gypsywins's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 3rd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1130 | +1 | Vampireblobfish | 239,412 | ||||
1131 | -111 | eflete | 238,889 | ||||
1132 | = | horsies88 | 238,269 | ||||
1133 | = | XoX_Shannen_XoX | 238,234 | ||||
1134 | = | Lipsia2022 | 237,919 | ||||
1135 | = | Desirea | 237,188 | ||||
1136 | = | AwesomeHorse_101 | 236,790 | ||||
1137 | = | Dressage | 236,199 | ||||
1138 | = | Lilly_Rose | 235,854 | ||||
1139 | = | gypsywins | 235,124 | ||||
1140 | = | TomTom | 234,845 | ||||
1141 | +15 | Lolah | 234,813 | ||||
1142 | -1 | Ameeka Barrett | 234,235 | ||||
1143 | -1 | Ietia | 233,406 | ||||
1144 | -1 | Emily_horsemanship | 232,907 | ||||
1145 | -1 | Banditø | 232,799 | ||||
1146 | = | mikiisawesome | 232,119 | ||||
1147 | = | 21bonsa | 230,880 | ||||
1148 | = | Wizzymonster | 230,563 | ||||
1149 | = | Worldgare | 230,135 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1365 | = | roxy3811 | 43 | ||||
1366 | = | jlai23 | 43 | ||||
1367 | = | naycas | 43 | ||||
1368 | = | sophie.16 | 43 | ||||
1369 | = | WhyTheLongFace | 43 | ||||
1370 | = | golden try | 43 | ||||
1371 | = | EJay | 43 | ||||
1372 | = | thebigchad | 43 | ||||
1373 | = | cqdTitanic | 43 | ||||
1374 | = | gypsywins | 43 | ||||
1375 | = | lillinetta | 43 | ||||
1376 | = | Louby | 43 | ||||
1377 | = | breyerlove | 43 | ||||
1378 | = | Kikkle | 43 | ||||
1379 | = | SouthPark | 43 | ||||
1380 | = | Wings of Napoleon | 43 | ||||
1381 | = | Skullduggery | 43 | ||||
1382 | = | longbowen | 43 | ||||
1383 | = | kicksy | 43 | ||||
1384 | = | ZERO | 43 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1089 | = | Blackout | 758,560 | ||||
1090 | = | georgeaquayle | 756,505 | ||||
1091 | = | MyPhoenix | 756,364 | ||||
1092 | = | nato1964 | 756,113 | ||||
1093 | = | SilverDragon | 754,096 | ||||
1094 | +123 | daffodil-dame | 752,235 | ||||
1095 | +11 | bennyc29 | 749,623 | ||||
1096 | -2 | BrianaElizabeth | 748,106 | ||||
1097 | -2 | jennifer1994 | 747,280 | ||||
1098 | -2 | gypsywins | 746,396 | ||||
1099 | -2 | Moth14 | 745,953 | ||||
1100 | -2 | Charles Hughes | 745,414 | ||||
1101 | -2 | AliceGee | 743,792 | ||||
1102 | -2 | 315gracesulli | 742,344 | ||||
1103 | -2 | VioletJaeger | 741,977 | ||||
1104 | -2 | longbowen | 741,418 | ||||
1105 | -2 | noyaya | 737,124 | ||||
1106 | -2 | stella0846 | 736,712 | ||||
1107 | = | rosepetal | 734,838 | ||||
1108 | = | ally15th | 734,566 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1357 | = | PrehistoricUni | 158 | ||||
1358 | = | NatalieMe123 | 157 | ||||
1359 | = | horsegreen88 | 156 | ||||
1360 | = | Reve2005 | 156 | ||||
1361 | = | horselover200 | 156 | ||||
1362 | = | Tiernan22 | 155 | ||||
1363 | +1 | noonakahuna | 155 | ||||
1364 | -1 | Katlyn Elliott | 154 | ||||
1365 | +2 | dragonbane | 154 | ||||
1366 | -1 | gypsywins | 153 | ||||
1367 | -1 | Elasto | 153 | ||||
1368 | +2 | GoodOmens | 153 | ||||
1369 | -1 | Thornton | 152 | ||||
1370 | -1 | Samantha Limbert | 152 | ||||
1371 | = | finniigan | 152 | ||||
1372 | = | jacquimills | 151 | ||||
1373 | = | OneGrumpyIndivid | 151 | ||||
1374 | = | NieMehr | 151 | ||||
1375 | = | agenthorse | 150 | ||||
1376 | = | Jellybean | 150 |