About Me

I have played on Howrse for several years now on and off. This is the second time that I have played on the Australian version. I am an adult player, even if I don't feel like one at times. I am currently in the North of the country, working in the dairy industry. My work like to take up a lot of my time, more than I like, but at least I live in an amazing area 

I am pretty friendly and will try to respond to your messages as soon as possible. Feel free to ask me for tips on things. I might not be the best at everything or know the finer things but I do know the basics. That being said, if I do give you help or tips please message me back saying thank you (even if you don't care about what I said). It is polite to acknowledge when someone goes out of their way to help you. It really bugs me when I write out an massive message and then I don't get a simple message back. This has happened to me several times and while I don't want to stop give advice and tips, it does make me quite jaded.

Additionally, if you are going to message me to ask anything, either to buy one of my horses or breed etc, some common courtesy is always be nice. Greeting me, and having some please and thank you is nice. A one sentence message is not going to make me want to reduce prices as I feel like you are demanding. Also, link me to the horse you are talking about so I don't need to go through all the horses I have

Breeding Goals etc

Currently, I am trying to build up my horse numbers and levels so I can have some really good horses to breed from. 

At this current stage my main goal is to breed Foundation horses together so that with each generation I have more and more crosses within the same horse. Obviously I am not worrying about inbreeding because I still do want some good horses as well. The first crosses are going to be a mix of my horses and horses that I have had cover my mares, especially breeds that are newer to the game. Although by the time I get to my second crosses they will be all my horses

If you have any Foundation horses that you don't want, please message me and we can work something out. :)

Public Buying and Breeding

If you are interested in any of my horses (for either breeding purposes or to buy) also tell me and I can see what I can do. I am pretty reasonable when it comes to prices so always ask. Although as a general rule though please send me the link of the horses that you want buy or breed from so I know which one