Hi my name is AJ. I'm an adult player so please ask your parents before messaging me.
I work 40+ hours a week now so don't get as much time to play this game as I would like to. I'm working a lot because I'm saving up to buy a horse hopefully this year and I want to be able to afford to look after it properly.
My game focus - breeding quality, purebred Quarter Horses, French Trotters, Vanners, Thoroughbreds and Arabians.
If you like the look of one of my horses in the 'Sales Barn' tab and would like to buy it then please feel free to message me and make an offer. If it is a decent offer, I will happily organise a private sale for you to buy the horse you have requested. If you would like to purchase more than one of my horses, I am happy to negotiate a good deal with you :)
(Free Spirit will never be for sale so please don't ask to buy her)