Myst's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 8th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
344 | = | Goanna | 1,088,334 | ||||
345 | -2 | eternallybound | 1,087,798 | ||||
346 | -1 | ladyzav | 1,085,030 | ||||
347 | -1 | kiamo | 1,079,443 | ||||
348 | = | thedoctor889 | 1,071,269 | ||||
349 | = | PurpleFeather2 | 1,067,483 | ||||
350 | = | Eliza | 1,060,204 | ||||
351 | = | JJ Horses | 1,059,049 | ||||
352 | = | Arjai | 1,055,188 | ||||
353 | = | Myst | 1,054,058 | ||||
354 | = | Casper78 | 1,050,198 | ||||
355 | = | lacielou | 1,043,737 | ||||
356 | = | Roanstarfire | 1,042,269 | ||||
357 | = | gracie456 | 1,040,581 | ||||
358 | = | Impatient01 | 1,039,807 | ||||
359 | = | AssinRacer | 1,039,632 | ||||
360 | +8 | Star56 | 1,038,617 | ||||
361 | -1 | Silver Soul | 1,038,318 | ||||
362 | -1 | Sarana | 1,032,819 | ||||
363 | = | PennyLane | 1,025,706 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
420 | = | Kira Girl | 95 | ||||
421 | = | HorseWhisperer26 | 95 | ||||
422 | = | KMF | 95 | ||||
423 | = | Wonderland | 95 | ||||
424 | = | BrianaElizabeth | 95 | ||||
425 | = | horsesawsome19 | 95 | ||||
426 | = | melissa | 95 | ||||
427 | = | marie9 | 94 | ||||
428 | = | _iwantadragon | 94 | ||||
429 | = | Myst | 94 | ||||
430 | = | minghai | 94 | ||||
431 | +6 | Dej | 94 | ||||
432 | -1 | CountingTheStars | 94 | ||||
433 | -1 | DarkSharker | 94 | ||||
434 | -1 | Dakoda1234 | 94 | ||||
435 | -1 | rheaT_T | 93 | ||||
436 | -1 | Aussie Pirate | 93 | ||||
437 | -1 | Dreamer | 93 | ||||
438 | = | Cougar | 93 | ||||
439 | = | Mishka | 93 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
940 | +1 | вαикαι | 1,043,608 | ||||
941 | +1 | Ellie | 1,043,193 | ||||
942 | +3 | Aloisia | 1,036,117 | ||||
943 | +1 | Gypsy123 | 1,034,561 | ||||
944 | +2 | YuumiKitty | 1,031,459 | ||||
945 | +3 | Elijah-love | 1,031,288 | ||||
946 | +1 | Snow96 | 1,031,195 | ||||
947 | +2 | nightmare wolf | 1,029,896 | ||||
948 | +2 | 1RZ | 1,026,216 | ||||
949 | +2 | Myst | 1,024,530 | ||||
950 | +2 | Tara99 | 1,019,764 | ||||
951 | +4 | Meej | 1,006,885 | ||||
952 | +7 | Teeknöpfchen | 1,006,159 | ||||
953 | +3 | AmandaJayne96 | 1,004,989 | ||||
954 | +4 | pantherfangs | 1,004,465 | ||||
955 | +2 | jumper | 1,004,394 | ||||
956 | +4 | Eellusion | 1,003,186 | ||||
957 | +4 | isaBELLA | 1,002,540 | ||||
958 | +9 | 20043456 | 998,061 | ||||
959 | +3 | gracie788 | 997,252 |
Player | Days | ||||||
364 | = | chrissyh | 1,411 | ||||
365 | = | pagoda888 | 1,400 | ||||
366 | = | cocoron | 1,395 | ||||
367 | = | jessmichelle2 | 1,394 | ||||
368 | = | Yowwy | 1,391 | ||||
369 | = | вαикαι | 1,385 | ||||
370 | = | Bewitched Player | 1,379 | ||||
371 | = | Isolophobia | 1,379 | ||||
372 | = | lunasapphic | 1,374 | ||||
373 | = | Myst | 1,367 | ||||
374 | = | Wingless Angel | 1,362 | ||||
375 | = | minghai | 1,360 | ||||
376 | = | Zyalpzbe | 1,356 | ||||
377 | = | shetlands rule | 1,354 | ||||
378 | = | horselover11 | 1,350 | ||||
379 | = | mjenkins8 | 1,348 | ||||
380 | = | spaciiey | 1,348 | ||||
381 | = | roselb1999 | 1,348 | ||||
382 | = | Return | 1,348 | ||||
383 | = | Sally_Jane | 1,343 |