Hey everyone! My name is Amy and as you can see I am a new player to Howrse :) I accept all friend requests and return all congratulations that I can see. I am always up for a chat so if you have any questions or queries about anything in general or just want to talk, PM me and I will gladly answer xo
My goal is to breed really successful draught horses with my Best Friend @grace.foley4321 ;) At the moment we are breeding Drum Horses and aim to have the highest GPs and stars! Feel free to check them out xo
Direct sale:

19/04/2019- reached 100 BLUP in two Drum Horses (see @grace.foley4321 drummers)
1. Breed 1000 GP Drum Horses
2. Win a Rosette with one of our Drum Horses 
3. Get into the top 100 genetic Drum Horses