

I am KALINA son of BARINGA The King of the QUAMBAT FLATS and DAWN, Great Grandson of THOWRA and GOLDEN, Grandson of KUNAMA and TAMBOO. I am named for the Marvellous beauty of the frost on the snow. As you can tell I'm a big fan of the silver brumby books well any horse book really. I love wolves and horses I'm lucky enough to own horses. I have a Brumby Gelding and two Appaloosas Mare and her Filly.


I am trying to own every breed on the game and I'm slowly getting there. I don't sell often but always open to offers. Ill accept any friend request. I am training more than I breed but i can breed a foal for you if you wish. All my stallions are at stud even if they are not posted they are still available.
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