A Barbie For A Girl Fighting With Cancer!!

They should make a Barbie with no hair, so every little girl FIGHTING CANCER can feel BEAUTIFUL. Put her in pink, name her HOPE and send all proceeds from sales to a sick children's hospital . Post this if YOU AGREE!  

If I had been on howrse every day then my seniority would be a lot more ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png?1828806360

Please scroll down to the bottom of my page to see my breeding and affixes.


I am going to start to create page layouts for people because I have been doing html. I would be happy to make free templates for anyone who would like one, please PM me with some information like colours and pics you want. (My layout was made by me on Howrse layout maker because I never knew how to do HTML)

About me

Hi My name is kutekitten77
My equestrian centre is called "Hundred acre woods!!". Its not the greatest centre. I am the real life brother of motor_bike_rider. I will congratulate everyone that congratulates me but only if I see them on my congratulation list so don't be offended if I don't congratulate you it's jut that I didn't see it and feel free to PM me about anything I don't bite. And don't ask me to give you any gifts or stuff like that I will only do that if it's on Christmas or its you birthday. So don't bother to PM me for them because I will ignore the email.
Please don't send me any PM's asking for horses or BMI's they will be ignored and you will be blocked.
Layout designed by kutekitten77 code generated at howrseinfo.com

 images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRLEBF6Ny4Y0AM_1pkBeDFt9wyZhye-KSPH4TLO6Udp9thhmoU5    sadly I have done all of these  BluestarCvr-1.gif

Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!
Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!

This is this cat.
This is is cat.
This is how cat.
This is to cat.
This is keep cat.
This is an cat.
This is idiot cat.
This is busy cat.
This is for cat.
This is forty cat.
This is seconds cat.
Now go back and read the THIRD word of each sentence. Betcha can't resist copying it onto your page!

You can read this if you have a strong mind. TH15 M3554G3 53RV35 T0 PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG TH1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 TH1NG5! 1N TH3 B3G1NN1NG 1T WA5 H4RD BUT N0W, 0N TH15 L1N3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 1T 4UT0M4T1C4LLY W1TH 0UT 3V3N TH1NK1NG 4B0UT 1T, B3 PR0UD! 0NLY C3RT41N P30PL3 C4N R34D TH15. R3P05T 1F Y0U C4N

Put on You page if...

99% of teens would cry if they saw Justin Bieber at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. Copy and paste this to your page if you are part of the 1% that would sit there with popcorn and a camera and yell "DO A FLIP!!!
98% of girls would cry if Justin Bieber disappeared off the face of the Earth. Post this on your page if you are one of the 2% that would run around the house screaming: "Yeah! I'll never have to hear his irritating voice ever again!"
