The Daily Prize Horses: [Now with Links!]

You can Stroke Xanthos (Maximum of Five Xanthos's a day!) for a chance to win a Horn of Plenty; the first Xanthos you stroke will give 10% Energy to your latest foal.

Xanthos | Xanthos | Xanthos | Xanthos | Xanthos

Instead of Stroking Topaz, you can Congradulate up to Five Topaz's a day. This gives you the chance to win a diamond every so often, but unlike Xanthos, you will win at least 50 Equus for each time you congradulate a Topaz.

Topaz | Topaz | Topaz | Topaz | Topaz

The last but not least, is Frost. By Defrosting Frost, you have the chance of winning a Hypno's Blanket for your inventory. [In my own experience, it is almost always guarenteed to give you a Hypno's Blanket if you have under 20 days Seniority.]


I am 20 years old, which means as an ADULT PLAYER it would be best if parental permission was granted to friend me if you're under 18, who's played Howrse on and off for several years, on different servers. 
I aspire to become a Black Pearl Helios' Ray creator, but chances are that's not going to happen anytime soon. Oh well!