Bad_Wolf13's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
2523 | = | Sigma | 17,238 | ||||
2524 | = | horsecahi | 17,234 | ||||
2525 | +7 | Schtroumpfette76 | 17,191 | ||||
2526 | = | The Devil | 17,178 | ||||
2527 | = | JPearson00 | 17,172 | ||||
2528 | = | Wolf_lover5347 | 17,168 | ||||
2529 | = | king-beany | 17,126 | ||||
2530 | = | Stieg Tempest | 17,028 | ||||
2531 | = | qmab13 | 17,005 | ||||
2532 | +1 | Bad_Wolf13 | 16,963 | ||||
2533 | +1 | angierose.6 | 16,926 | ||||
2534 | +1 | berryhorse | 16,880 | ||||
2535 | +1 | AkumaSakamaki | 16,725 | ||||
2536 | +1 | cloverrrr0 | 16,665 | ||||
2537 | +1 | Serendiptitty | 16,640 | ||||
2538 | +1 | Toodle | 16,629 | ||||
2539 | +1 | CatboyStevens | 16,570 | ||||
2540 | +1 | danilou | 16,559 | ||||
2541 | +1 | Court | 16,449 | ||||
2542 | +1 | lollolbe | 16,391 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
2434 | -1 | ashael | 12 | ||||
2435 | -1 | I N D I A | 12 | ||||
2436 | -1 | Metallica01 | 12 | ||||
2437 | -1 | Jimber 98 | 12 | ||||
2438 | -1 | jialing | 12 | ||||
2439 | -1 | ColaSwishy980 | 12 | ||||
2440 | -1 | CaringConnies | 12 | ||||
2441 | = | Luna529 | 12 | ||||
2442 | = | Nesthäkchen | 12 | ||||
2443 | = | Bad_Wolf13 | 12 | ||||
2444 | = | Chance | 12 | ||||
2445 | = | CharmingSnow | 12 | ||||
2446 | = | RoanFox | 12 | ||||
2447 | = | AJBONKER | 12 | ||||
2448 | = | Boots N Bridles | 12 | ||||
2449 | = | UghAsphodel | 12 | ||||
2450 | = | Nimi | 12 | ||||
2451 | = | TrottersFlame | 12 | ||||
2452 | = | liktolov | 12 | ||||
2453 | = | Flyingfox | 12 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
2565 | -213 | maddieandannie | 17,485 | ||||
2566 | -4 | Yarblingelbu | 17,451 | ||||
2567 | -4 | Codexxx | 17,405 | ||||
2568 | -4 | Viciente | 17,191 | ||||
2569 | -4 | Erinn | 17,130 | ||||
2570 | -3 | loudsigh | 17,021 | ||||
2571 | -3 | StrayKids | 16,944 | ||||
2572 | -3 | The Scythe | 16,810 | ||||
2573 | -3 | Signe | 16,796 | ||||
2574 | -3 | Bad_Wolf13 | 16,715 | ||||
2575 | -3 | madeleinehill | 16,673 | ||||
2576 | -2 | Horse lovers | 16,563 | ||||
2577 | -2 | Chloe Ryan | 16,498 | ||||
2578 | -2 | Nakita_Booth006 | 16,140 | ||||
2579 | -2 | The Pale Rider | 16,112 | ||||
2580 | -14 | john21 | 16,068 | ||||
2581 | -3 | MrsMorgan | 16,055 | ||||
2582 | -3 | mattiq | 16,003 | ||||
2583 | -3 | FoxxyLove13 | 15,931 | ||||
2584 | -3 | Paige | 15,721 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1196 | = | Bliss-the-Rogue | 231 | ||||
1197 | = | Archer_11 | 230 | ||||
1198 | = | TayTherase | 230 | ||||
1199 | = | LilStewie91 | 230 | ||||
1200 | = | aussierebelemmy | 229 | ||||
1201 | = | Flower Fairy | 226 | ||||
1202 | = | mercury | 226 | ||||
1203 | = | badkindavirus | 226 | ||||
1204 | = | Bubbles | 224 | ||||
1205 | = | Bad_Wolf13 | 223 | ||||
1206 | = | heylow | 222 | ||||
1207 | = | animalgal | 222 | ||||
1208 | = | RandomGirl17 | 222 | ||||
1209 | = | ~Forever...Free~ | 221 | ||||
1210 | = | house_of_finwe | 220 | ||||
1211 | = | kathabella | 220 | ||||
1212 | = | turquoiseCobalt | 220 | ||||
1213 | = | _iwantadragon | 220 | ||||
1214 | = | Stephie Rose | 219 | ||||
1215 | = | OneGrumpyPerson | 219 |