Proximasaur's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 5th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
486 | +9 | mortyar | 721,725 | ||||
487 | -2 | Kasey | 719,319 | ||||
488 | -2 | flying_apple | 719,022 | ||||
489 | -2 | obliviate | 715,235 | ||||
490 | -1 | Maisier | 713,839 | ||||
491 | -1 | Kelpie | 712,071 | ||||
492 | -1 | ayarrow | 710,274 | ||||
493 | -1 | ButtonsIsMyDream | 708,748 | ||||
494 | -1 | Jupiter | 708,295 | ||||
495 | -1 | Proximasaur | 707,051 | ||||
496 | = | Australian Pharaoh | 704,664 | ||||
497 | = | horsesawsome19 | 703,570 | ||||
498 | = | JayTheGay | 700,961 | ||||
499 | = | Cougar | 700,021 | ||||
500 | = | Terra | 699,424 | ||||
501 | = | arnekaja | 692,142 | ||||
502 | = | Purple Girl | 691,931 | ||||
503 | +10 | Stella | 688,317 | ||||
504 | -1 | prinny1295 | 687,437 | ||||
505 | -1 | Butterflie | 682,174 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
405 | = | Sheza | 97 | ||||
406 | = | Lavvy1024 | 97 | ||||
407 | = | LittleOat | 97 | ||||
408 | = | dragonfly | 97 | ||||
409 | = | bennyc29 | 97 | ||||
410 | = | Casper78 | 96 | ||||
411 | +8 | SwallowTail | 96 | ||||
412 | -1 | Emeraldcitty | 96 | ||||
413 | -1 | Immarna | 96 | ||||
414 | -1 | Proximasaur | 96 | ||||
415 | -1 | diamondthunder | 96 | ||||
416 | -1 | TheArchAngel | 96 | ||||
417 | -1 | lolabuckley | 96 | ||||
418 | -1 | ChloeLOL | 96 | ||||
419 | -1 | Equinox | 96 | ||||
420 | = | Kira Girl | 95 | ||||
421 | = | HorseWhisperer26 | 95 | ||||
422 | = | KMF | 95 | ||||
423 | = | Wonderland | 95 | ||||
424 | = | BrianaElizabeth | 95 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
265 | = | HimuraClan013 | 8,000,313 | ||||
266 | = | ItsCee | 7,975,228 | ||||
267 | = | Wingless Angel | 7,899,033 | ||||
268 | +2 | geejaysmokey | 7,824,733 | ||||
269 | -1 | Autumn Fire | 7,814,364 | ||||
270 | -1 | DarkThunder | 7,801,102 | ||||
271 | = | MoodyMare | 7,743,039 | ||||
272 | = | Zen | 7,700,793 | ||||
273 | = | Star Play | 7,585,092 | ||||
274 | = | Proximasaur | 7,569,590 | ||||
275 | = | kirsten1818 | 7,537,564 | ||||
276 | = | Bessierocks | 7,534,742 | ||||
277 | = | Xterm | 7,524,680 | ||||
278 | = | Flea. | 7,484,880 | ||||
279 | = | Fandom Chicks | 7,479,327 | ||||
280 | = | Kangaroo | 7,475,754 | ||||
281 | = | Flare | 7,474,151 | ||||
282 | = | Mesotablar | 7,460,386 | ||||
283 | +7 | Firebox | 7,457,283 | ||||
284 | -1 | lacielou | 7,451,825 |
Player | Days | ||||||
623 | = | Blackout | 825 | ||||
624 | = | TimTam | 824 | ||||
625 | = | Horsies12 | 822 | ||||
626 | = | StarStableFan | 822 | ||||
627 | = | millcat24 | 814 | ||||
628 | = | Invictus | 814 | ||||
629 | = | gadgakan | 812 | ||||
630 | = | Second | 810 | ||||
631 | = | Crystle | 809 | ||||
632 | = | Proximasaur | 808 | ||||
633 | = | astra52 | 807 | ||||
634 | = | wamberleep | 805 | ||||
635 | = | sarah8989 | 802 | ||||
636 | = | RiderDarkHorse | 801 | ||||
637 | = | TriskWolfRanch | 801 | ||||
638 | = | Varidity | 801 | ||||
639 | = | Antal17 | 801 | ||||
640 | = | Gracie467 | 798 | ||||
641 | = | Wingedcloud | 793 | ||||
642 | = | JayTheGay | 791 |