Just here for some fun and to pass the time.

Follow my scribbles over on
Or deviantart:

If you'd like to be friends just say so, I don't bite


Stagecoach Paint Horse from the event (possibly Quarter Horse as well)
Sire: Ouranos
Dam: Gaia

Looking to buy/trade a starter Paint Horse from the Stagecoach event to create a breeding pair with my own. Gender and coat colour do not matter.
Must be from the Stagecoach event!
Happy to buy outright or trade for Black Market Items or other horses!
Please message me directly if interested!

Foundation & NIB Brumbies

Always seeking Foundation and NIB (Non-Inbred) Brumbies
Happy to buy outright or trade for Black Market Items or other horses!
Please message me directly if interested!


All artwork pictured hand drawn by me, Miss Apples