Hey! Thanks for visiting my page!!
If you could leave a congratulations i would love it!
What do we do?
We have several active breeds happening. We have our main breed, Mustangs and several
side breeds including arabians, friesans, irish hunters, thoroughbreds and walker horses.
In each breed we aim for different things!
~Arabian Horses~
Our Arab horse numbers are currently super small. We made the decision to start this breed
on 9/09/2020. In our Arabians we plan on furthering skills in racing and dressage.
~ Freisans ~
We only have a few of these lovely gentle giants. We plan on breeding these guys for
dressage use. We started this breed 9/09/2020.
~ Irish Hunters ~
Our numbers of these are growing slowly. We would like to further skills in dressage.
The decision to start this breed has been a long time in the works but they first few
horses were purchased on 9/09/2020
~ Thoroughbreds ~
In real life, i own a thoroughbred, so naturally i had to get myself some! I've had these
guys in the past but again i decided to pursure them on the 9/09/2020. We plan on
racing and creating amazing racing machines!
~ Tennessee Walkers ~
Whilst i cannot tell you when i first started these, a effort to
put work into making the best trotters out here came along
on the 9/09/2020.
About Me !
I am a female player between the ages of 12- 16. I am based in Australia. In real life, i
have a 15.2hh chestnut thoroughbred mare ( what a combo right! ). In real life, our family
breeds and shows miniture ponies ( shetlands), but in recent years we have ceased
breeding operations and one stallion remains on the property. I ride and compete in
eventing. i would love if my Howrse stud would be based in Crackenback, in the NSW/
Victorian high country is. Some of my favorite books,The Silver Brumby came from there!
I play several other horsey games including Horse Reality and Star Stable Online.
~ I currently have a pegasus account thanks to Howrse's 15th Birthday!
~ If you would like a cheap stud, reach out!
~ If you are interested in a horse, reach out!
~ If you would like a trade for black market items, or horses, reach out!
~ I will buy horses of my specified breeds for no more then 5000 equus each ifÂ
you message me and want to get rid of some!
My Account!
~ 9 outta 10 times i am SUPER broke!
~ Trying to be as active as possible
~ I am also trying to raise my ranks and become a more competitive player
~ I am my own team!
~ Over the next little while i will be renaming my horses. If you can guess what after,
you will win a helious ray when you DM me with what. You only get it if you guess right!
Happy Howrsing!!!