | ||||
2161 | -1 | NettyP | 22 | ||||
2162 | -1 | Serafinaaa | 22 | ||||
2163 | -1 | Vuk | 22 | ||||
2164 | -1 | Kaibre Dean | 22 | ||||
2165 | -1 | caitmayx | 22 | ||||
2166 | -1 | Nerolie Goode | 22 | ||||
2167 | -1 | DolphinPony13 | 21 | ||||
2168 | -1 | lilastrahan | 21 | ||||
2169 | -1 | NadyaKotik | 21 | ||||
2170 | -1 | Bee | 21 | ||||
2171 | -1 | Laine | 21 | ||||
2172 | -1 | sweetbluecatgirl | 21 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
2016 | = | Izelck | 80,985 | ||||
2017 | = | MarkusMayhem | 80,947 | ||||
2018 | = | Newplayer1$ | 80,835 | ||||
2019 | = | Malgoo | 80,737 | ||||
2020 | = | Vanagandr | 80,438 | ||||
2021 | = | ForestDweller | 80,214 | ||||
2022 | = | Jess King | 79,621 | ||||
2023 | = | StarryNight | 79,513 | ||||
2024 | = | Celairphen | 79,488 | ||||
2025 | = | Serafinaaa | 79,444 | ||||
2026 | +1 | Clover | 78,990 | ||||
2027 | +1 | Skullkid | 78,970 | ||||
2028 | +1 | LunarOrchid | 78,619 | ||||
2029 | +1 | Rhaenyra'sWife | 78,395 | ||||
2030 | +1 | pinkariesprincess | 78,334 | ||||
2031 | +1 | The Devil | 77,933 | ||||
2032 | +1 | playpaws | 77,185 | ||||
2033 | +1 | Peachy | 77,058 | ||||
2034 | +1 | good breeder | 77,024 | ||||
2035 | +540 | gaff | 77,009 |
Player | Days | ||||||
2390 | = | Jbing_83 | 19 | ||||
2391 | = | angierose.6 | 18 | ||||
2392 | = | Tiarni Dowson | 18 | ||||
2393 | = | Assassinpanda90 | 18 | ||||
2394 | = | BarrowWight | 18 | ||||
2395 | = | CaptainKibble08 | 18 | ||||
2396 | = | Cymbre | 18 | ||||
2397 | = | erinkenzie157 | 18 | ||||
2398 | = | ThunderStar | 18 | ||||
2399 | = | Serafinaaa | 18 | ||||
2400 | = | LarzBarz | 18 | ||||
2401 | = | Mwothman | 18 | ||||
2402 | = | purbred_JUMPERs | 18 | ||||
2403 | = | Lea | 18 | ||||
2404 | = | epicpumpkinsoup | 18 | ||||
2405 | = | Omi1997 | 18 | ||||
2406 | = | rose54321 | 18 | ||||
2407 | +25 | PurpleDog | 18 | ||||
2408 | -1 | jsmit2037 | 18 | ||||
2409 | -1 | winterfell | 18 |