pencil_08's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 3rd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1090 | -1 | Ace | 250,179 | ||||
1091 | -1 | Cathie78 | 249,765 | ||||
1092 | = | PerlaSofia | 249,436 | ||||
1093 | = | rihrus | 249,274 | ||||
1094 | = | boxbumbrumbys | 249,207 | ||||
1095 | = | Bellaroses98 | 248,782 | ||||
1096 | = | Unicorntopia | 248,744 | ||||
1097 | = | FoxDemon9 | 248,486 | ||||
1098 | = | kmiena | 248,462 | ||||
1099 | = | pencil_08 | 248,360 | ||||
1100 | = | greenwolf1998 | 248,065 | ||||
1101 | = | Steph Renfrew | 247,866 | ||||
1102 | +2 | Greymousey | 246,965 | ||||
1103 | = | kdratlover | 246,873 | ||||
1104 | +1 | Kesley Effield | 246,602 | ||||
1105 | +1 | AliceGee | 246,525 | ||||
1106 | +1 | Wonder | 245,559 | ||||
1107 | +1 | Scribble332 | 245,437 | ||||
1108 | +1 | jane_doe | 245,381 | ||||
1109 | +1 | bigem12 | 245,214 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1280 | = | Stephie Rose | 45 | ||||
1281 | = | racetotheedge | 45 | ||||
1282 | = | Zeus2550083 | 45 | ||||
1283 | = | Chewy | 45 | ||||
1284 | = | bear101 | 45 | ||||
1285 | = | mary | 45 | ||||
1286 | = | AmazingGrace | 45 | ||||
1287 | = | arkasha | 45 | ||||
1288 | = | noyaya | 45 | ||||
1289 | = | pencil_08 | 45 | ||||
1290 | = | Elasto | 45 | ||||
1291 | = | Hilleri Puff | 45 | ||||
1292 | = | coolioes | 45 | ||||
1293 | = | Corn Schnitzel | 45 | ||||
1294 | = | Squiddosnazz | 45 | ||||
1295 | = | chrissyh | 45 | ||||
1296 | = | тє∂∂у | 45 | ||||
1297 | = | bell | 45 | ||||
1298 | = | Erica Davis | 45 | ||||
1299 | = | ClaireH97 | 45 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
664 | = | Tenshi Dell | 1,892,661 | ||||
665 | = | Kate! | 1,888,939 | ||||
666 | = | GreenValleyFarm | 1,888,363 | ||||
667 | = | Rose | 1,887,869 | ||||
668 | = | Vato2345 | 1,881,221 | ||||
669 | +1 | dudette2714 | 1,880,938 | ||||
670 | -1 | COOL!!! | 1,880,904 | ||||
671 | = | Morgen.d | 1,877,682 | ||||
672 | = | Brooke Tentije | 1,863,431 | ||||
673 | = | pencil_08 | 1,842,679 | ||||
674 | = | MamaStray | 1,828,969 | ||||
675 | = | apple jack | 1,827,717 | ||||
676 | = | lil_miss_snow | 1,822,396 | ||||
677 | = | HorseWhisperer26 | 1,817,956 | ||||
678 | = | Lupa | 1,815,726 | ||||
679 | = | horseloverliz | 1,813,155 | ||||
680 | = | HorseGorl20 | 1,811,025 | ||||
681 | +3 | berni_png | 1,810,668 | ||||
682 | -1 | Invictus | 1,809,397 | ||||
683 | -1 | kikuk | 1,807,888 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1371 | = | finniigan | 152 | ||||
1372 | = | jacquimills | 151 | ||||
1373 | = | OneGrumpyIndivid | 151 | ||||
1374 | = | NieMehr | 151 | ||||
1375 | = | agenthorse | 150 | ||||
1376 | = | Jellybean | 150 | ||||
1377 | = | Briella | 150 | ||||
1378 | +3 | Lunar07846 | 150 | ||||
1379 | -1 | horseshoeacres | 149 | ||||
1380 | -1 | pencil_08 | 149 | ||||
1381 | -1 | Storm98 | 149 | ||||
1382 | +4 | Violet Armstrong | 149 | ||||
1383 | -1 | danniellebreeann | 148 | ||||
1384 | -1 | Hazardous | 148 | ||||
1385 | -1 | maia | 148 | ||||
1386 | -1 | Mirojo Eventing | 148 | ||||
1387 | = | isnotaac | 147 | ||||
1388 | = | Tara99 | 147 | ||||
1389 | +1 | rugrat | 147 | ||||
1390 | -1 | rosepetal | 146 |