thebest22's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 10th October 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1315 | -2 | Nostalgia | 181,438 | ||||
1316 | -2 | BDEmon | 181,170 | ||||
1317 | -2 | Poppi | 181,055 | ||||
1318 | -2 | ruttonalle | 180,764 | ||||
1319 | -2 | Alva2706 | 180,342 | ||||
1320 | -2 | chels5254 | 179,853 | ||||
1321 | -1 | hellotheresatan | 179,119 | ||||
1322 | -1 | Nefrito8 | 178,605 | ||||
1323 | -1 | Amity | 178,567 | ||||
1324 | -1 | thebest22 | 178,162 | ||||
1325 | -1 | tbelle | 177,966 | ||||
1326 | +2 | Finibee | 177,851 | ||||
1327 | -2 | nodotsam | 177,774 | ||||
1328 | -2 | thethe | 177,759 | ||||
1329 | -2 | Aithusa | 177,747 | ||||
1330 | -1 | Nestero | 177,410 | ||||
1331 | -1 | Stephie Rose | 177,185 | ||||
1332 | -1 | talith | 177,054 | ||||
1333 | -1 | Luns.Summers | 176,823 | ||||
1334 | -1 | Vanagandr | 176,804 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1128 | -1 | ItsCee | 50 | ||||
1129 | -1 | nad nad | 49 | ||||
1130 | -1 | Mikeus | 49 | ||||
1131 | -1 | AmandaJayne96 | 49 | ||||
1132 | -1 | lunasapphic | 49 | ||||
1133 | -1 | Deltic | 49 | ||||
1134 | -1 | himeno | 49 | ||||
1135 | -1 | mercury | 49 | ||||
1136 | -1 | Roachy | 49 | ||||
1137 | -1 | thebest22 | 49 | ||||
1138 | -1 | Teredia | 49 | ||||
1139 | -1 | BlazingAussie | 49 | ||||
1140 | -1 | isnotaac | 49 | ||||
1141 | -1 | kpanda8 | 49 | ||||
1142 | -1 | Whiteslea | 49 | ||||
1143 | -1 | Jessica Hutchinson | 49 | ||||
1144 | -1 | good breeder | 49 | ||||
1145 | -1 | Ashley128 | 49 | ||||
1146 | -1 | jinjarri | 49 | ||||
1147 | -1 | Collina Ranch | 49 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
339 | = | BobbleHeadsSmile | 5,499,783 | ||||
340 | = | Legends408 | 5,483,482 | ||||
341 | = | ToriLee | 5,467,648 | ||||
342 | = | Lily Fields | 5,450,180 | ||||
343 | = | huey | 5,383,997 | ||||
344 | = | Welsfordstuds | 5,322,702 | ||||
345 | +1 | Spratty | 5,302,416 | ||||
346 | -1 | Steeleskor | 5,297,412 | ||||
347 | = | Zoe9 | 5,270,177 | ||||
348 | = | thebest22 | 5,230,325 | ||||
349 | = | tigress. | 5,220,064 | ||||
350 | = | snoozy01 | 5,215,389 | ||||
351 | +2 | DarkThunder | 5,205,057 | ||||
352 | -1 | shetland9 | 5,193,294 | ||||
353 | -1 | 102094 | 5,156,229 | ||||
354 | = | Berkeley | 5,122,993 | ||||
355 | = | MooMoo | 5,105,760 | ||||
356 | = | Second | 5,096,243 | ||||
357 | = | Weirdo2 | 5,067,049 | ||||
358 | = | Sauge | 5,053,566 |
Player | Days | ||||||
859 | +1 | Chissio | 492 | ||||
860 | -1 | Mishka | 491 | ||||
861 | = | WillowPup | 490 | ||||
862 | = | paws | 487 | ||||
863 | = | TassieFish | 486 | ||||
864 | = | somethingoriginal | 486 | ||||
865 | = | kutekitten77 | 484 | ||||
866 | = | way2cute4u | 482 | ||||
867 | = | graciegrapes | 482 | ||||
868 | = | thebest22 | 481 | ||||
869 | = | ics1 | 479 | ||||
870 | = | Bernadette | 479 | ||||
871 | = | LilacDaizyEq | 479 | ||||
872 | = | Shax | 478 | ||||
873 | = | Roachy | 477 | ||||
874 | +3 | flashy | 477 | ||||
875 | -1 | iluvponies2701 | 476 | ||||
876 | -1 | Dingo | 476 | ||||
877 | -1 | dkeeee | 476 | ||||
878 | = | AshleighClare | 475 |