Kayla1012's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 8th October 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
156 | = | Paws_ | 2,475,347 | ||||
157 | = | Roᴀʀ Lɪᴋᴇ Tʜᴜɴᴅᴇʀ | 2,470,665 | ||||
158 | = | fox | 2,469,952 | ||||
159 | = | Fiamma_95 | 2,421,647 | ||||
160 | = | tingting4894 | 2,396,989 | ||||
161 | = | Astara | 2,384,717 | ||||
162 | = | Chantelle15 | 2,380,540 | ||||
163 | = | Karmageddon | 2,356,899 | ||||
164 | = | Mimonez | 2,348,471 | ||||
165 | = | Kayla1012 | 2,336,585 | ||||
166 | = | ChitChat | 2,324,133 | ||||
167 | = | Apache_Cat00 | 2,305,498 | ||||
168 | = | Flunserl | 2,301,576 | ||||
169 | = | Just me ^-^ | 2,291,581 | ||||
170 | = | Kira Girl | 2,272,536 | ||||
171 | = | Cloud333 | 2,215,122 | ||||
172 | = | Jess'sDream | 2,211,496 | ||||
173 | = | angelicshadowdemon | 2,210,996 | ||||
174 | = | Simbela | 2,202,591 | ||||
175 | = | Smurff001 | 2,201,258 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
434 | = | Tara99 | 92 | ||||
435 | = | xxx | 92 | ||||
436 | = | Stardust34Lucky | 91 | ||||
437 | = | trin.j17 | 91 | ||||
438 | = | lolabuckley | 91 | ||||
439 | = | Old Pony | 91 | ||||
440 | = | Isolophobia | 91 | ||||
441 | = | flashy | 91 | ||||
442 | = | blackbirdblue | 91 | ||||
443 | = | Kayla1012 | 91 | ||||
444 | = | Koala Blue | 91 | ||||
445 | = | Granum | 91 | ||||
446 | = | Paddy2 | 90 | ||||
447 | = | haffyfan | 90 | ||||
448 | = | Alien | 90 | ||||
449 | = | dolphin456 | 90 | ||||
450 | = | dani2 | 90 | ||||
451 | = | yagki2000 | 90 | ||||
452 | = | horsesawsome19 | 90 | ||||
453 | = | sophies_mommy2001 | 90 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
192 | = | Kasey | 12,311,144 | ||||
193 | = | GabbieLuca | 12,295,683 | ||||
194 | = | Harna | 12,290,965 | ||||
195 | +1 | Pandora | 12,226,963 | ||||
196 | -1 | Leah Daisy | 12,087,710 | ||||
197 | = | alex22101 | 12,017,336 | ||||
198 | = | Katte | 11,984,983 | ||||
199 | = | ellie9 | 11,815,916 | ||||
200 | = | Arielle | 11,745,866 | ||||
201 | = | Kayla1012 | 11,704,502 | ||||
202 | = | jibbles | 11,589,680 | ||||
203 | +1 | Kirin | 11,562,140 | ||||
204 | -1 | CountingTheStars | 11,555,371 | ||||
205 | = | Liv-Lene | 11,480,335 | ||||
206 | = | RainbowPony05 | 11,451,363 | ||||
207 | = | Party-Girl | 11,331,628 | ||||
208 | = | RiderDarkHorse | 11,196,214 | ||||
209 | = | spaciiey | 11,180,305 | ||||
210 | = | jessmichelle2 | 11,111,285 | ||||
211 | = | beca | 10,923,536 |
Player | Days | ||||||
127 | = | JimneyCricket | 2,966 | ||||
128 | = | A McLeod Daughter | 2,958 | ||||
129 | = | Kate! | 2,954 | ||||
130 | = | FroggimusRex | 2,914 | ||||
131 | = | Jadnotka | 2,913 | ||||
132 | = | Sarana | 2,903 | ||||
133 | = | Lou Fleming | 2,892 | ||||
134 | = | Casper78 | 2,881 | ||||
135 | = | Ruby~ | 2,873 | ||||
136 | = | Kayla1012 | 2,857 | ||||
137 | = | angelicshadowdemon | 2,851 | ||||
138 | = | Elijah-love | 2,823 | ||||
139 | = | wildgal | 2,807 | ||||
140 | = | Mother Goose | 2,782 | ||||
141 | = | blackbirdblue | 2,766 | ||||
142 | = | ash.com | 2,766 | ||||
143 | = | GatheringRoses | 2,762 | ||||
144 | = | Mesotablar | 2,755 | ||||
145 | = | lulu7171 | 2,753 | ||||
146 | = | Titours | 2,746 |