yumyum13's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
2824 | +1 | ThunderStar | 6,469 | ||||
2825 | +1 | zarunohn | 6,383 | ||||
2826 | +1 | matildaw27 | 6,372 | ||||
2827 | +1 | jumper1763 | 6,311 | ||||
2828 | +1 | ExtraBored | 6,280 | ||||
2829 | +1 | Anarky | 6,268 | ||||
2830 | +1 | LunaEclipses | 6,262 | ||||
2831 | +1 | LostSoul | 6,256 | ||||
2832 | +1 | Mishcabe | 6,256 | ||||
2833 | +1 | yumyum13 | 6,222 | ||||
2834 | +1 | Xred_rosesxx | 6,222 | ||||
2835 | +1 | Baryonyx | 6,173 | ||||
2836 | +1 | Devine_Prince2012 | 6,140 | ||||
2837 | +1 | Serafinaaa | 6,132 | ||||
2838 | +1 | SimiMeulin | 6,073 | ||||
2839 | +1 | Mellobeanio | 6,067 | ||||
2840 | +1 | Luringen | 6,039 | ||||
2841 | +1 | jannahsmith1002 | 5,942 | ||||
2842 | +1 | Vincent | 5,924 | ||||
2843 | +1 | MPosthumus | 5,922 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
2062 | = | SpinoIndominus96 | 25 | ||||
2063 | = | danilou | 25 | ||||
2064 | = | grace~n~faith | 25 | ||||
2065 | = | sofie123 | 25 | ||||
2066 | = | Leo7829 | 25 | ||||
2067 | = | Miss Helix | 25 | ||||
2068 | = | Taylah Grace | 25 | ||||
2069 | = | DustyMustang | 25 | ||||
2070 | = | tiger | 25 | ||||
2071 | = | yumyum13 | 25 | ||||
2072 | = | Jemstone59 | 25 | ||||
2073 | = | xPazi | 25 | ||||
2074 | = | sophie28 | 25 | ||||
2075 | = | Christine Brooker | 25 | ||||
2076 | = | EmilyAlice4 | 25 | ||||
2077 | = | DanTah | 25 | ||||
2078 | = | georgi.mcd | 25 | ||||
2079 | = | Squidlet09 | 25 | ||||
2080 | = | MrsMorgan | 25 | ||||
2081 | = | caitycakes | 25 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1981 | +45 | Dej | 91,312 | ||||
1982 | -2 | acrampton214 | 91,193 | ||||
1983 | -2 | WillowPup | 91,008 | ||||
1984 | -2 | breannaa | 90,658 | ||||
1985 | -2 | April30 | 90,574 | ||||
1986 | -2 | Cloudy Equine | 90,378 | ||||
1987 | -2 | Isla04 | 90,041 | ||||
1988 | -2 | Genaveva | 90,038 | ||||
1989 | -2 | Blazer67 | 89,597 | ||||
1990 | -2 | yumyum13 | 89,543 | ||||
1991 | -2 | SaliChen1122 | 89,449 | ||||
1992 | -2 | shelbelle | 88,760 | ||||
1993 | +1 | Vanagandr | 88,438 | ||||
1994 | -2 | Dukesmoo19 | 88,270 | ||||
1995 | -2 | Midnight Legacy | 88,172 | ||||
1996 | -1 | Brianna Howarth | 87,691 | ||||
1997 | = | lilirosekake | 87,253 | ||||
1998 | = | Animal_Warrior | 86,714 | ||||
1999 | = | Elizabeth | 86,310 | ||||
2000 | = | -spinach- | 86,266 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1281 | = | Smiley-10 | 186 | ||||
1282 | = | Skylar172 | 186 | ||||
1283 | = | Dufash113 | 186 | ||||
1284 | = | Kiger68 | 185 | ||||
1285 | = | Genevieve | 185 | ||||
1286 | = | ride to the blue33 | 185 | ||||
1287 | = | xXWolf_LoverXx | 184 | ||||
1288 | = | The Lady Grey | 184 | ||||
1289 | = | obliviate | 184 | ||||
1290 | = | yumyum13 | 183 | ||||
1291 | = | Kamirohe | 182 | ||||
1292 | = | chorkeyyy | 181 | ||||
1293 | = | Sharna Alexander | 180 | ||||
1294 | = | ambi | 179 | ||||
1295 | = | jessamina | 179 | ||||
1296 | = | ShadowHawk | 178 | ||||
1297 | = | hjbaker | 178 | ||||
1298 | = | berryhorse | 178 | ||||
1299 | = | Areana | 178 | ||||
1300 | +2 | horsieland | 177 |