I am mostly trying to blup my foundie (foundation horses) arabians lately. 

This is very hard as even in the rookie competitions they're filled with many starred horses, and foundies stand no chance against those. I don't want to do any NIB breeding without both parents being 100 BLUP so my foals are the best they can be.

All my foundie arabs are marked FD in their name if they do not have 100 BLUP. 

Wandering Horses is AWESOME!

I take any and all foundies(horses with Ouranos and Gaia as parents) for 900e and arabian foundies for 3000e!That is minimum.8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png?763359189

Unless the arabian foundie is a gelding, then I'll buy them for no more than 1000e. 



1h9hj5.jpgrock.gif2enypfn_th.jpg26473300.gif50254.giffriend iconth_244cf7940d578c00ca1d27bf13475bc2.jpg LesMis.jpg


Hi! I'm 17 years old, a christian and I live in Australia, WA. I have a three year old dog/puppy called Marble(turned three on 13/11/2013), he is soooo cute!a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png?226596870a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png?226596870

Marble has some damage to his hips and left knee, so he needs to have x-rays...

Update: Marble's doing ok now! He's banned from jumping and running around though or his damaged muscle could get much worse. We're going to start taking him to training to see if they can help settle him down from being so bouncy, which is sad since he loves to run, but he'll be more miserable if he doesn't slow down. :(

 I return all congratulations (that I see), pm me if I have missed you.

I am breeding NIB arabians! I am buying all arabian foundy horses I can get, any help is greatly appreciated!

Also I should have 600+ days of seniority, but having a busy life means I haven't been able to get on every day; I've been on aus Howrse for a long time..935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png?226596870


I have watched a lot of anime by now, and I have many many favourites. e7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.png?226596870

My top twelve anime in order are:

Gintama, Code Geass, Hunter x Hunter(re-done version), Senyu, Natsume Yujin-cho, Gargantia on the Verdurous Plant, Wolf's Rain, Beyond the Boundary, Sunday Without God (just first three episodes at least, so so sad...haven't been able to finish series), Blast of Tempest, THE UNLIMITED: Hyobu Kyosuke, Tegami Bachi.

There are so many honourable mentions and runner-ups it's staggering!

Please pm me if you want more titles. :)

I'm going to try and feature an anime I love/enjoyed every month with a picture just below this so more people can know about them!ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png?226596870


I missed February, April and May. D: 

June--No Game No Life -- Haikyuu!!

July: look below for the anime! :3

Choosing anime please wait~ :)


You are a Charizard!


How could you hurt me?



You see a kid abusing a puppy with a baseball bat. 87% would yell "STOP!" , 10% would stare then keep walking, 2% would cheer,1% would go get the baseball bat, throw it away, smack the kid and go take the puppy to the vet. Post this on your page if you are one of the 1%.




Animals deserve better!

Animals have natural rights which must be acknowledged in every country's laws.

These include the right to:

- freedom from unnaturally induced pain;

- the right to shelter;

- the right to nourishment;

- the right to indulge their natural instincts;

- the right to freedom of movement and most importantly,

- the right to exist.

Animals have great worth and their value should not be based on their usefulness to humans. 


animated%20dog.gif Put this on your page if you love dogs,

puprun.gif Put this on your page so he can run all over Howrse !

Thanks for reading my page!a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png?226596870