MadMax's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 28th November 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1923 | = | Ghost973 | 64,378 | ||||
1924 | = | ScrabbySnac | 64,358 | ||||
1925 | = | Charli Liddy | 64,271 | ||||
1926 | = | Wavenia | 64,183 | ||||
1927 | = | xxanngelxx | 64,111 | ||||
1928 | = | baewatch | 64,022 | ||||
1929 | = | isla12345 | 63,938 | ||||
1930 | = | kat45 | 63,716 | ||||
1931 | = | GeorgieMcmah1 | 63,668 | ||||
1932 | = | MadMax | 63,498 | ||||
1933 | = | NeleLuna | 63,300 | ||||
1934 | = | Maddi Brooks | 63,113 | ||||
1935 | = | Goizum1 | 62,991 | ||||
1936 | = | _animal_friends_789 | 62,914 | ||||
1937 | = | Jute | 62,841 | ||||
1938 | = | rainbowconverse | 62,782 | ||||
1939 | = | cms1996 | 62,754 | ||||
1940 | = | DaviesStud | 62,587 | ||||
1941 | = | Ara | 62,517 | ||||
1942 | = | BanjoChick | 62,412 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1248 | = | Nicolina | 46 | ||||
1249 | = | Moppits | 46 | ||||
1250 | = | Danzai | 46 | ||||
1251 | = | maddi-byrness | 46 | ||||
1252 | = | Show Friesians | 46 | ||||
1253 | = | MorsNocte | 46 | ||||
1254 | = | grace.foley4321 | 46 | ||||
1255 | = | badkindavirus | 46 | ||||
1256 | = | laureneilleen | 46 | ||||
1257 | = | MadMax | 46 | ||||
1258 | = | tahlia turner | 46 | ||||
1259 | = | Ahkna | 46 | ||||
1260 | = | Meej | 46 | ||||
1261 | = | chxngah | 46 | ||||
1262 | = | PrehistoricUni | 45 | ||||
1263 | = | scorpion_girl | 45 | ||||
1264 | = | KK DownUnder | 45 | ||||
1265 | = | Bedlite4BlueEyes95 | 45 | ||||
1266 | = | Yzeute65 | 45 | ||||
1267 | = | lils5_ | 45 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
852 | +294 | WillowBrook Stud | 1,228,102 | ||||
853 | +5 | glorose | 1,225,666 | ||||
854 | -2 | Distant_Echo | 1,223,619 | ||||
855 | -1 | star2301 | 1,217,990 | ||||
856 | -3 | horselove1997 | 1,216,988 | ||||
857 | -1 | KingdomHeartsLover | 1,215,348 | ||||
858 | -1 | Up In The Air | 1,212,724 | ||||
859 | = | brownies123 | 1,208,143 | ||||
860 | = | Faustlinked | 1,208,123 | ||||
861 | = | MadMax | 1,207,426 | ||||
862 | +2 | Greg | 1,206,972 | ||||
863 | -1 | char char 20 | 1,206,584 | ||||
864 | -1 | tahnz90 | 1,206,402 | ||||
865 | = | baslc | 1,204,101 | ||||
866 | = | moonshadow75 | 1,200,920 | ||||
867 | = | Skylar172 | 1,199,297 | ||||
868 | = | carla6 | 1,196,418 | ||||
869 | = | Anvrar | 1,190,505 | ||||
870 | = | moonstone | 1,188,043 | ||||
871 | = | krispy_kicken | 1,186,733 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1005 | -2 | nalle bruh | 362 | ||||
1006 | +1 | Maruu | 362 | ||||
1007 | -1 | wish upon a star | 361 | ||||
1008 | = | Erica Davis | 360 | ||||
1009 | +2 | SarahWinchester20 | 359 | ||||
1010 | -1 | Eʋαɳɠҽʅιɳҽ | 359 | ||||
1011 | -1 | deanna2431 | 358 | ||||
1012 | = | Amz | 357 | ||||
1013 | = | Sky | 356 | ||||
1014 | = | MadMax | 356 | ||||
1015 | = | phisor | 354 | ||||
1016 | = | flippynote | 352 | ||||
1017 | = | Eellusion | 351 | ||||
1018 | = | LentilLife | 351 | ||||
1019 | = | desiree | 350 | ||||
1020 | = | CaitlynElliot20 | 350 | ||||
1021 | = | Kohaku | 350 | ||||
1022 | = | CashelCara | 347 | ||||
1023 | = | aml4483588 | 346 | ||||
1024 | +2 | Flea. | 346 |