Hi all, my name is Taylah Grace! I'm an adult player from Melbourne, Australia. 

 I'm an avid Thoroughbred racing fanatic, I'm very passionate about functional movement & yoga, & I also  have  a very keen interest in  psychology & behavioural sciences! So if any of my interests align with yours, go  ahead  and  shoot me a message as I love to talk with  likeminded individuals! 

 I used to play on the  international server about  9 years ago, but sadly my account was deleted  due to my  prolonged inactivity within the account. But fortunately, I am making a comeback to the game! So feel free to  send me a friend request! Always down to make ne friends! Will also return congratulations when I see  them! 

 If you happen to have any further questions, enquires or need help with anything, please don't hesitate to reach  out & inbox me directly & I'll do my best to assist you! :) 
