Hi and welcome to my page!
I'm from Sweden, and I'm an adult player.
Now and then it's time for me to run throu my friendlist.
Bye bye to them who not play anylonger, and hello to new friends so we can help each other whit the click on The Piñatas or a lottery-ticket.
Try to answer Archimedes question?
Here is the link:
To my howrse friends who have always been there during every promo with
your snowballs and water balloons and lottery tickets ... and your
slow trek up the long hill with your half-full water buckets ... and
your awesome piñata smashing and your help with my machine crafting ...Thanks
15/2 2014 As of today, you can compete in my trott contest "Golden Arabian's Run" and win a rosette!
In my gallop race "Golden Race" you have been able to do it for a long time. Thank you for your participation in my competition.
wish is that you will help me to keep running my "rosette-races",
because if the races are not running so it drops below 75 in prestige,
then we have no rosette to win. So please sign your horses if they can
compete in them, so we have so many rosettes as possible to compete for.
15/2 2014 Now I gonna work for my show-jumping
competition "Golden Jump Cup"... 69,61 in prestige right now... it's not
so far to 75... and one more rosette to win... do you have a good
jumper? Wanna win a rosette? Please participat in my race.
Let me know if I can help you the same way.
If you wanna bee my friend here, or in the other games I plays, just ask me, I not gonna refuse your friendly invite
I'm an adult player and try to play every day.