Serafinaaa's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd October 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
2866 | -2 | ExtraBored | 6,280 | ||||
2867 | -2 | Anarky | 6,265 | ||||
2868 | -2 | LunaEclipses | 6,262 | ||||
2869 | -2 | LostSoul | 6,256 | ||||
2870 | -2 | Mishcabe | 6,256 | ||||
2871 | -2 | yumyum13 | 6,222 | ||||
2872 | -2 | Xred_rosesxx | 6,222 | ||||
2873 | -2 | Baryonyx | 6,173 | ||||
2874 | -2 | Devine_Prince2012 | 6,138 | ||||
2875 | -2 | Serafinaaa | 6,132 | ||||
2876 | -2 | SimiMeulin | 6,073 | ||||
2877 | -2 | Mellobeanio | 6,067 | ||||
2878 | -2 | Luringen | 6,039 | ||||
2879 | -2 | jannahsmith1002 | 5,942 | ||||
2880 | -2 | Vincent | 5,924 | ||||
2881 | -2 | MPosthumus | 5,922 | ||||
2882 | -2 | Star Field | 5,903 | ||||
2883 | -2 | Non | 5,889 | ||||
2884 | -2 | Molly132 | 5,629 | ||||
2885 | -2 | dressage2309 | 5,570 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
2148 | = | rxckye | 22 | ||||
2149 | = | shenanigans | 22 | ||||
2150 | = | RogueCharlie67 | 22 | ||||
2151 | = | yut_lung | 22 | ||||
2152 | = | Rhiannon96 | 22 | ||||
2153 | = | tazza | 22 | ||||
2154 | = | vindictive | 22 | ||||
2155 | = | Malgoo | 22 | ||||
2156 | = | NettyP | 22 | ||||
2157 | = | Serafinaaa | 22 | ||||
2158 | = | Riannon | 22 | ||||
2159 | = | Kaibre Dean | 22 | ||||
2160 | = | Nerolie Goode | 22 | ||||
2161 | = | ihorserulz | 22 | ||||
2162 | = | DolphinPony13 | 21 | ||||
2163 | = | AnimeDolls | 21 | ||||
2164 | = | lilastrahan | 21 | ||||
2165 | = | NadyaKotik | 21 | ||||
2166 | = | Bee | 21 | ||||
2167 | = | buddychumpalfriend | 21 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
2088 | -1 | cinderwoof | 68,628 | ||||
2089 | -1 | ashleighpony | 68,579 | ||||
2090 | -1 | Oliveira | 68,476 | ||||
2091 | -1 | minyme322 | 68,269 | ||||
2092 | = | Violet Armstrong | 68,127 | ||||
2093 | -2 | goblinbug | 68,112 | ||||
2094 | -1 | TomTom | 67,721 | ||||
2095 | -1 | 2004lmv | 67,620 | ||||
2096 | -1 | Adaleona | 67,573 | ||||
2097 | = | Serafinaaa | 67,444 | ||||
2098 | -2 | Clobo1645 | 67,065 | ||||
2099 | -1 | brooklynmartin5 | 66,231 | ||||
2100 | -1 | Ramirez33 | 66,187 | ||||
2101 | -1 | Dressage | 66,132 | ||||
2102 | -1 | Waterfall World | 65,962 | ||||
2103 | -1 | lilly | 65,931 | ||||
2104 | -1 | Princess-Star | 65,897 | ||||
2105 | -1 | rhiapia | 65,866 | ||||
2106 | -1 | Andromeda | 65,687 | ||||
2107 | +6 | buddychumpalfriend | 65,633 |
Player | Days | ||||||
2387 | -1 | Bubblz | 19 | ||||
2388 | -1 | angierose.6 | 18 | ||||
2389 | -1 | Tiarni Dowson | 18 | ||||
2390 | -1 | Assassinpanda90 | 18 | ||||
2391 | -1 | BarrowWight | 18 | ||||
2392 | -1 | CaptainKibble08 | 18 | ||||
2393 | -1 | Cymbre | 18 | ||||
2394 | -1 | erinkenzie157 | 18 | ||||
2395 | -1 | ThunderStar | 18 | ||||
2396 | -1 | Serafinaaa | 18 | ||||
2397 | -1 | LarzBarz | 18 | ||||
2398 | -1 | Hornet | 18 | ||||
2399 | -1 | Mwothman | 18 | ||||
2400 | -1 | purbred_JUMPERs | 18 | ||||
2401 | -1 | Lea | 18 | ||||
2402 | -1 | bpblack | 18 | ||||
2403 | -1 | Omi1997 | 18 | ||||
2404 | -1 | rose54321 | 18 | ||||
2405 | -1 | waterfallstables | 18 | ||||
2406 | = | Storming_Daisies | 17 |