(1)Arabian Horse 9000+GP, all coat colours available, starting from 5,000Equus
(2)Mustang 10000+GP, all coat colours available, starting from 6,000Equus
(17)Lipizzan 3000+GP, most coat colours available, starting from 6,000Equus
(7)Paint Horse currently 2200+GP, minimum coat colours
(9)Akhal-Teke currently 1400+GP, minimum coat colours
(29)Fjord currently 1600+GP, minimum coat colours
(23)Appaloosa currently 2200+GP, some coat colours
(11)Quarter Horse currently 1300+GP, minimum coat colours
(19)Holsteiner currently 1300+GP, some coat colours
(22)Marwari currently 1200+GP, minimum coat colours
(18)Shagya Arabian currently 1200+GP, some coat colours
(10)Nokota currently 1000+GP, minimum coat colours
(8)Knabstrupper currently 2200+GP, some coat colours
(27)Curly currently 1500+GP, minimum coat colours
(21)Brumby currently 2200+GP, minimum coat colours
(37)Camargue currently 1200+GP, minimum coat colours
(39)Barb currently 1400+GP, minimum coat colours
Depending on demand will soon be selling Friesian Unicorns, Drum Horses, Donkeys, and Purebred Spanish Horse Unicorns.
Currently searching for Misaki, Polish Konik, German Saddle Horse and Finnish to hopefully sell soon.