Sophiea2143's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
674 | +1 | Swirls | 470,449 | ||||
675 | +1 | Shax | 470,387 | ||||
676 | +1 | kitamon | 468,735 | ||||
677 | +1 | Cecilia-fix | 468,518 | ||||
678 | +1 | Jamie Newman | 468,070 | ||||
679 | +1 | pagoda888 | 467,166 | ||||
680 | +1 | Steph Milton | 466,817 | ||||
681 | +1 | SmolScot | 466,600 | ||||
682 | +1 | Mgilly | 465,318 | ||||
683 | +1 | Sophiea2143 | 464,651 | ||||
684 | +1 | Shadowgirl0023 | 461,468 | ||||
685 | +1 | danniellebreeann | 460,413 | ||||
686 | +1 | izooo11 | 460,167 | ||||
687 | +1 | wholesom | 459,892 | ||||
688 | +1 | RizzGod1907 | 459,322 | ||||
689 | +1 | FireFall | 457,845 | ||||
690 | +1 | gotzec | 457,019 | ||||
691 | -25 | migakai | 456,981 | ||||
692 | = | Aurelia | 456,074 | ||||
693 | = | Ezabungles | 454,361 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
787 | = | chick_chippie | 65 | ||||
788 | = | Horsemagic123 | 65 | ||||
789 | = | Biwmares | 65 | ||||
790 | = | shetland9 | 65 | ||||
791 | = | aimeec123 | 65 | ||||
792 | = | Serenity_ | 65 | ||||
793 | = | Animal_Warrior | 65 | ||||
794 | = | Talesse | 65 | ||||
795 | = | geo | 65 | ||||
796 | = | Sophiea2143 | 65 | ||||
797 | = | whitefang0215 | 65 | ||||
798 | = | cnb | 65 | ||||
799 | = | Laureal-Valadis | 65 | ||||
800 | = | Hayz_98 | 64 | ||||
801 | = | JackieTan | 64 | ||||
802 | = | Distant_Echo | 64 | ||||
803 | = | Polarity | 64 | ||||
804 | = | hotspur05 | 64 | ||||
805 | = | nymphe | 64 | ||||
806 | = | katebanjo51 | 64 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
838 | -1 | ShadowfaxEQ | 1,282,147 | ||||
839 | -1 | wildhorsesandragon | 1,275,668 | ||||
840 | -1 | Anniie | 1,274,185 | ||||
841 | -1 | popcorn9 | 1,270,751 | ||||
842 | -1 | _ElitePixel_ | 1,269,358 | ||||
843 | -1 | selina | 1,268,715 | ||||
844 | -1 | jinjarri | 1,267,093 | ||||
845 | = | princess.a | 1,264,242 | ||||
846 | -2 | geminii | 1,263,684 | ||||
847 | -1 | Sophiea2143 | 1,259,027 | ||||
848 | -1 | Queezleot | 1,250,549 | ||||
849 | -1 | Return | 1,247,941 | ||||
850 | -1 | TriskWolfRanch | 1,245,514 | ||||
851 | -1 | stuffstuffmaker | 1,240,100 | ||||
852 | +19 | The Topaz Dragon | 1,237,629 | ||||
853 | -2 | sophies_mommy2001 | 1,233,386 | ||||
854 | +56 | Faraday | 1,231,809 | ||||
855 | -3 | Leo7829 | 1,231,587 | ||||
856 | -2 | Distant_Echo | 1,223,619 | ||||
857 | -1 | star2301 | 1,223,190 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1097 | = | Arciwind | 290 | ||||
1098 | = | ZhoeMarshall | 289 | ||||
1099 | = | horse the cat | 289 | ||||
1100 | = | Silver_Brumby | 288 | ||||
1101 | = | LittleRedMonster | 288 | ||||
1102 | = | horsegirl1111 | 287 | ||||
1103 | = | Roany | 287 | ||||
1104 | = | Pokemon Horse Love | 287 | ||||
1105 | = | Aithusa | 287 | ||||
1106 | = | Sophiea2143 | 287 | ||||
1107 | +2 | NeKelpy | 287 | ||||
1108 | -1 | emzza_16 | 286 | ||||
1109 | -1 | Jelly783 | 286 | ||||
1110 | = | εмαkя | 286 | ||||
1111 | = | eternallybound | 285 | ||||
1112 | = | Sin2019 | 285 | ||||
1113 | = | Daniel123 | 284 | ||||
1114 | = | Heartbeats | 283 | ||||
1115 | = | Lupa | 283 | ||||
1116 | = | Lunaria | 283 |